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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

My journey towards becoming the Best AP Ashe Support...

My 3rd account is finally level 30. Now I just need 1k IP in order to own 16 champions and I can start playing ranked on it. My third account will be used for my journey of becoming the best AP Ashe Support in the world.

A friend told me something along the lines of:
"I believe that you really are the best AP Ashe Support out there. Because no one is silly enough to play AP Ashe Support in serious ranked games."

So now I'm gonna spam it on my 3rd account and prove to every player I meet that I am in-fact THE best AP Ashe Support out there.

If you're curious about how it works, basically I just max out my CDR as fast as possible and get AP items.

I usually start with Spellthief's Edge and Pots. Then I get Frost Queen's and CDR Boots. And then Morellonomicon or Zhonya's Hourglass (if they have a lot of AD Champs). With my CDR maxed out I transition into pure AP items such as Luden's Echo, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, etc.

It's legit. Not even joking.

Anyways, thanks for reading!…

What's with Salty Player in Normals?

Hi guys,

to whoever is reading this you're most likely my first viewers so thankyou for taking time to read this and yeah i'll be blogging alot more often. Now to the point, i personally am not an amazing player as I'm currently in Bronze 1 and now and then i enjoy to blow off some steam by playing some normals and mess around playing some stupid builds and champs in weird roles. yet there are mastery 7 players going hardcore in game and they get so salty if you play something hilarious but stupid e.g. i played soraka jungle and tbh i was finding it funny having a fun game and theres a yas you is feeding and getting salty at me for having fun? i wanna hear your guys thoughts on this leave a comment dudes and madmoiselles. :3

NA LCS and TSM's dominance

NA LCS has been fun to watch this season. Not to mention as a TSM fan since season 1, it's so nice to see them dominating everyone. There are occasional games where TSM doesn't play THAT well or someone on the team has an off-game. But overall they've done really well this split. It's even better to see because of the tough time they had last year post-MSI. Go TSM <3

I'm also pleasantly surprised Immortals are still doing really well and have only lost to TSM so far. I'm happy for my boy Turtle. Also another pleasant surprise is C9 FINALLY having a decent team that can win games WITHOUT Hai lol. The whole swapping thing with Bunny/Smoothie is nice to see. Subs are definitely underutilized in LCS and this is a good way to show these LCS teams that subs can be used in a more efficient way.

Biggest disappointments for me would have to be Echo Fox and NRG. I expected more from both teams. Echo Fox was doing well near the end of Spring Split and they had the potential to do really well af…

Back again

So since this is like the 9999th time I'm returning, I won't go to the trouble of saying who I am. To those who remember me hi again, to those who don't I have this Katarina guide on mobafire and I used to blog here a lot.

Anyways, I wanna get back into blogging. But get into it for real and not just get lazy after writing a few posts and then stopping. I'll do my best to post regularly.

So lemme provide a brief update on what I'm doing right now. I got a new PC so now I am able to play League properly with more than 60 FPS. So that's cool. Unfortunately I don't tryhard as much in League anymore. I'm honestly too lazy/tired to do that. Although I may try and get my accounts into Plat. I've almost leveled my 3rd account to level 30 (halfway through level 29) and after that's done I could possibly try and get at least two of my accounts into Plat. We'll see.

Right now I'm playing a lot of AP Ashe Support. Yup you read that right lol. AP Support Ashe. Basically I max out my CDR at 45% …

Just one of those games... as Garen.

So we all know how glorious Garen is, as well as the extreme amount of "skill" it takes to play him Well i'm here to tell you that there's another factor involved. The factor is, get ready for it, luck.

Here is a list of the things i was told by the enemy team:
- "I wish my team had a lucky Garen"
- "You just got lucky"
- "**** you Garen"
- "I couldn't **** do anything"
- "Garen, you're just lucky"

Here is a list of the things i was told by my team:
- "Garen, you got lucky"
- "Kill steal much?" (FYI: When i do it, it's actually a 'kill secure')
- "OMG Garen, you got so **** lucky"
- "Garen, stay in your lane"
- "Garen, you're 10/2/5 so let me get some kills"

To be honest, i was pretty lucky that game. When i was roaming jungle for gold i often found myself running into the enemy JG'r and ending him with my Q and a few auto attacks i was often greeted with some rather salty remarks.

Also, if i can remember, i built primarily AD with maybe a couple of tank items.

As soon as the time…

Silver's Blog #5: Snap!

So in my fifth blog, this will be about what happened to the guy that I dated and a lesson that I learned about the reality of life. All because of Snapchat.

So remember that I'm currently dating a Norwegian? Guess what? We're not talking to each other as of yesterday What was the reason? I took a screenshot of EVERY snap that he sent to me in Snapchat, and this is the thing that I only learned the moment it hit me: the person who sent the snap can see that you screenshot that snap. And he sends a lot. He told me that he doesn't like that which I only know at that day. And that definitely branded me a creep to him and he became mad at me in our Facebook chat. And the last thing that he told to me is this (verbatim):

go bother someone else, i have other things to deal with..

So I'm just bothering him the whole time? I was like, "OK, if you say so, it's not like I have that much free time because I'm on vacation, you ***." But in reality, I did not respond to him. I took w…

First time playing - Pokemon FireRed

Hey friends.

It's the time of the year when I have too much time on my hands and I got baited into playing Pokemon. I have only watched the season of Pokemon where Ash abandoned butterfly and was being gobbed by bird pokemons until Pikachu saved his *** in first episode. Also had Brock n' stuff as follower and Pikachu felt kinda relevant.

Jumping in the game with very little knowledge, only tried a Pokemon game once before and I quit very soon after I realized I couldn't save my progress. Issue should be fixed now so let's see where I get with this game.

The glorious beginning - Day 1

I decided to call me main character "lil gob"
Spoiler: Click to view

and my rival pewDpie

amumu main

When using amumu either farm or any lane you have to be carefull, because with one wrong Q you could be in a dangerous situation. Amumu scales of ap so it can be tanky and ap at the same time. Amumu's combo would be Q-W-E-(if starting team fights or there are alot of opponents)S. It is not necessary that you need to Q on a champion sometimes using Q on a minion can be very helpfull.

Push the Pace

Got to play an NA Mobafire in-house this past weekend. First one. Yay groups for making that happen.

A bit of trash talking but overall the vibe was a good one. Appreciate the invite. :-)

Observations of the Silver Player amidst a hoard of Plat+ players. Yikes don't hurt me! Was my first thought.

2nd thought. Eh, I'll do my thing and if they want me to be doing something else, someone will probably tell me.

The more experienced players were doing the following....trying to make more plays. Whether that be in lane or roaming around the map. They were just out front of where I would typically put myself. My understanding is that a lot of them were one tricks/on extremely familiar champions so that may partially be due to how well they understand their champions and how confident they are at making plays on those champions.

The players were mechanically adroit. I saw some clutch stuns, double jumps, and zany usage of shadows.

Advantages were pushed hard when they develope…

Getting out of Elo Hell as an AD Carry

As an AD carry main i personally think that this role isn't very easy to climb with until you are near diamond 3 or above diamond 3, because supports below this league don't match that well with your ad carry plays but it really depends.
    You can improve your ADC by Learning how to last hit well.
I will be posting more on how to become a better ADC.

Be Patient with me :D

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide