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Recommended Items
Runes: Jack of all Trades Tank
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Almost Always
Leverage (PASSIVE)
Renata Glasc Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Perma ban this champs spell shield negates your q and a target on your r. A good morg u can never win lane u can only go neutral
Excellent cc chain and has a similar movement speed, as well as ashe's slow allowing both of you to peel each other. My favorite adc to play with.
Excellent cc chain and has a similar movement speed, as well as ashe's slow allowing both of you to peel each other. My favorite adc to play with.
Champion Build Guide
Renata Glasc's basic attacks and abilities apply a mark to enemies. When allies damage these marked enemies, the mark is consumed to deal additional max health magic damage. This encourages coordination with teammates to maximize damage output.
Q - Handshake
Renata Glasc fires a projectile that damages and roots the first enemy hit. She can then reactivate the ability to move the rooted enemy to her chosen location. This ability is useful for disrupting enemy positions and setting up kills.
W - Bailout
Renata Glasc targets an allied champion (or herself) to temporarily increase attack speed and movement speed and an effect that revives the target if they take lethal damage and then get a kill during the ability’s duration. A disgustingly strong ability that can flip and 2v2 easily, use it carefully.
E - Loyalty Program
Renata Glasc shoots out a projectile that chields Renata and allies hit, well damaging and slowing enemies try using your e to land your q more easily. This is an amazing poke tool as it shields you and has a wide aoe and has an okay range. This ability is a mana eater be mindful that you have enough mana to use bailout if needed.
R - Hostile Takeover
Renata Glasc launches shoots a wave of chemicals at her enemies that makes them attack their nearest ally as well as buffing their attack speed(be mindful that if no enemies are present they will attack your closest ally which can be helpful)
Renata Glasc's kit is centered around disengaging and support of her carries you have amazing peel that can be used to run from unfavorable fights, or it can change the tide of battle instantly. With her abilities being slow they require good timing and strategic awareness to use effectively, making her a challenging but rewarding support to master in League
The pros of playing Renata.
Amazing poke with passive and e
Amazing team fight with r and w
Amazing 2v2
good safe pick
can be played aggressively(be careful your very slow)
Tank allows you to play more risky and get the those 5 man r's
The cons of Renata
you can be out-ranged easily
your abilities are painfully slow and can be easily dodged(be creative)
her hook is okay there are better hooks but the displacement and stun are very useful.
Very squish unless you build tank.
your movement speed is also very slow making it hard to keep up or run away.
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