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Jhin Build Guide by N1ngendo

ADC N1ngendo's Jhin The GoDCarry | In-Depth Guide | 8.5

ADC N1ngendo's Jhin The GoDCarry | In-Depth Guide | 8.5

Updated on March 9, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author N1ngendo Build Guide By N1ngendo 6 1 111,245 Views 7 Comments
6 1 111,245 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author N1ngendo Jhin Build Guide By N1ngendo Updated on March 9, 2018
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Meta Creator (6) | February 1, 2018 5:17pm
HUGE GUIDE BRO! That helped me a lot to improve my Jhin knowledge! You explain everyhting and probably a lot of work.

I still have one question: Is there any other good rune instead of Arcane Comet? I see that you recommend to use it on the 3 builds and I'm thinking that Fleet Footwork or Press The Attack could be also interesting. I wanna have your point of view.
N1ngendo | February 2, 2018 4:13am
Yo dude, first of all I want to say thank you. It's nice to hear that you liked it and that my guide helped you out. Make sure to leave a like and maybe also take a look at my Jhin montages. You can probably learn something by watching them, but now lets get to your question.

Honestly there are no other options regarding the runes, or at least no viable options. I guess you could go for Summon Aery instead of Comet. It deals like half the damage but therefore always hits and even procs when you go for a simple autoattack. It is acctually not bad in lane but over time, it gets outdamaged by Arcane Comet pretty hard. I used to go Summon Aery before the nerfs tho, so maybe if it gets buffed again you can go for it, otherwhise I would recommend using the Comet.
Talking about Precision, I think you could go Lethal Tempo instead of Footwork, but please never go Press the Attack. PTA needs way to much time to get stacked by Jhin. It would be okayish if we could get the stacks for it by using abilities, but since this isn't possible, you should never go for it. Trust me here, I tested nearly every keystone playing Jhin.
There is actually another option if you decide to play midlane Jhin. When you want to try something new, you could go for Domination as first runepath and then run Electrocute. But please only do this midlane and if you decide to play Jhin mid, also run Flash and Ghost as summoner spells. You wont rly be needing Heal when you play mid.
Thats it so far, but if you have anymore questions feel free to ask.
Blunder_Red88 | May 18, 2017 5:51am
Really love this guide, it's truly helped my Jhin game a lot
N1ngendo | February 1, 2018 11:00am
Thank you man I am glad it helped out. I also updated it for S8 now.
xphat | May 14, 2017 7:21am
i have to say a very fun build (and snow balls like mad) is all runes are crit, you start with a brawler's gloves and 2 pots and you crit every 2 aa which is honestly insane. you hit 100% crit with only 3 items letting you build leathality if you want.
WhatsLeft4Dead2 (6) | November 28, 2016 5:27am
This makes me Moist.

I enjoyed reading this guide on my Favorite ADC through a Talonted Player's Eyes. Although, I'm curious as to why you chose Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration's. If you already explained this, can you point me to the Section where this information is located? If not, elaborating this further would be Splendid!
N1ngendo | November 28, 2016 7:06am
The Reason I use mana reg is that I always start with Infinity Edge as first item when I build Crit beacause I think its strongern than Essence Reaver. The problem is that I dont have any kind of manarefund then. Thats the reason for me to go mana reg. As I said in the runesection, it is up to you what you want to use as long as you feel comfortable with it. I played like 500 Jhin games and tested many different things and right now I feel really good using these runes. Anyways I also have runepages without manareg but therefore full scaling mr, it is kind of situational. I explained it in the runesection of this guide.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask
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