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Other [5.23] Dan's Bot Lane Tier List and Matchups

Other [5.23] Dan's Bot Lane Tier List and Matchups

Updated on December 13, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mexicans Build Guide By Mexicans 31 10 689,332 Views 85 Comments
31 10 689,332 Views 85 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mexicans Build Guide By Mexicans Updated on December 13, 2015
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Hey guys! I made this guide for anyone wondering how matchups work in the bot lane. I'm not Challenger, and much of this page is opinion-based, so feedback from the community would be appreciated! I respond to every comment.
My main account on NA is "Mexicans" and my highest rating was Diamond 5 before decaying out in Season 4. Feel free to add me if you'd like to discuss anything.

Tier List Explanations

These tier lists takes into account many factors, the biggest being how easily a champion fits into a composition. Other factors include win rate, how a champion is doing on a competitive level, and ability to carry solo queue. I get my data from personal experience and I've attempted to order champions within each tier list from highest to lowest, so the first champion in each list I rate is slightly higher rated the the next.

S Tier (Overpowered) - Pick or ban.
A Tier (Very Strong)- Very strong, but not quite ban worthy.
B Tier (Strong) - Strong with the right composition or as a counter.
C Tier (Mediocre)- Can work well as a counter or right composition, but will rarely outperform higher tiers.
D Tier (Weak) - Champions that I would not play in ranked under most circumstances. These champions require more dedication then I personally think they're worth, but play whatever you think is fun in Solo Queue as long as you believe you are positively affecting your team's chance of winning!

Champion Summary Explanation

Counters and synergies are based on the perspective of a high-Platinum player, so each champion is assumed to be played well, but not optimally. Champion Summaries attempt to look at each champion's kit for the most part. Note that "strong vs" doesn't mean "counters". For example, Caitlyn may win most lanes against Kog'Maw, but Kog has the tools to stay even with Cait and outscale her. The letter next to each champion's name is their position in the tier list. Champions listed within each summary are in order of notability. I particularly would like to know your opinions on these and ask that you might give insight to certain combinations or matchups.

Champion Strengths

I have included each champions strengths in the Champion Summaries section. Currently I have listed 4 different strengths: All-in, Sustain, Poke, and Mobility. Generally speaking, Sustain-oriented champs have an advantage over Poke-based skill sets. Champions with decent poke beat All-in champions while All-in champions can kill Sustain champions before they have a chance to recover. Mobility isn't part of the trifecta, but it is similar to Poke champs in that they have an advantage over All-in and are made useless by Sustain. A champion's playstyle is generally less important than the actual mechanics of the champion in terms of counters.
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Tier List - ADCs

S Tier

Miss Fortune Quinn Graves

A Tier

Corki Jinx Vayne Lucian Ashe Kalista Tristana Caitlyn

B Tier

Kog'Maw Sivir Draven Ezreal

C Tier

Varus Twitch Kindred Mordekaiser*

D Tier


* Mordekaiser is very difficult to rate due to how different he is and because of a potential issue with how his winrate is calculated on
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Champion Summaries

See spoilers for analysis for Alistar and Annie.

Alistar {A Tier}

Specialty: Tower Diving
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Sustain
Spoiler: Click to view

More matchups:

Good with: Vayne Tristana Lucian Draven Graves Yasuo* Urgot
Good against: Blitzcrank Sona Fiddlesticks Braum Sivir Leona Sona Nami
Bad against: Lulu Thresh Zyra Janna Taric Morgana Annie Urgot Vayne

Annie {B Tier}

Specialty: Burst, Engage
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Poke
Spoiler: Click to view

More matchups:

Good with: Kalista Draven Lucian Jinx Ashe Caitlyn Urgot
Good against: Thresh Lucian Sona Ezreal Vayne Ashe Bard Fiddlesticks Nami Karma Janna Alistar Morgana Sivir
Bad against: Gragas Zilean Zyra Leona Gragas Draven Graves

Ashe {A Tier}

Specialty: Engage, Kiting
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: All-in

Good with: Braum Zyra Annie Leona Gragas Janna Taric Sona Morgana Fiddlesticks Blitzcrank
Good Against: Jinx Caitlyn Vayne Karma Twitch Corki Bard
Bad against: Leona Lucian Varus Gragas Ezreal Graves Braum Blitzcrank Morgana

Bard {B Tier}

Specialty: Objective Control
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: Mobility
Secondary: Poke, Sustain

Good with: Ashe Lucian Graves Vayne
Good against: Janna Mordekaiser Tahm Kench Urgot Twitch Soraka Kog'Maw
Bad against: Vayne Nautilus Annie Ashe

Blitzcrank {A Tier} [Guide by haAnswiNkor]

Specialty: Pick
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: All-in

Good with: Kalista Draven Graves Varus Ashe Corki Jinx
Good against: Jinx Draven Sona Nami Ashe Varus Zyra Soraka Twitch Corki
Bad against: Ezreal Morgana Alistar Leona Braum Thresh Vayne Sivir Taric Lulu Zilean

Braum {A Tier} [Guide by impaKt]

Specialty: Tankiness
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Mobility, Poke

Good with: Lucian Miss Fortune Twitch Caitlyn Ashe Kog'Maw
Good against: Nami Twitch Varus Gragas Caitlyn Ashe Kog'Maw Miss Fortune Thresh Sona Blitzcrank Ezreal
Bad against: Zilean Zyra Morgana Janna Alistar Karma Leona Fiddlesticks Corki Soraka Lulu

Caitlyn {B Tier} [Guide by Jinsuki]

Specialty: Range
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: Mobility

Good with: Nami Lulu Braum Janna Sona Morgana Fiddlesticks Karma Annie Zilean
Good against: Vayne Sivir Graves Gragas Draven Lucian Tristana Ezreal Corki
Bad against: Varus Sona Nami Twitch Kog'Maw Braum Jinx Miss Fortune Quinn

Corki {C Tier} [Guide by Wakawakawak]

Specialty: Magic Damage
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: All-in, Mobility

Good with: Leona Zyra Sona Janna Thresh Soraka Morgana Blitzcrank Gragas
Good against: Vayne Twitch Braum Draven
Bad against: Thresh Varus Ashe Sona Sivir Blitzcrank Fiddlesticks

Draven {C Tier} [Guide by Finite]

Specialty: Snowballing
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: All-in

Good with: Annie Blitzcrank Thresh Janna Morgana Zyra Gragas
Good against: Sivir Ezreal Vayne Leona Annie Sona Kog'Maw
Bad against: Nami Caitlyn Gragas Taric Blitzcrank Thresh Varus Karma Corki Yasuo*

Ezreal {B Tier} [Guide by Panchie]

Specialty: Safety
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: Mobility
Secondary: Poke

Good with: Sona Leona Taric Soraka Thresh
Good against: Blitzcrank Nami Leona Morgana Gragas Ashe Varus
Bad against: Kalista Braum Draven Annie Caitlyn Vayne Sivir

Fiddlesticks {D Tier} [Guide by TSM Gleebglarbu]

Specialty: Surprise Parties
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: Sustain, All-in

Good with: Caitlyn Jinx Varus Ashe Sivir
Good against: Zyra Ezreal Miss Fortune Corki Sivir Karma Braum
Bad against: Janna Gragas Soraka Leona Alistar Draven

Graves {C Tier} [Guide by Zeyzal]

Specialty: Burst, Tankiness
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Mobility

Good with: Taric Annie Sona Leona Alistar Bard
Good against: Zyra Sona Kog'Maw Corki Miss Fortune Vayne Morgana
Bad against: Caitlyn Jinx Lucian Twitch

Janna {S Tier} [Guide by Zekent]

Specialty: Disengage
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: Sustain

Good with: Kog'Maw Caitlyn Jinx Vayne Lucian Ashe Sivir Yasuo*
Good against: Fiddlesticks Leona Morgana Zilean Karma Zyra Thresh Braum Kennen*
Bad against: Sona Caitlyn Blitzcrank Annie Kog'Maw Vayne Lulu Bard

Jinx {S Tier} [Guide by C9 Sneaky]

Specialty: Objective Control
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Poke
Spoiler: Click to view

Good with: Nami Leona Soraka Morgana Thresh Taric Annie
Good against: Sona Lulu Zyra Karma Graves Vayne
Bad against: Leona Blitzcrank Thresh Ashe Morgana

Kalista {S Tier}

Specialty: Teamwork
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Mobility

Good With: Annie Thresh Blitzcrank Braum Leona Nami
Good Against: Ezreal Blitzcrank Thresh Leona Corki Ezreal
Bad Against: Annie Jinx Zilean Caitlyn Vi*

Karma {C Tier} [Guide by makaronilaama]

Specialty: Lane Bullying
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: Sustain

Good with: Sivir Ezreal Twitch Ashe Varus Caitlyn Olaf*
Good against: Thresh Leona Braum Vayne Zilean Lulu Morgana Draven Lucian Zyra Ezreal
Bad against: Sona Miss Fortune Ashe Caitlyn Janna Soraka Nami Annie Varus Jinx

Kog'Maw {B Tier} [Guide by EG Yellowpete]

Specialty: Range, Damage
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: Poke

Good with: Sona Nami Lulu Janna Soraka Zilean Zyra Braum
Good against: Caitlyn Jinx Tristana Soraka Ezreal Janna
Bad against: Urgot Braum Thresh Blitzcrank Lucian Leona Draven Vayne Morgana

Leona {A Tier} [Guide by EG Krepo]

Specialty: Engage, Crowd Control
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: All-in

Good with: Jinx Lucian Sivir Draven Graves Corki Ashe Varus Twitch
Good against: Jinx Annie Blitzcrank Sona Kog'Maw Ashe Braum Zyra Draven Vayne Corki Nami
Bad against: Janna Morgana Thresh Lulu Karma Ezreal Soraka Alistar

Lucian {B Tier} [Guide by CrimsonCore]

Specialty: Versatility
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: Mobility
Secondary: All-in, Poke

Good with: Leona Annie Thresh Nami Janna Sona Taric
Good against: Thresh Sona Ezreal Ashe Twitch Graves Kog'Maw Lulu
Bad against: Draven Caitlyn Vayne Annie Karma

Lulu {B Tier} [Guide by TSM Gleebglarbu]

Specialty: Versatility
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: Mobility, Sustain

Good with: Caitlyn Jinx Sivir Kog'Maw
Good against: Twitch Leona Alistar Thresh Vayne Sivir Zilean Janna Morgana Blitzcrank
Bad against: Sona Soraka Karma Zyra Lucian

Miss Fortune {B Tier} [Guide by Phelius]

Specialty: Area of Effect
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Poke

Good with: Sona Braum Thresh Soraka Nami
Good against: Sona Karma Caitlyn Kog'Maw Ezreal
Bad against: Gragas Blitzcrank Braum Thresh Leona Fiddlesticks Vayne Tristana Jarvan IV*

Mordekaiser {S? Tier}

Specialty: Snowballing
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Sustain

Good with: Blitzcrank Leona Nautilus Braum Alistar
Good against: Ashe Leona Blitzcrank Thresh Annie Corki Sivir Twitch
Bad against: Vayne Kalista Soraka Zyra Tahm Kench Janna

Morgana {A Tier} [Guide by Ashelia]

Specialty: CC Prevention, Pick
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: All-in

Good with: Jinx Draven Ashe Varus Corki Lucian Vayne Caitlyn Urgot
Good against: Leona Taric Zilean Blitzcrank Thresh Gragas Varus Ashe Alistar Braum Tristana Kog'Maw Jinx Fiddlesticks
Bad against: Sivir Tahm Kench Janna Vayne Lucian Karma Annie Twitch Sona Graves Zyra Soraka Lulu Draven

Nautilus {A Tier}

Specialty: Crowd-Control
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: All-in

Good with: Graves Kalista Corki Draven
Good against: Kalista Zyra Soraka Blitzcrank Thresh
Bad against: Tahm Kench Sivir Janna Morgana Annie

Nami {B Tier} [Guide by Ashelia]

Specialty: Teamfight
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: Sustain
Secondary: Poke, Mobility

Good with: Caitlyn Kog'Maw Jinx Vayne Draven Lucian Yasuo*
Good against: Draven Zyra Caitlyn Graves Jinx Karma Janna
Bad against: Sivir Leona Thresh Ezreal Annie Vayne Alistar

Quinn {D Tier} [Guide by MoPho]

Specialty: Blind
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Mobility

Good with: Thresh Leona Sona Alistar
Good against: Jinx Caitlyn Vayne Draven Twitch Jax*
Bad against: Sivir Ezreal Lucian Graves

Sivir {B Tier} [Guide by Tremor]

Specialty: Spell Shield, MS Aura
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Poke, Sustain

Good with: Karma Lulu Taric Thresh Blitzcrank Olaf* Dr. Mundo* Fiddlesticks Zyra Janna
Good against: Taric Morgana Nami Blitzcrank Thresh Corki Tristana Ezreal Zilean Gragas
Bad against: Draven Twitch Caitlyn Vayne Lulu Alistar Fiddlesticks

Sona {B Tier} [Guide by morrkevi]

Specialty: Counter-Engage
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: Sustain

Good with: Miss Fortune Graves Ezreal Vayne Varus Lucian Ashe Tristana Corki Kog'Maw Quinn
Good against: Ezreal Janna Lulu Karma Zyra Caitlyn Morgana Vayne Fiddlesticks Corki
Bad against: Annie Thresh Leona Blitzcrank Draven Graves Tristana Miss Fortune Varus Gragas Alistar

Soraka {S Tier}

Specialty: Healing
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: Sustain

Good with: Vayne Jinx Tristana Kog'Maw Kalista
Good against: Tahm Kench Corki Zyra Nami Karma Lulu Caitlyn Ezreal
Bad against: Varus Sona Nautilus Blitzcrank Thresh Bard Jinx Tristana Kog'Maw Vayne

Tahm Kench {B Tier}

Specialty: Being Annoying
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Poke

Good with: Sivir Kalista Ashe Tristana
Good against: Mordekaiser Thresh Morgana Tristana Annie Nautilus Lucian Ashe Leona
Bad against: Soraka Zyra Caitlyn Janna Bard

Taric {D Tier}

Specialty: Free Stats
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: Sustain
Secondary: All-in

Good with: Urgot Graves Sivir Ezreal Jinx Miss Fortune Vayne
Good against: Draven Thresh Blitzcrank Ezreal Leona
Bad against: Sivir Morgana Vayne Sona Janna Lulu

Thresh {S Tier} [Guide by Mljask]

Specialty: Lantern Saves, Pick
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Mobility, Poke

Good with: Draven Sivir Lucian Corki Vayne
Good against: Leona Soraka Ezreal Sona Nami Alistar Blitzcrank Jinx Miss Fortune Draven Zyra Twitch Gragas
Bad against: Morgana Sivir Tahm Kench Braum Karma Taric Janna Lucian Lulu Annie

Tristana {A Tier}

Specialty: Damage, Safety
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Poke, Mobility

Good with: Leona Soraka Sona Nami Annie Taric Blitzcrank Thresh Alistar
Good against: Soraka Sona Nami Miss Fortune
Bad against: Tahm Kench Thresh Kog'Maw Sivir Caitlyn Morgana

Twitch {C Tier}

Specialty: Assasination, Area of Effect
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Poke

Good with: Leona Braum Zilean Lulu Sona Nami Janna Karma Zyra
Good against: Sivir Thresh Caitlyn Graves Vayne Morgana
Bad against: Lulu Corki Thresh Lucian Blitzcrank Ashe Varus Quinn

Urgot {D Tier} [Guide by EG Yellowpete]

Specialty: Lane Bullying
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: All-in

Good with: Gragas Soraka Thresh Janna Blitzcrank Alistar Leona Morgana Zyra
Good against: Sona Kog'Maw Vayne Graves Alistar Draven
Bad against: Soraka Sivir Caitlyn Jinx Ezreal Lucian

Varus {C Tier} [Guide by EG Yellowpete]

Specialty: Crowd Control
Power Spike: Mid Game
Primary: Poke

Good with: Zyra Blitzcrank Morgana Sona Soraka Gragas Lulu Janna Leona Fiddlesticks
Good against: Sona Soraka Nami Ashe Draven Karma Corki
Bad against: Olaf* Blitzcrank Leona Thresh Morgana Braum Gragas

Vayne {S Tier} [Guide by Phoenix Kami]

Specialty: Dueling
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: All-in
Secondary: Mobility

Good with: Nami Janna Morgana Gragas Sona Taric Alistar Blitzcrank
Good against: Blitzcrank Nami Ezreal Lucian Miss Fortune Kog'Maw Fiddlesticks Morgana Sivir Janna Soraka Karma Jarvan IV*
Bad against: Lulu Caitlyn Draven Annie Leona Corki Jinx Sona Quinn Ashe Varus Zyra Lee Sin*

Zilean {C Tier} [Guide by Categorico]

Specialty: Ult Baits
Power Spike: Early Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: Mobility, Sustain

Good with: Twitch Jinx Draven Kog'Maw Caitlyn Katarina*
Good against: Annie Leona Zyra Braum Tristana Jinx Blitzcrank Katarina*
Bad against: Morgana Thresh Sivir Draven Janna Lulu Soraka Karma Sona

Zyra {B Tier} [Guide by Lord luck]

Specialty: Damage, Counter-Engage
Power Spike: Late Game
Primary: Poke
Secondary: All-in

Good with: Ashe Varus Corki Kog'Maw Ezreal Sivir Jinx Yasuo*
Good against: Annie Thresh Gragas Braum Lulu Vayne Morgana
Bad against: Soraka Sona Leona Nami Blitzcrank Graves Fiddlesticks Corki Janna Jinx Zilean
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(+) = Higher in Tier List
(-) = Lower in Tier List
(x) = Removed from Tier List
(!) = Added to Tier List
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[5.23] Dan's Bot Lane Tier List and Matchups

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