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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

I Must Really Be Bored

Hey guy's Varmi here

I know how lame this will sound but right now i am working on alot of different builds, actually, im working on 10 right in the moment, i know that it probably sounds a bit lame, but its because i got all these good ideas, and i just wanna make all of them.

If you have an idea of other champions which i should make builds for, please leave a comment for me.

Nerfs and Buffs

this is a blog i'm starting about champions who are a little too strong and need nerfs
it's also about champs who can't quite get enough damage out and should receive a little buff.

Garen: one of the most OP champs I've ever seen. all he has to do beginning game is silence and spin on anyone. he deals a devastating amount of damage and leaves before you can counter. even if you do counter, he's too tanky to deal any sort of damage and that passive counters any harassment.
so, i propose his E ability, Judgement, gets a nerf, so it doesn't do half your hp with one spin.

Master Yi: he can be built as AD or AP and still be insanely OP. I'm going to explain how OP it is to build him AP early game and AD later, and how this keeps him alive and dealing damage early on and doesn't make him fall off late game.
the AP ratio contributed to his Q ability, Alpha Strike, and his W ability, Meditate, need a HUGE nerf. I've actually seen an AP Yi, early game, in a 1v3, meditate and absorb all the da…

My Computer, Life and League of Legends

So this is my first post, my computer has been crashing a lot so I decided to completely disassemble it and clean it out and re-install Windows and League of Legends.

I will be devoting all of my game time to League of Legends from now on, I have since the beginning only played casually and have been playing since a few months after it's release. I will be posting some blogs about the game and general stuff that goes on in my life revolving around it so please if you like to read blogs keep an eye on mine and you might find a good read once in a while.

Thanks for anyone who checks this out and remember to check back, I will be trying to post a new blog every week or some talking about possible team comps, counters, tier lists, news and more!

'Special eyes'? I'll show you 'special eyes'!

So today I got my eyes checked and turns out my eyes are special (aka kinda screwed up).
For one the vision my right eye is somewhat worse than my left (20-40 vs. 20-30).
If that wasn't enough of an annoyance, my left eye has astigmatism.
Then on top of it all my right eye has an inward turn.
(the last time I got my eyes checked I just got a normal prescription for nearsightedness, nothing weird)

What's an eye turn, Nameless??
whelp, it means when my right eye has nothing to focus on it drifts slightly inward (in my case, there's also such a thing as an outward turn). Until it's forced to focus again it stays inward. This screws up my depth perception to a certain extent and, as it turns out, if left uncorrected can result in a lazy eye. So I get to have a cool prism lens for my right eye, which should fix any eye muscle strain and my **** depth perception.

A prism lens means I may not be able to get contacts (if I wanted them) because prism contacts are hard to make.

For you people…

Build Reveal - Kinda

Hey guy's, i would just make it clear for you that im working on a new build right now, though i will not reveal which champion it is for.

Also i am still making small changes to my other succesfull builds, and write down some more sweet, sweet facts and strategies for you to toy with.

Also i will soon be uploading some of my matches to MOBAfire for you who wanna watch me, and The Danes i action.

yay ^_^

So the yarn for the sweater I talked about knitting a few blog posts ago came in and it is soooooo pretty.

Now to start on the sweater which will look like this, except it will be blue instead.

Pretty Good with Swain, Beating 'em up with Beatrice

Hey guy's, as i said i would, i tried out Swain in a normal game.
I think i was pretty good, and yes it was a ranked, and yes i was mid.

My score for kills and such:
- Kills: 9
- Deaths: 2
- Assists: 3

Other small fact's:
- Minions: 251
- Turrets: 3
- Largest Multi Kill: 3

And my Magic Damage Dealt Throughout the Match: 71073

Please leave a comment if you think i did well.
I'll be playing alot more Swain in my upcoming tournament so be sure to follow me if you wanna see more.

How To Counter Poppy!!..

Well, i been playing Poppy for a long time, i know not alot but some about her,

Lets check the Four Diffrent kind of poppy's there is.

||AP Poppy||
AP poppy Focuses mostly on her "Q" and "E" to get landed and to burst champions down.

This poppy is one of the strongest and most dengeruse, A Hybrid poppy Focuses On Getting Burst damage and! damage on hit, they go on and try to get both kinds of items. <--- This is the one i play.

||AD Poppy||
This is a poppy that Focuses completly on AD, they let the Ap items go and purely go for the burst they have from there abilitys and try mashing on as hard as they can with there Auto attaks.

||Tank Poppy||
YES. Poppy is a Exelent tank. Shes quick do some damage and can survive quite hard.. she have a WALL smash CC and can Tank a turrent for some seconds in already level 6, So why not a tank poppy? They say that poppy are to good as a damager then a tank, but thats wrong. shes a exelent tank and one of the best there is.

NOW Bla…

League of Legends Champions:

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