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Jhin Build Guide by SwelteringMuffin

AD Jhin - The Art of Terror [7.23]

AD Jhin - The Art of Terror [7.23]

Updated on November 29, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SwelteringMuffin Build Guide By SwelteringMuffin 10 5 407,651 Views 10 Comments
10 5 407,651 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SwelteringMuffin Jhin Build Guide By SwelteringMuffin Updated on November 29, 2017
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Terrorize your enemies by putting on a gruesome theater!

Check masteries above.
Check tips & tricks below for useful information on Jhin gameplay and chapter items for reasonings.

Jhin is a champion that cannot gain attack speed and increases it's attack damage the higher his attack damage is. Therefore we are building alot of attack damage items which will also provide us safety in many ways, and no other attack speed items beside the essential two.

This full build is bringing you around 850 AD. It comes with a 63sec ult cooldown at rank 3, and having movement speed for days!
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Jhin is a champion based on damage per hit and long range execution, we opt for the keystone mastery Fleet Footwork.
  • We choose Fleet Footwork because it keeps your hp sustained which is pretty helpful during laning phase.
  • We choose Triumph because it keeps your hp further sustained in prolonged teamfights.
  • We choose Legend: Alacrity because it provides alot of attack speed which will be converted to AD for Jhin.
  • We choose Coup de Grace because you will deal more damage to enemies with less than 40% hp making executions even easier.

The remaining points are put in the Domination tree, this will grant you more damage and sustain.
  • We choose Cheap Shot because it damages impaired enemies more.
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START items:
Doran's Blade -> Damage and sustain
Health Potion -> Extra bit sustain
Stealth Ward -> Vision*
*Swap to Farsight Alteration at Lv9 -> perfect for deep vision, keep track of cooldown to use it directly when available in bushes

FIRST item: Essence Reaver
SECOND item: Phantom Dancer

Essence Reaver is a strong item and provides alot, AD, crit, cdr and mp regen, because of it's passive you can get much more out of the item by building a 30% crit item next. So the best option is to build a 30% crit item. Work towards Zeal to get the early movement speed and 20% crit which will partly count towards your extra cdr on Essence Reaver. After you got your Zeal, buy a Phantom Dancer. It provides the most movement speed which is important for us squishies. Next to that it also has the most attack speed which will boost your AD through your passive a little more, and it has a passive that ignores a nice amount of damage dealt by the enemy you attacked last.

With these two items you're already sitting at:
- 70 AD
- 50% Crit
- 30% Cdr
- Great mana regen
- Reduced damage taken from last enemy you've hit
- 5% Movement speed and 7% near enemy champions = 12% total
- 45% Attack speed which is converted to some extra AD

THIRD item: Berserker's Greaves

We want some extra movement speed, and because of your passive these are the only boots that will give you extra offensive stats in the form of AD.

FOURTH item: Bloodthirster

It gives you 75 AD, which is the most you can get from one item, beside that it also gives you the 20% lifesteal for sustain which you want at this point. Aswell as an extra shield by overhealing which you can charge up before going into teamfights.

5th and 6th items: Lord Dominik's Regards and Infinity Edge

Lord Dominik's Regards is an item that gives a great amount of AD and at the same time makes it much easier to shred through your enemies frontline. Infinity Edge will provide you the most AD and crit chance to make your late game even more explosive and kill anything in your path.

When the game you're in doesn't want to end: get Elixir of Wrath
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Skill Sequence

Max out skills in this order: R>Q>W>E

Start with Q, main damage, bounces upto four targets
At lv 2 go W, very long range damage, capable of briefly rooting enemy
At lv 3 go E, 2min trap, nice slow, extra vision
Ult at lv 6, 11 and 16 as usual, stronger damage and lower cooldown
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Get Heal and Flash, no discussion. Both can get you out of sticky situations.
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Pros / Cons

- You get to snipe people from a massive range and deal huge amounts of damages
- Great wave clear from a pretty safe distance
- Can briefly root an enemy
- Long lasting traps, providing slows, damage and vision
- Amazing movement speed especially mid and late game

- Your reloads on basic attacks take 2.5secs: no biggie, use your skills to fill the down time or disengage until you're ready
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Vision & General Gameplay

Before I start talking about where you should exactly place your wards as a support or any role you're playing as, I want to give insight about certain topics that alot players forget or are not aware of.

First of all, what is vision?
Vision is information of the map that your enemy team may not know about, basically you're talking about advantages.

Two examples are:
- You have a ward placed in the river. What does this mean? This means you can spot an enemy champion, most likely the enemy jungler but also the rest of the enemy team, since anyone may roam to other lanes at almost any point.
- You have a ward placed between the blue buff and gromp of the enemy jungle. What does this mean? Not only can you spot the enemy jungler/rest of their team, but you have vision of the enemies jungle camps aswell. Meaning you may know the route or where the enemy jungler may be/has been.

Once you have your vision you need MAP AWARENESS. What is map awareness and what is the important factor that goes with it?

Why do we want map awareness?
- Knowing in what situation you are in
- Where your champion is located
- In what kind of dangers you may be
- What you're risking

You want to know in what situation you are in because you don't want to die from a gank or a roam. Therefore the other important factor is being aware of what the enemies team composition is (aswell as your own team). This means you should know what the enemies are capable of doing.

For example the enemy jungler is Kindred or Nidalee. You should know these champions have a wall hop. This means your wards that give you protection from being ganked may get bypassed and giving you false hope of not dying. You should not only be aware of the enemy jungler because roams, spells and champion skills that have teleports may get you in trouble too.

So how do we get good at knowing in what situations you are currently in?
- You get map awareness by looking frequently at the minimap
- Frequently is like once every 10 or so seconds

I never look at the minimap, is this a disadvantage for me?
Yes, this is definitely a big factor. You can train yourself by looking more frequently at the minimap. You don't have to look every 10 seconds at it if you find it too distracting. Try looking at it atleast once every 30 seconds, then start lowering it for yourself.

When you've checked your minimap you must immediately think about certain things and inform your teammates in an efficient way.

When do I inform my teammates?
- You inform your teammates when enemies are missing for about 10secs

How do I inform my teammates quick and safe?
- Use your ping functions on the minimap
- In options when you press esc, hotkeys, communication you have Alert Ping and Retreat Ping
- When you press your hotkey for either Alert or Retreat, aim it at the location on the minimap, hold your mousebutton on the minimap, you may drag it around and release it for more ping options such as On My Way, Missing Enemy, Danger, Assist Me.

For example, your top laner has placed a ward in the top river. The enemy jungler goes through the top river and you notice this. What should you do as a support in the bottom lane? You can ping Danger at the location where you spot the enemy jungler so that the rest of your team notices this too. Once you know this information of the enemy jungler being in the top river, you also know that you're most likely not going to be ganked. Unless there's some kind of teleport factor that you should be aware of.

If there are 3 enemies in the top lane that means there can only be 2 enemies in the rest of the map. Therefore you may make plays in other lanes, play more aggressive, try to push out waves, get a tower and take jungle camps on the way back if you're in the position to do so. Otherwise your team should rotate to other lanes to save towers in the top lane.

Now that we have a better understanding of how it all works. Let's talk more about vision, wards and how to use your wards efficiently.

Your options are:
- Stealth Ward
- Vision Ward -> 75 gold in the shop
- Farsight Alteration -> at Lv9 from Stealth Ward
- Rift Scuttler

All of these options are used in a different way.

- Stealth wards have a limited use. Per champion you can only have a maximum of 3 on the map at the same time. Therefore you should use them wisely and efficiently. Don't place 2 wards on the same location or near each other, try to spread them around and place them in bushes so that if an enemy goes in a bush you or your team can still attack them. Place the wards for protection if you're being pushed in, or try to place them in the enemy jungle for deeper vision, without risking to die, around the OBJECTIVES that you're going for (towers/dragon/baron).

- Vision wards are wards that give vision, but are visible to enemies if they spot them. They last forever until poked down by the enemies, they give vision of enemy stealth wards and stealthed enemy champions. You can only have one of these on the map per champion. They aren't free so try to protect them by attacking the enemy. They are used to deny vision of a certain spot, so if the enemy team wards nearby you can clear out that ward. The best use for it is to place them in bushes where they will last long but give good information.

- Farsight Alteration are wards that give vision but are visible to enemies if they spot them. Don't waste them by putting them in a bush where there is already a ward. Keep track of the cooldown and spam these in any bush for deep vision. It is also effective to place them in bushes of your own jungle, they are more likely to last longer but can still give vision of enemies invading your jungle.

- Rift Scuttler, take these with your team whenever dragon or baron is a possible objective for either team. This vision cannot be removed using Vision Wards or anything, so enemies that are about to do dragon or baron will be spotted either way. Also it gives a nice movement speed buff that may help you win teamfights that break out.

When you ward be careful, it is not worth dying to place a ward. It is also not worth going halfway across the map to place a Vision Ward, you lose too much time running around and you'll fall behind on xp/levels/gold. However it is worth if your team is about to make plays on that side of the map.

Placing Vision Wards when on blue side:

Placing Vision Wards when on red side:

Recommended Stealth Wards when doing dragon:
*Blue squares are Stealth Wards placed by blue team, red squares for red team

Recommended Stealth Wards when doing baron:
*Blue squares are Stealth Wards placed by blue team, red squares for red team
*The darker coloured squares are optional
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Tips & Tricks

- Know where, when and in which direction you setup your ult, when you are going to ult you are vulnerable, because you won't be moving around. Be sure no enemies are behind you or on your sides

- Your ult has a massive range, ult when you see low health targets in front of you, but don't be too close or they may step to the side and be out of range, so make use of the long range

- Your ult goes through monsters and minions but stops at the first enemy champion hit

- Your ult does more damage the more hp your enemies are missing, if you hit your target they will be slowed by 80% for 0.75secs, try and make use of this slow by firing fast, stay precize because your fourth and last shot does the biggest damage

- If you've finished killing your enemies with your ult, you may consider firing the remaining shots at minion waves unused shots no longer reduces your ult cooldown

- Your basic attacks have four shots before reloading automatically for 2.5secs, every fourth shot is always a crit, if you don't attack for 10secs it will reload automatically

- Everytime you crit you gain a 2secs speed boost

- You cannot get your attack speed higher, but it will convert into a small amount of AD and into a small amount of higher movement speed on crit, so when you're building Phantom Dancer to gain the extra cdr from your Essence Reaver it will not go to waste

- Your Q bounces and hits upto 4 targets, each killed target makes your bounce stronger and stronger

- Your W is a long range damaging skill, just like your ult it goes through all monsters and minions, but stops at the first enemy champion hit

- Your W roots an enemy champion for a brief moment if they have been hit in the past 4secs by your attacks/traps or damage from a teammember, your enemies will also have a small mark so you know when you can root them

- Your E is a trap that lasts 2mins, when walked over by enemy champions/minions or jungle camps it will trigger a 35% slow and then explode, use these whenever you can in bushes for extra vision or use these to zone enemies from objectives such as dragon

- When enemies walk into your traps try using your W as they will be slowed by the trap and you'll be more likely to hit and root them, followed up by the explosion of your trap

- Upon an enemy champion kill a trap will spawn near their corpse which explodes after a short delay, this may help you deal more damage on grouped up enemies
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About Swelteringmuffin

- General
This is my sixth guide, if it helped you in any way, like by voting or leave a comment for questions/feedback :D

I play on the NA server with the username SwelteringMuffin (previously X_Ploxinator_X)

I mainly play support. Beside the fact that it's the fastest to queue with, it's a really easy role. You don't really have to worry about last hitting minions. It is an easy role, but to be great at it you have to do alot for the team. I like playing unusual support champions, because people don't know what to expect when you change a champions standard role/lane/build which can be beneficial for your team.

I have also played alot of jungle. It gives a good knowledge on when to exactly gank and how to bait your enemies perfectly into death as a laner. Since I play alot of squishy supports I've learnt how to bait enemies very well, provoking them or sometimes showing that lv5 champion mastery is enough to get them greedy.

Because of how much I've played as a support I have a good understanding on how the bottom lane and synergy between AD and support works. This is one of the reasons I like to play AD aswell.

Aside of all that, maining support has taught me how to efficiently ward, bringing the most vision to your team. This is something that I've transferred to other roles aswell, warding efficiently, because vision is not only the supports job, it's a team job. Once you get the hang of warding efficiently you will automatically work on your map awareness. Having map awareness made me know very well how to rotate around the map and when to take turrets, dragons or barons.

Check out my other guides.

- My guides
Tahm Kench:

- Milestones
2 June 2015: Creation of guide (Soraka)
24 July 2015: 100k champion points on Soraka, wooooo!
28 August 2015: Creation of guide (Sona)
9 October 2015: Creation of guide (Tahm Kench)
14 November 2015: 100k views on Soraka guide, aww yeeaa!
14 November 2015: Creation of guide (Nunu)
2 December 2015: Creation of guide (Kayle)
6 December 2015: 100k views on Tahm Kench guide, woop woop!
6 December 2015: 100k views on Sona guide, double woop woop!
18 December 2015: 500k views on Soraka guide, keep on healin' keep on healin'!
24 January 2016: 500k views on Tahm Kench guide, don't stop licking :P
1 February 2016: Creation of guide (Jhin)
3 February 2016: 100k views on Nunu guide, let's build this snowman!
12 February 2016: 100k views on Kayle guide, keep on smackin' with your sword!
10 March 2016: 1M views on Soraka guide, a small loan of a million views.
13 March 2016: 100k views on Jhin guide, load, aim, headshot!
31 March 2016: 500k views on Sona Guide, heal, speed, burst, repeat!
16 May 2016: 2M views on Soraka guide, that's quite a bit, but we heal more with one W! >:D
9 July 2016: 500k views on Nunu guide, stay frosty.
16 August 2016: Creation of guide (Bard)
24 August 2016: 1M views on Tahm Kench guide, Lickitung would be proud of this.
3 September 2016: Lv7 mastery on Soraka!
29 September 2016: 500k views on Kayle guide.
29 September 2016: 100k champion points on Sona.

- Champions I like to play
Tahm Kench

Xin Zhao

AD bottom:
Miss Fortune
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