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Teemo Build Guide by DarkJinougaStar

AP Teemo: Mushroom Fields are great =D

AP Teemo: Mushroom Fields are great =D

Updated on May 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkJinougaStar Build Guide By DarkJinougaStar 3,283 Views 0 Comments
3,283 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkJinougaStar Teemo Build Guide By DarkJinougaStar Updated on May 4, 2012
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Hey Summoners :D

I play Teemo very often, this way i publish this Guide.

My Build is very good, because i always win with it and the Mushrooms had a great Power.
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I think Teemo need a lot of Ability Power and Magicpenetration, because he is an AP Carry
and he can kill enemys very easy,because he do a lot of Damage with his Autoattacks.
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The Masterypages are very easy to explain.
Teemo need Ap and a little bit of defense,because he had not so much life and def.
Hes very strong with Ap Masterys and i think its the best Guide ever ;D
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The Items are very good,if u play Teemo as an AP Carry.

You have so much Ability Power and other nice skills e.g. 40% Cooldown-Reduction

If u play really good with him u can use the Build: 5x Arcangels Staff and Rabadons Deathcap.

But its really OP! ^.^
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Skill Sequence

First i wanna skill my Toxic shot, because Teemo´s Auto-Attacks can do a lot of Damage.

Then u have to skill Blinding Dart, to blinding your enemys, its really effective to do by an AD champion like Xin Zhao

Afterthat u skill Move Quick to flee of enemys, who wanna kill u!
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Summoner Spells

I use always flash and ignite, because with flash u can flee of very bad moment like 5 vs 4 mid (hehe).

I use ignite to burn out enemys if they have not much life.
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Teemo very effective vs. Ad Champs like Xin Zhao or Varus.

Hes a very good AP Carry and I think the stats are Okay.

Have´fun with this Guide! ;D

Lg DarkJinougaStar
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkJinougaStar
DarkJinougaStar Teemo Guide
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AP Teemo: Mushroom Fields are great =D

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