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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.


(Thanks Jhoijhoi for the feature on your awesome Ashe Guide!)

Given the upcoming graphical change of Ashe, I want to let y'all know that this is an exciting, albiet delayed, patch that's coming up. Since League of Legends' Beta phase, the Frost Archer has always been my main weapon (beside

Looking for a Team

Hay everyone i'm Looking for a ranked team that wants a support or tank. I know how to play the game but could always use tips and advice My ELO isn't the greatest but mostly it is because I solo Que and get stuck with people who cry about everything..... now I know A lot of people say the same thing I just did but also i'm playing a support not an AD Carry or AP Carry I know what to do I know how to keep people in my lane safe and how to support and harass the enemy. Hopefully someone will leave me a message or comment and let me know if there interested.

Top Facts -6- Kayle

Champion Overview:

Kayle is a VERY UNDERESTIMATED top lane champion. She has been reincarnated over and over again with different passives. I believe as she is right now she is a very strong champion both in lane and throughout the game. As a champion with support abilities even if you do not do well in lane you can still be very useful to your team through your utility. Kayle can beat most of the FOTM champions right now and in the right hands can snowball and carry games.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Holy Fervor-Kayle's basic attacks against enemy champions now reduce their armor and magic resistance by 3% for 5 seconds (stacks up to 5 times)

Gives slight amount of pen. Main use of this passive will not come until the late game comes.And then its just like a malady or cleaver effect of reducing stats.


My dream last night...

Okay guys! I had the awesomeest dream in the world!

I dreamed that I was a Veteran here at mobafire. And then I also dreamed that my computer was fixed. I also dreamed about server transferring allowing you to bring your account to a different server with the same stuff you had. I was dreaming that I was playing with IceCreamy and MissMaw :D

Welcome | Short thoughts on metagame

Hello everyone!

This is what it seems to be - the very first entry on my mobafire blog. Here is the place when I'll be discussing and sharing my thoughts, opinions and recommendations about my favourite game, which happens to be League of Legends (and probably I'm not alone on this site). Due to this being kind of beggining post, I'll concentrate more on the introduction part, rather than on the topic, which I will cover just shortly since it's more general thing. This will reverse in the next blogs, since I'll only be able to give you a most recent updates about myself.

So firstly, I'm an elo hell kid (or kid with always low elo, if you prefer not to believe in elo hell existance). My elo was never higher than 1200 and at the moment it's about 550 (it was 400 few days ago), but still I have lots on experience on ranked - over 170 wins, including some won 4v5 and even 3v5 (but also on the other half, not to praise myself too much). My favourite kind of champions are those who have go…


I find Ryze to be a particularly interesting character in the league in that you only really see him played at the extremely low ELO's where he's the first champion that a player buys, or at the very high ELO's where extremely good players have figured out how to actually make his damage output dangerous. In the mid tier ELO's, most discard the Rogue Mage in order to play mages with a larger range, like Morgana, or some other high burst champion like Annie or

Top bans in Ranked/Draft?

Hey everybody, it's been a while since I've blogged so I'm gonna ask an interesting question, which champions are the most viable pick to ban in ranked/draft games? I can't tell you how many times I would go into a Solo Q and people will ban terrible picks... Even when I'm not Solo Queuing, my friends and I have a hard time to choose one, we'll most of the time yell at each other until the last second hits and the leader will panic and ban someone random. (Over exaggeration but this is what it feels like sometimes).

So what do you think are good bans? Some of my friends still have a hard time choosing ones and I'm itching to know what are some good bans myself. Comment below and give out reasons why.

Here are my top 5 bans (Not in a certain order):

1.) Kassadin: This guy is nearly impossible to gank Pre-6 due to his 3-5 second blink and even when it's on cooldown, he's got an AOE slow. Not to mention he's got a pretty annoying silence that will mess up your AP carry mid.

2.) Morg

I feel really awkward now...

Keondre and I.

Just did the ****ing weirdest thing. I won't tell anyone what it was.

I'm partially amused, awkward, aroused (don't get the wrong idea.)

I told you Kat, you ever need them. I'm the guy to look for.

Riven, Garen and a pond.

Ahri and Orianna.

Akali with Shen (lolz)


And now JUST Ahri.

Road to 30 #2

Game #2

My second road to thirty.
Current record 1-0


We ban: Master Yi, Cass, Volibear
They Ban: Shaco, Kassadin, Kasrthus
So I get third pick and call top. We end up without a jungler, theres a bit of a mix up and or Cait is a total d-bag about it. We get a decent team comp of Me (Jarvan) and Teemo top, Nunu mid, and Cait and akali bot. They put Renek top, Veiger mid, Warwick and Trist mid with a twitch jungle.

In Game

Me and Teemo have an early advantage over Renek in the 2v1. But twitch gets a quick double kill on Akali and Cait bot. I catch Twitch on a gank attempt but hes able to get away, while me and twitch fought Renek took down Teemo. ME and teemo quickly push down top tower then roam in the enmy jungle. We catch twitch off guard at wolves and take him down. A fight breaks out mid and Teemo comes up big leads us to pushing down two mid towers. Bot pushes there tower. My team catches Twitch and Renek out of position at Dragon and Cait picks up a double. After pushing the …

Top Facts -5- Riven

This is probably the first top facts for a "popular" top lane pick. I have been trying to get mostly fun unusually seen champions (I rarely see Yorick or Fiora, and Nautilus is mostly played as a jungler). However I will see Rivens top as my opponents in a good percentage of my games.

Champion Overview:
Riven is a melee carry (like Fiora), but is more along the lines of an AD caster (who autos in between her spells) she is manaless (meaning she only relies on cooldowns. Riven like Fiora and Poppy (No one carries as well as Poopy) is capable of carrying the game in her favor. She uses all physical damage has a really strong early as well as a really strong late. She can lane vs any champion in the game with her kit, having champions that are strong against her but they are not exactly "counters". Her skills have a weird feel to them the first time and will take a little getting used to.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Runic Blade-Riven's abilities charge her blade, causing her basic atta

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide