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Shyvana Build Guide by Nitrii

Shyvana jungle

Shyvana jungle

Updated on August 31, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nitrii Build Guide By Nitrii 6,728 Views 4 Comments
6,728 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nitrii Shyvana Build Guide By Nitrii Updated on August 31, 2012
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Shyvana Jungle

Start WRAITHS Next Red Next Wolves Next Blue Next WRAITHS Next Golem Go Back And Go Gank .
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Counter Jungle

"Give me a good pull at red I will contest theirs" : use smite early at your red so it will be available again when you will be at theirs.
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In this section I want to explain if you can or can't counter jungle/fight the other junglers and what you should focus on (gank/jungle/control) and the route you can adopt.
(If I don't write 'start boots' it means you start cloth 5)

Rammus does not have a very strong jungle speed and thus he cannot counter jungle you back. And his skillset doesn't work against you, you can kite him until his w is down then fight him easily, your E will work very well on his W aswell.
Route : Your wraiths/your red(use smite early)/your blue/his red.

Difficulty: Easy

Ali jungle's main strength is in his ganks, your job is to control his ganks as much as possible. With your early game ward you should protect your lanes and take control of his buffs. You can start boots against ali and counter his ganks. Your mobility and exhaust will enable you to catch him even if he kite you with his cc.
Route : Start boots, wraiths/your red(smite early)/his red or countergank/your blue.

Difficulty: Easy

Olaf is blue dependant so you can try to catch him at red and kill him because he will most likely have a ghost so you can try to burst him with your exhaust, but late game his true damage will be hard for you even in dragon form.
Route : Wraiths/your red/wolfs/wraiths/your blue/gank

Difficulty: Medium

Skarner's red is his weak point too, despite his shiled he is weak early against your burst. Past lvl 4-5 he can kite you and win vs you if you are not careful. His ulti counter yours if he does it right be carefull.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/your blue/his red.

Difficulty: Medium-hard.

Lee sin has the advantage to have a free transition and path. He can start blue or red which makes him difficult to find and counterjungle. Your magic damage will oneshot him, he is very squsihy and can have trouble kitting you. He is better at ganking but you are better at farming and you beat him 1vs1 easy. Once he is 6 he can easily get rid of you in his jungle or protect his carries in teamfights with hsi ulti.
Route : Wraiths/ your Red(early smite)/wolfs/wraiths/his blue if he ganks lvl2 top.

Difficulty: Medium-Easy

There is nothing he can do against you 1vs1 unless you or someone is under 50% to trigger his e. But his damage aren't enough to kill you. His jungle speed is really slow and his cc before 6 non existent. Counterjungle him hard.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/your blue/his red.


Very easy to steal red against, because usually he tries to take wraiths and gets to blue a little after it spawns and does wolves right after which means you can kill the red easily and gank. His ganks are very strong early on with his knock up and snare, he doesn't even need red. He can grab you easy in the jungle and enable his mates to grab you, so you need to be carefull when counterjungling him.
He can counter your ulti with his knocback.
Route : Wolves/your blue(keep smite)/his red.

Difficulty: Medium-easy

Mundo has free transition and insane jungle clears. If you meet him you have more burst but he has more sustained damage so be careful not to stick too long and be kited by his Q. He also has exhaust so you will lose that advantage.
Route : Wraiths/your red(keep smite)/your blue. (in case he want to start his red and want to contest your blue)

Difficulty: Hard

Shaco is a great ganker but you can counter gank him really hard. If you walk into a boxes trap you will lose the fight but in a direct 1vs1 even if he has exhaust you will have the upper hand. He is way too squishy to handle your burst. Taking an early oracle against can help controlling lanes and chasing him once he gank.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/wolves/wraiths/your blue.

Difficulty: Medium-Easy

First nocturne clear can be slow, so you can be agressive early game before he take red. He can shield your slow so you shouldn't try to fight him 1vs1. And with his q he can be as fast as you.

Difficulty: Hard

Gangplank is a single target damage dealer so his jungle is slow so you can contest his buffs easily.
In a 1vs1 situation he will have low cc and will have a hard time escaping you.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/your blue/his red.

Difficulty: Easy

Malphite clear is pretty fast so it's hard to counter him but he can't fight you anyway. His Q slow is kinda so it will bad for him to kite you. And since you don't rely that much in attack speed his E will be worthless against you. He will never kill you but you can kill him easy with your magic damage.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/wolves/wraiths/your blue.

Difficulty: Easy

He has a slow jungle and mainly relies on ganking which makes counterjungling him easy. But he got a good gap closer and don't mainly rely on autoattacks for damage. He got a decent slow/shield too. Can be complicated to counter him, do not stick in his jungle too long. His ulti can counter you if you use your too early.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/your blue/his red.

Difficulty: Medium-Easy

Riven can start anywhere she wants that's the main problem. She is hard to counterjungle and really mobile in her own jungle. She can kite you easy if you don't time your exhaust and W properly.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/wolves/wraiths/your blue.

Difficulty: Medium

Easy steal and counterjungle, you can camp his red after you take it or gank. You gotta beat him early on or else his lategame will be dangerously strong due to his cc the aoe that will follow from his team.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/your blue/his red.

Difficulty: Medium-Easy

Slow jungler. He can't fight you but his cc can enable his allies to get to you fast. His tanky shield can negate most of your damage so you should be careful when you decide to invade.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/your blue/his red.

Difficulty: Medium-Easy

Like gankplank shen is a single target damage dealer, so his jungle will be weaker. He can't kill you 1vs1. But his lvl6 pressure is way better than yours. He will most likely start red so he will be hard to counterjungle.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/Wolves/wraiths/your blue.

Difficulty: Medium-Easy.

He is very weak early. His jungle speed is ok. But once he get 6 he can easily win a fight against you because of his mobility and his e.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/Wolves/wraiths/your blue.

Difficulty: Medium-Hard

His jungle clear is really similar to you. He got more cc than you and can kill you if you stick around too much. I don't recommend counterjungling but more counterganking. You have more burst than him but he has good sustained damage and is tankier than you early (before 6).
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/Wolves/wraiths/your blue.

Since you start red it will be hard for nunu to counterjungle you, and since he control his buff so well with his q it will be hard for you to counterjungle him too. His ganks are slightly stronger than you and his slow can enable him to kite you when your W is down. You won't die to him 1vs1 but if he has allies with him you need to be careful. Basically it will be an oracle fight between you too. Try to take his small camps as much as possible.
Route : Wraiths/your red(smite early)/Wolves/wraiths/your blue.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nitrii
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Shyvana jungle

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