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Jungle Rammus-Solo Ranked

Jungle Rammus-Solo Ranked

Updated on February 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author yexussoldier Build Guide By yexussoldier 3,548 Views 1 Comments
3,548 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author yexussoldier Build Guide By yexussoldier Updated on February 27, 2011
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Rammus is one of the scariest jungles to play against, and if you've had the unpleasant experience of being ganked by him, you know what I'm talking about. The mobility of powerball makes it hard to track him in the jungle. One second you may clairvoyance him at blue, the next he's halfway across the map stealing your jungle minions, or ganking your sidelanes. When played right, the sheer amount of early game pressure Rammus can put on the opposing team along with how tanky he becomes lategame are the main reasons why he is so often banned.
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Defense: 3/3 Hardiness, 3/3 Resistance, 3/3 Strength of Spirit, 3/3 Harden Skin, 4/4 Veteran's Scars

Utility: 3/3 Perseverence, 1/3 Good Hands, 4/4 Awareness, 2/2 Utility Mastery, 3/3 Meditation, 1/1 Blink of an Eye


0/16/14 is personal preference, but it's really strong. Having meditation keeps your mana up during long exhausting fights, and Blink of an Eye is critical since most plays will be made when you have flash up. Having an extra 48 HP to start off with Veteran scars helps greatly during level 1 fights, and extra HP is never a bad thing. Strength of Spirit gives you a considerably amount of HP/5 once you get your catalyst.
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The quintessences are meant for level 1 fights and overall survivability. Marks of Alacrity clears the jungle quicker than armor pen. Seals of Resilience to facilitate jungling, Seals of Clarity to help your mana pool during mid-late game, and Glyphs of Shielding help make you a monster late game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author yexussoldier
yexussoldier Guide
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Jungle Rammus-Solo Ranked

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