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Katarina Build Guide by slapstickjoker

Katarina. Out of no where

Katarina. Out of no where

Updated on September 3, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author slapstickjoker Build Guide By slapstickjoker 6,576 Views 12 Comments
6,576 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author slapstickjoker Katarina Build Guide By slapstickjoker Updated on September 3, 2011
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Shiz | September 28, 2011 11:13am
Voted +1
I haven't read it yet.


Ok I've read it, ++! Great job with the pictures. Pretty detailed!

When are we going to play together again? T.T
StayHardGoPro (1) | September 28, 2011 2:28am
hi mate.

i was thinking about if you could make a build for dominion, i could be fun to see.

slapstickjoker | September 7, 2011 8:13pm
thats okay <3
StayHardGoPro (1) | September 7, 2011 1:13am
i think BV or thornmail would prob. be the best choise, but i havd seen a katarina with warmog, but that would be a long time cost if i need it in 3v3 but if i rape i could take it;b

thanks again joker
slapstickjoker | September 6, 2011 6:24pm
yea but in 3v3 you will have to Tailor your last 1 - 2 items depending on what your up against. eg vs 3ap maybe FON or BV? or thornmail vs 3ad? it really depends what you feel is needed to counter as 3v3 is very unbalanced
StayHardGoPro (1) | September 6, 2011 2:59am
so this build can also go as 3v3?
slapstickjoker | September 5, 2011 9:42pm
if you do ranked 3v3 and your team has alot of slows swap the ryles scepter for a gaurdians i recon. thats just a thought
StayHardGoPro (1) | September 5, 2011 5:36am
Btw can you make a build for 3v3? cause i play it more often then 5v5;b
StayHardGoPro (1) | September 5, 2011 2:34am
Voted +1
rofl i just went 34/1/8 in a 5v5 with this build! xD

i would post my ss but i can't remember how i get the url on a photo on the pc xD
i'll post it when i find out!;b

and again thanks for the guide.
Pachaaa (3) | September 4, 2011 10:37am
Hey man, I see u use a different build and style to my one :).

How about a 1vs1 katarina match? Gonna be fun :P.
slapstickjoker | September 3, 2011 6:33pm
Thanks :] I have started playing vlad abit today went 15-3 in my first game. I might make a guide for him also!

happy hunting !
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