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Shyvana Build Guide by datnh

Tank [S4] Shyvana top

Tank [S4] Shyvana top

Updated on December 3, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author datnh Build Guide By datnh 271,217 Views 14 Comments
271,217 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author datnh Shyvana Build Guide By datnh Updated on December 3, 2013
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Grevs With 1 v (1) | December 6, 2013 6:34am
Hey, just want to point out that when you were talking about lane match-ups for Yorick you had "Anti AP Masteries". I don't know how much, if at all, that you play Yorick but he will most definitely build AD Bruiser, not AP.
drakon136 (56) | December 4, 2013 2:03pm
Voted -1
datnh wrote:

Thanks for the feedback, I wouldn't discard Void Staff right away, first give it a try then express your opinion.

Don't argue, just get rid of it.
PsiGuard (1495) | December 4, 2013 1:56pm
Voted -1
Void Staff.
datnh (3) | December 4, 2013 1:43pm
Vynertje wrote:

I'm a diamond shyvana main, don't start talking **** towards me.

On your Q, you get a cooldown reduction of 40% by maxing it, E gives you a 33% cdr. I don't know wtf your point is on this one. Q scales extremily well with levels and on hits, which you seem to be building a lot of.

Cleanse is not viable because the cooldown is too long, and you'll be having a lot of tenacity anyway. Ghost is a lot better as a teamfighting spell. Exhaust CAN work but gets beaten by ghost in terms of gap-closing abilities.

Hpreg means you'll regen about 7.5hp every 5 seconds, while lifesteal quints heal you for 6% of your total damage. Do the math: You need to deal 125 AA-damage every 5 seconds to win out on it. Now if you last hit every creep, you'll almost be doing as much damage as that. Don't start with some ******** about reliability, even if you lose 2hp/5s early game by not last hitting every creep, late game they are even stronger than these hpreg quints.

Void staff is ******ed since you're not builidng heavy AP and because your main source of damage going into late game is your Q, especially if you're getting on-hits.

Conclusion: This is not 'pretty bad critique', it is a really bad guide. It is up to you whether to remain ignorant or not.

I am not going to argue about Q/E maxing neither the summoner choices.

However, LS vs HP/5:

Life steal requires you to hit minions. That results in pushing the lane, getting vulnerable for poke, (elise etc...) and also requires you to have an edge over the enemy laner.
Life steal in herbivore(farm) lanes works 10000x better than hp/5 that's for damn sure. But HP/5 offers reliable sustain without forcing you to push/go into range just to farm.

On void staff: It's not about the AP, it's about the AoE sustained magic damage shyvana deals. And it's on par with the aggressive 6th items you can buy.

I'm not saying you aren't right, I'm just saying that you review with your prejudice that xy champ must be built with z items and w runes and others are not viable.
Vynertje (386) | December 3, 2013 10:48am
I'm a diamond shyvana main, don't start talking **** towards me.

On your Q, you get a cooldown reduction of 40% by maxing it, E gives you a 33% cdr. I don't know wtf your point is on this one. Q scales extremily well with levels and on hits, which you seem to be building a lot of.

Cleanse is not viable because the cooldown is too long, and you'll be having a lot of tenacity anyway. Ghost is a lot better as a teamfighting spell. Exhaust CAN work but gets beaten by ghost in terms of gap-closing abilities.

Hpreg means you'll regen about 7.5hp every 5 seconds, while lifesteal quints heal you for 6% of your total damage. Do the math: You need to deal 125 AA-damage every 5 seconds to win out on it. Now if you last hit every creep, you'll almost be doing as much damage as that. Don't start with some ******** about reliability, even if you lose 2hp/5s early game by not last hitting every creep, late game they are even stronger than these hpreg quints.

Void staff is ******ed since you're not builidng heavy AP and because your main source of damage going into late game is your Q, especially if you're getting on-hits.

Conclusion: This is not 'pretty bad critique', it is a really bad guide. It is up to you whether to remain ignorant or not.
datnh (3) | December 3, 2013 9:24am
Vynertje wrote:

QQ I hate having to write comments upon voting.

Anyway, it won't save you from this downvote. Your build is quite bad and especially the 'late game example' is quite bad. Void Staff? Nope. You should also max Q second IMO. A lot of summoner combo's are ******** and IMO Lifesteal quints > Hpreg quints. Assuming you deal 100 dmg with one hit, you only need to hit about 1.3 times every 5 seconds to beat healthreg with lifesteal.

Thanks for the feedback, I wouldn't discard Void Staff right away, first give it a try then express your opinion.

Maxing Q second is good when you know you will have a bunch of cdr (~30%) in lane since the abilty hyperscales with it. That means buying Spirit Visage as your first item. Maxing E means you get less cooldown on E, more poke and can trade more often + having no mana means you're only limited by cooldowns.

Cleanse and Exhaust are both viable and work, you never tried them and you tell me like you played with my build atleast 1-2 times but obviously you didn't even try it.

Hpregen quints synergise well with the new masteries and Lifesteal becomes useless when you fall behind (camped by jungler, vs olaf, red pot riven etc..) Life steal does give you more sustain but less reliable. I stated that in my guide, so this only shows me that you didn't even read it.

All in all, this was a pretty bad critique, full of IMO coming from someone who never tried it in practice.

But still, I am thankful for you expressing your opinion!
Vynertje (386) | December 3, 2013 9:04am
Voted -1
QQ I hate having to write comments upon voting.

Anyway, it won't save you from this downvote. Your build is quite bad and especially the 'late game example' is quite bad. Void Staff? Nope. You should also max Q second IMO. A lot of summoner combo's are ******** and IMO Lifesteal quints > Hpreg quints. Assuming you deal 100 dmg with one hit, you only need to hit about 1.3 times every 5 seconds to beat healthreg with lifesteal.
datnh (3) | December 3, 2013 8:22am
- Added "AP" Items section describing why you should build them for the 6th item.
- Removed sunfire cape from the core build
- New masteries! Redone the offense tree and now you have a chance to win lane even if you fail to get an early kill.
- Removed AD quints as Hybrids are better in every aspect except last hitting aid.
afwk2 | November 23, 2013 6:05pm
may i ask a question? how can you change your profile picture? with those customs SKINS Squares that aint even in the game itself, i would like a ironscale shyvana square pls
datnh (3) | November 22, 2013 1:41pm

Even against elise and ken, I feel dorans shield is the way to go. Who specifically do you start longsword against?

I see your point in doran's, it's quite op now, I titled it as the "Safe Start" for a reason.
As for the longsword start, mostly squishy casters with no cc, pusher squishes e.g. GP, nocturne, shen, fiora, yi, maybe even zac early etc.. I usually build the longsword into phage or vamp later, depending on the game. With this build as like a cost-effective all in build I hope for an early fb and snowball, but it only works like 60% of the time..
throatslasher (248) | November 22, 2013 1:16pm
Even against elise and ken, I feel dorans shield is the way to go. Who specifically do you start longsword against?
Luddeman99 | November 22, 2013 10:14am
Voted +1
Great one m8
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