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Singed Build Guide by Jessmess

Top [S8] AFK Shove

Top [S8] AFK Shove

Updated on May 11, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jessmess Build Guide By Jessmess 51 4 566,626 Views 6 Comments
51 4 566,626 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jessmess Singed Build Guide By Jessmess Updated on May 11, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Singed
    Proxy/Chase build
  • LoL Champion: Singed
    Utility build
  • LoL Champion: Singed
    Full AP Carry

Quitting League

As of now, I'm going to stop playing league of legends. The game has gotten very stale especially in the top lane. It's just a bunch of extremely safe late game hyper carry top laners that have strong early harass and decent mid games. The current state of the game eliminates a huge part of skill necessary to succeed in ranked play basically nullifying the 1000s of hours I've put into the games to a point where platinum and gold players who pick strong champs can esaily beat me in laning. It was fun while it lasted, but this means I won't be updating my guide for singed in the future. Also I let my account decay from Masters 150LP because I just couldn't find the will to play anymore at a high level. It's a joke for the reasons mentioned above.
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Who am I?

My name is LFBH, and I have played about 1500+ Singed games on all my accounts and have climbed to Masters elo (150LP peak before quitting) playing Singed.
Main Account

I enjoy playing Singed and thought I'd make a small guide on how to play him this season and what to build.

Singed was the first champ I learned for top lane when I started playing LoL in June of 2014 because my brother suggested I start with a really easy champ. I played him top and Warwick jungle to get to Gold 5 my first season of playing with the guidance of
my brother who was high platinum at the time and who got up to Challenger playing Singed mostly in Season 6. Most of the concepts and ideas in this guide were learned from my brother who loves playing Singed. He was my main inspiration for making this guide to teach all the other people interested in learning this unique champion. He introduced me to hilarious Singed mains like Sirhcez, Druiddroid, Inverted Composer, and Singed420; Mostly I watched Sirhcez and Druiddroid and my brother to learn for climbing on Singed.
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Pros and Cons


+ Easy to pick up, hard to master
+ Great scaling into mid game with decent late game scaling
+ Difficult to catch and kill without lockdown CC or chain slows
+ Main damage ability only costs 13 mana and is Area of Effect
+ One of the few champions that can proxy effectively
+ One of the best level 1 shoving power in the game

+ One-dimensional kit
+ Easy to kite if you have a lot of slows or hard crowd control
+ Easy to counterpick if you blind pick him
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Proxying is a form of pressuring your laner. It forces your laner to either a) stay under turret while your minions whittle away at it, b) chase you and risk losing gold and xp from the missed cs to try to kill you, c) face tank the wave outside of turret range and try to wave clear it in hopes that you outsustain them. Proxying opens up opportunities for roaming, getting deep wards, harassing enemy jungler, or even taking enemy jungler camps to deny xp/gold.

3 wave proxy strategy is great for lanes that counter you hard early. At level 1, you want to make sure to proxy. Proxy until you get the 3 first waves (minion dematerializer can help clear cannon minions). This is a bit risky if the enemy champs are highly mobile because then they can kill you easily. You want to have ward coverage in their jungle to see if they're coming to kill you. If they try to kill you, you execute to turret, so that they don't get kill gold. By the time you get to the 3rd wave, you will be mid/low hitpoints, so be really careful with giving up kills. Then you can just base and buy corrupting potion and a pink and hopefully keep continuing to shove.

It's important that when you come back to lane you realize that sometimes you have to wait for a 2nd wave to crash in the center of the lane before attempting to shove it in. If you try to shove in a wave when there's a 2nd wave incoming between tier 1 and 2 turrets, you might accidentally freeze the lane right outside your enemy's turret which is really unfavorable since you might have to take a turret shot or two to shove in that next wave, or just straight up lane against a counter pick.

Another important thing to note is that if the enemy laner decides to walk the wave out of base and into the lane at level 1 vs you and they have quite a bit of damage or chase potential, then you can't really proxy because you will just die or use ghost to escape which is a lose lose situation. I don't really ever see low elo players walk out the waves though, so this is directed more towards Diamond+ players.
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Build reasoning

If you're in Masters/Challenger elo, I recommend going for the early powerspike build with utility items like Righteous Glory/Shurelya's Reverie first item into either Rylai's or more utility items like Zz'rot/Banner Of Command.

If you're in any other elo below that, I'd recommend the Singed420 build as it is very forgiving. Start Rylai's first item, into a tank item Deadman's or Adaptive, into Liandry's, into more tank items to finish off the build. This build revolves more around getting people to chase you and less on engaging teamfights.

I've tried both build styles and personally I enjoy the Singed420 build/style more because it's far less team reliant. However, both build styles are good. The thing that determines your elo ultimately will be your skill level and game knowledge.
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Banner of Command & Zz'rot

Banner of Command is a really cost effective inexpensive item. However, it's a situational item that is best built into a 2 to 3 AP comp. Ex. Kassadin mid, Dr. Mundo top, Evelynn jungle would be a perfect comp to build banner into because their AP split pushers will waste a ton of time trying to clear the empowered minion. The optimal usage for banner is to create a slow push toward the enemy with an empowered cannon minion while you roam to take objectives or teamfight on the other side of the map (mid/bot). Banner can also be built pretty effectively into low damage tanks even if they're AD because they too will waste a lot of time clearing the empowered minions.

Zz'rot can be used to pressure tanks like Shen & Cho'Gath who both out trade you in melee range, but have a hard time dealing with your proxy farm. You can place the Zz'Rot Portal between inner and outer turrets and it will start whittling away at the outer turret. You don't want to build portal into Nasus, Sion, or any other champ that benefits from killing zz'rot minions. It's a situational item, and should only be built into specific match ups that you know you can use the item effectively into.
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Dodge champ select if...

Singed is a great champion and fun to play. That being said, smart players can counter pick you in laning phase if you blind picked Singed. He's a great situational pick, but probably best not to 1-trick if you don't like the idea of having to dodge champ select.

Teemo - He does way too much damage and if the teemo is smart, he will walk the wave out so that you can't proxy at level 1 without taking tons of damage and dying. Shrooms are a *****, anytime you walk up to cs you get poked, anytime you try to shove to attempt to proxy he kills you or takes off half of your hp in 1 trade.

Lulu - Once she gets a RoA and some CDR she can tank waves with her shield and clear them with 1 Q spell. If you don't proxy vs her good luck. Any time you try running at her, she can slow you with E-Q combo and speed herself up plus her attack speed with her W. If by some miracle you manage to get close to her, she can polymorph so that you have a hard time flipping her. This lane is difficult, thankfully you don't see many Lulu tops, but there are a few challenger/master players playing her in top in S8 atm so that's something to watch out for.

Gnar - Personally I don't have much trouble with high elo gnars in the early game. His early game is not that strong and his boomerang is on a long cool down early. Usually I'll try to bait out his Q early and see if I can dodge it, once he throws it, if he didn't hit the slow, you can run at him and go in for a trade while poisoning his minion wave as well. It's not that hard to win all ins vs him early on like 1st and 2nd backs, but once he gets some tier 2 boots and a BC or FM the match up becomes tougher. It's harder to splitpush vs him; Once he gets the 1v1 advantage you just want to play passively and clear waves when you get a chance. Gnar isn't that hard to punish with jungler coordination if he plays aggressively because he is a short range champion and his only escape is on about a 15s cooldown. However, in lower elos you might not know as well how to play the match up out so I'd recommend dodging this match up if you're not confident in it. Also try to never let him hit his W proc on you as it hurts a lot and gives him movement speed.

Gangplank - With kleptomancy being strong right now and support items rewarding poking heavily, this match up is heaven for GP; The poke in laning phase gives him waaaay too much gold. He can poke you from the safety of his turret or behind his barrels. If you ever try to trade with him, he pops a barrel and gets true damage on his next AA on you. He has a stronger laning phase, a stronger mid/late game split push, his ultimate to impact teamfights easily and good wave clear with barrels so the proxy doesn't affect his turret as much. This is not a fun match up right now, so I'd recommend dodging this.

Jayce - He isn't as difficult as Lulu and Teemo post level 6 because he doesn't have a combat ultimate ability like Singed. I recommend rushing ninja tabis and maybe a dorans shield wouldn't be bad early on. Most important thing is just don't die early on so that you scale into teamfights because you have more presence in teamfighting in the mid game than he does. A good Jayce will easily snowball the lane though, so I tend to dodge this match up in higher elos.

Heimerdinger - This match up is really hard for singed. If you ever try to outshove heimer, he can easily land his grenade in his turrets on you which will take off about 80% of your hp or more. This match up is so oppressive, especially if you die. However, if you manage to dodge his grenade and are able to clear his turrets, you might be able to push out a wave or two. It's a lot easier for heimer to win this match up than singed, but he is forced to play aggressively to win it, which means with jungler coordination you might be able to kill him. Even then, heimerdinger is notorious for being able to 1v2 jungler ganks. I would dodge if you're not comfortable with the match up or recommend proxying if you get a chance.
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Early Ninja tabi's?

Tabi boots are overpowered in 8.3 plus they counter a lot of champs in the meta. Lanes to rush tabi vs early on are Riven, Jax, Irelia, Jayce, Camille, Fiora. These give you good survivability in the 1v1 and allow you to win all ins as well. Most of the champs on this list can kill you easily if you don't have ultimate up, and tabis help prevent you from dying.
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Mega adhesive usage

Singed can use his Mega Adhesive to stop any mobility spells. Ex. Flash, Stand United, Teleport, and many more. This is especially useful in lane early on vs champs that might want to all in you like Fiora or Riven. Riven has 5 mobility spells that can potentially be countered with your Mega Adhesive if timed properly; Ex. If you place the center of your W on top of Riven when she has used her 1st Broken Wings cast, she won't be able to cast the 2nd or 3rd ones on time because it takes too long for her to leave your puddle.

You can also use your Mega Adhesive in conjunction with your Fling to root an enemy for a bit, but this is kinda tricky to do on higher mobility champs. Most of the time you're going to be using your W to catch people or run from them. Rarely will you have to use it to root them, but in close call situations when you're proxying and almost dead, it can be used as a last resort to escape enemies.
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Flip over terrain

Simple. Right-click towards the very edge of a thin wall that can be wall-hopped and once you reach the point next to the wall where you click wait for the person thats chasing you to walk up to you and click Fling. 3 things to note when trying to do this.
  1. Lure someone towards a wall by running at it, so it helps if they are a Melee champion
  2. Flip themperpendicular to the wall Imagine a 3 point line that drawn from the enemy champion to your champ to the wall, then try to form a perfect T shape with the other line which is the wall.
  3. Get as close to the wall as possible before flipping.
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Flip-AA Combo

After you use Fling, your character automatically basic attacks the enemy champion in mid-air as long as you don't input any commands after the flip. You can also manually basic attack them in mid-air by right-clicking or using attack-move.
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How to carry with singed?

Singed carry strength doesn't rely on kills as much. Singed carry potential relies on the pressure he can draw to a given lane and on the amount of damage he can absorb and output without dying in teamfights and in skirmishes where he's being chased by multiple enemies. His ability to wave clear very quickly very early on into the game is his main strength and his proxying allows you to win lanes you otherwise wouldn't be able to win. He also has great mid-game teamfighting and scaling, with a lack luster late game scaling. Singed isn't the most snowbally champion, but if you're ahead you can draw heaps of pressure to a given lane easily. If you play Singed enough and watch some high elo vods you will eventually learn how to carry with Singed and how to play to your win condition. Despite Singed's simple kit, his skill curve is a bit steep because his play style is really odd and requires quite a bit of aggression to really know your limits on the champ.
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