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Jax Build Guide by FalleN3

Jungle Jax Jungle | FalleN3's Guide to Jax Jungle

Jungle Jax Jungle | FalleN3's Guide to Jax Jungle

Updated on November 26, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FalleN3 Build Guide By FalleN3 658 32 2,016,683 Views 24 Comments
658 32 2,016,683 Views 24 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FalleN3 Jax Build Guide By FalleN3 Updated on November 26, 2020
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Alphaomegalogs (2) | February 17, 2022 12:07pm
I like how you play the game to have fun and are creative and detailed with this guide.
redhaze_2010 | February 26, 2021 8:42am
Have you tried shen jg? Is really.good to
jax pax | November 24, 2020 1:38pm
this guide rlly helps me alot
Qwnu | November 7, 2020 11:46am
amazing guide
Tomatenplukkerxx (3) | October 21, 2020 10:32am
He's really pog in the jungle, it teaches me to read the enemy jungler's pathing and improves me as a jungler in generaL. nice ganks early and really adaptable & dope lategame he's a beast!

thanks for the guide, it improved my games a lot!
paokgr (23) | October 18, 2020 8:02am
I like this guide simple but beautiful too and the most important easy to read. And why you don't buy BORK?
Marinjo8 | September 8, 2020 12:24am
Great thanks
Holessando | September 6, 2020 2:08am
Hi Fallen.

I have a bit of a problem with coding, I like how you did the Level 1,2,3,... I can't manage to do something like that, do you think you could help me out with it?
FalleN3 (9) | September 6, 2020 2:18am
Hey, if it's the 'How to play' section of the guide, the code is as follows:
(Where I have written BLANK, just leave the empty, as in press enter to get the same distance I have)
[anchor=How to Play][center][img=http://[b]YOURIMAGEHERE[/b].jpg][/center] [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [columns][nextcol width=420][color=#ffff00]Level 1:[/color] I don't take a point in any ability until closer to the first camp spawn time, let's say 1:20 just in case I should have to escape an invade by using [[warding totem]] [b]+[/b] [[leap strike]]. Now, with that said you will want to start by putting your level one point into (E) [[Counterstrike]] and try to start on the buff nearest to you ADC and Support. AA to start the camp and then immediately activate your [[counter strike]], do not activate it a second time. I [b]do not[/b] [[smite]] this camp.[nextcol width=45][nextcol width=367][img=http://[b]YOURIMAGEHERE[/b].jpg] [/columns] [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [columns][nextcol width=367][img=http://[b]YOURIMAGEHERE[/b].jpg][nextcol width=45][nextcol width=420][color=#ffff00]Level 2:[/color] just after finishing your first camp you will hit level 2. If you have started on the blue side of the map this means you will have just cleared your Red Buff, now head to your Blue buff. If I am confident that I can get a kill at a level 3 gank I will once again try to hold off on using [[smite]] here and save it for Gromp. If you have started on Red side you will have just cleared your Blue Buff, now head to your Gromp and after that Red Buff. [/columns] [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [color=#ffff00]Level 3:[/color] this is where I first look to gank. Generally I will gank Top or Mid lane, depending on where the champions are in each lane and who I am trying to gank. EG: It is a lot easier to level 3 gank an enemy [[Mundo]] top lane than it is an enemy [[Leblanc]] or [[Lissandra]] mid lane, particularaly if your mid laner doesn't have strong CC to lock them down. If you cannot gank right now, perhaps your laners are pushed too far forward etc.. do not force it - simply clear your jungle but keep a sharp eye out and try to predict where the enemy jungler might be so you can at least arrive quickly to counter-gank should they enter one of the lanes. [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [columns][nextcol width=420][color=#ffff00]Level 4+[/color] try to concentrate on farming while at the same time capatilize on any opportunity to gank a lane. You should also be looking to keep control of the vision in river by contesting [[Rift Scuttler]] whenever it spawns and of course you should proactively look to take objectives such as Dragon. Just be sure to clear out vision before starting an objective and it would be sensible that your nearby laners have lane priority so that they can react first to come and help you if the need arises. It never hurts to know where the enemy jungler is either, perhaps they are ganking your top lane and you are close to dragon with your bot lane pushing hard? [nextcol width=45][nextcol width=367][img=http://[b]YOURIMAGEHERE[/b].jpg] [/columns] [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [color=#ffff00]Level 6:[/color] This is your first power spike and you can now throw your weight around a little bit more than before. You have some extra damage now and your (R) [[Grandmaster's Might]] will give you extra defensive stats when activated. Depending on the game, around level 6+ is where I begin to consider to swap out my [[warding totem]] for an [[oracle lens]] or not. I try my best to keep the [[warding totem]] as this not only allows you to keep placing vision on the map but it also enable [[jax]] to escape by using [[warding totem]] [b]+[/b] [[leap strike]]. Remember to purchase plenty of [[control ward]] throughout every game! [b]BLANK[/b] [b]BLANK[/b] [anchor=Mid Game][img=http://[b]YOURIMAGEHERE[/b].jpg] [b]BLANK[/b] You will want to continue to pressure objectives hard now. At this point in the game, players will begin to roam and group up for ambushes, ganks or to secure an objective ( Towers, Dragon, Rift Herald etc..) Large scale Team-fights and smaller skirmishes will begin to occur. Victory or Loss of these fights at this stage can sway the outcome of the game. [b]BLANK[/b] etc.. etc.. etc... etc... etc... etc...

THe images I made are sized 367px × 194px
Holessando | September 6, 2020 3:00am
Thanks man, really appreciate that.
But still, I can't do it. I wanna put the texts next to each other, but it keeps going under the first text.


you can see here, the first text is completely normal, as I wanted to. But the second one keeps going under it, but I want it next to it.. The ''Level 4-6'' is under it, but with [nextcol width 620].
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PPancake (3) | September 4, 2020 5:43am
Very good guide
Murderman5 | September 2, 2020 2:39pm
Do you think building attack damage for jax at the early game is a good Idea and focus on attack speed in the mid game and armor at the late game, I'm not too sure about this build since i don't play jax too often but when i played him I felt like using these certain items would boost his potential to a 100 since jax's runes I use are of resolve, It would make a tanky jax with monstrous strength and fast strikes, I want your opinion
briguy1109 | April 8, 2020 2:20pm
I loved the guide and playing Jax Jungle! I was just wondering if death's dance was an Item that you would consider adding into the pool. It provides crazy sustain, defensive stats, and mitigates 33% burst, and to top it off, more damage.
Tinggaard | February 7, 2020 1:40pm
What build would you reccomend on Jax if you play jgl and wanna focus on being able to 1v1. I think hybrid is a better option if you focus on 1v1 scenarious but wanna know which items to go with then and what order to buy them. I guess it's the same runes tho
Tinggaard | February 7, 2020 1:46pm
What i'm going with rn. Bloodrazor. Trinity. Essence Reaver. Hydra. Sterak and boots
Only difference in runes is tenacity and last stand
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