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Twitch Build Guide by Prophecy8

Twitch - Do you really think the Rat is dead?

Twitch - Do you really think the Rat is dead?

Updated on July 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prophecy8 Build Guide By Prophecy8 6,817 Views 18 Comments
6,817 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Prophecy8 Twitch Build Guide By Prophecy8 Updated on July 28, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Hey! That's my first build at Mobafire and here I will show you guys my own build of that awesome champion who is Twitch! Some can say he is dead and etc because of the nerfs he got through the time but I can say he isn't ;). In that guide you will found my own item sequence, some tips and what you have to do in your lane. (PS: I can't speak english well so.. you will find a lot of english errors.. :/ )
I got this rat in my first month playing league of legends and in some time I made this build with help of others build I found here in mobafire like Xaioli's build and others, and after read everything about twitch and made tests with it and now I want to make it public.
I think everybody knows that rat can stealth and with that you can put a fear in your enemies, making them buy oracles and wards and this make them waste a lot of gold..
Twitch is a pro carry, with his ult he can annihilate the enemy team in seconds.. but he is VERY squish, that means you need to take care when playing as the amazing rat.. let's take a look at the build xd
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Pros / Cons

- Really great carry, can destroy enemies with auto attacks of death (your ult is a super auto attack who boosts AD and give incredible range)
- Can scout for your team
- Can escape using Ambush ( stealth )
- Put fear in your enemies with your stealth ability, since you're MIA everytime you use it.

- Squish, die so fast..
- You're the carry, and that mean when you show yourself in the team fight, everybody will try to stop/kill you.
- Oracles and wards stop your scouting/escaping with ambush.
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- Twitch's passive. Does damage over time, and increases at each stack, up to 6 stacks.

- Twitch's Q. That's the amazing skill who your enemies fear, your stealth!!!!!!!!!!!! That increases your attack speed, and the duration of stealth rises each lvl. You can do so much with this skill.. scout, use it to increase AS for backdoors etc etc etc.

- Twitch's W. This is your only CC. Have a high mana cost and that's why we just put a lvl at lvl 8. Increase the slow duration and percentage the more poison stacks your enemies have.

- Twitch's E. This ability does magic damage for each poison stack you have, and this hit hard, so stack as many poison you can before use expunge. That's nice too to surely get the kill (ks) with another allies.

- Twitch's R. Ultimate!!!!!! With this you can destroy a enemy team in seconds, if they are in the same line. Your attacks will go through the enemies and this have a longe range. You have 5/6/7 shots when you use the ult and you get an AD increase in the duration.
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Marks - I get armor penetraton runes, 'cause late game they help you a lot with damage, since everybody has a nice armor amount, and with that you can kill basically anyone (:

Seals - I get health per lvl seals, because I think they can help in my survability, but you can get mana regen per lvl seals too to don't get down in mana all the time.. or dodge seals, that's more a preference question.

Glyphs - I get flat magic resist runes, since Twitch have a low amount of MR, so that make him not too much squish for mages. Help in survability early game.

Quintessences - I get Armor Penetration Quints for the same reason as marks.
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Summoner Spells

What I grab:
- Exhaust: Slow, damage reduction, really nice spell. Good for chasing and escaping!
- Flash: So many uses. Used for escape, positioning, chasing, etc etc etc.

- Cleanse: Like a must at ranked, since they focus you a lot more with exahusts, stuns, etc. Really nice choice, I get this in the place of exhaust when I use it.
- Ignite: I don't exactly like it, but that's nice for first blood/early game damage.
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21/0/9 Like all AD carries.

Offensive Tree:
Like everyone, except that i get 4 points in Alacrity because of the AS who helps early game, and just 1 point in Brute Force because i think some AS is better then 2 AD points.

Utility Tree:
- 3 Points in Good Hands, 10% less time dead really helps late game.
- 1 Point in Perseverance just because we don't use Teleport or Ghost.
- 4 Points in Awareness, because that make us more strong than our enemies, and who don't want it?
- 1 Point in Utility Mastery because of the improved time with buffs. Who don't want more time with your red buff? :3
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I get Berserker's Greave because the AS really helps and I get some nice move speed combined with the early Zeal.
PS: basically all Twitch's guides take Boots of Mobility and I don't take it because of the Zeal early game who gives me nice mobility, so I don't think that's a must and the AS is more important.


You don't have a ~time to get~ your defensive item, that's situational. If you see you need it before your Infinity Edge or after, take it. If you see you don't even need it after IE that's ok too.

Magic Defense
I usualy grab Banshee's for some CC protection with the unique passive, MR and health+mana, but if you're facing a Karthus a Hexdrinker is a nice choice too. (Quicksilver Sash can be very effective against hard CC enemies, since this have a instant cleanse as unique ative and gives a lot of MR).

Defense Against AD Characters
A nice choice is Frozen Mallet, who gives you a lot of Health, really a lot, some AD and a slow in each hit! That's really a nice item for Twitch, combined with his base armor will help you a lot in survability.

Damage Items
I usually grab:
- Black Cleaver - nice combination of AD, AS and Armor Reduction in each hit!
- Infinity Edge - Hard AD with critics and the unique passive make your critics hit even harder!
- Bloodthirster - I get this item late game, since the life steal can help me receive some of my damage back, this is nice to counter thornmails, since I heal myself while I get reflected, "lowering" the thornmail effect.
- Phantom Dancer - Who don't want AS, critic, and move speed? Awesome item who fits well in the Twitch's carry role.

Situational damage items:
- Madred's Bloodrazor: nice to counter high HP champs with the unique passive, like Cho, Mundo, etc. Gives a nice ton of AS, some AD and armor!
- Sword of the Divine: I don't exactly like this item, but it's good when you're facing a Jax and he is fed, so that's an easy way to kill him. Gives nice Armor Penetration too with the unique ative.
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My usual item sequence

I start buying a Doran's Blade for some early HP and AD. After that I get my boots of speed and rush for a Zeal. After that a finish my boots getting Berzerker's. With that I have some nice early AS, some critic, and a nice move speed. Now i need a boost in my ad, so I get BF Sword and make a Black Cleaver with that. I get another BF sword and make a Infinity Edge. At this point you want to sell your Doran's item and if you're having some defensive issues you can make a Banshee's or another defensive item. Upgrade your Zeal to Phantom Dancer and if the match isnt over get another bf sword and then Bloodthirster.
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This is more like a thing you should know not just for Twitch but for everytime you play league of legends. NEVER AUTO ATTACK MINIONS ALL THE TIME UNLESS YOU WANT TO PUSH AND TAKE DOWN A TURRET. You just have to last hit minions for gold, never push early game or you will get ganked easily and you don't want that.
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You must have to be behind your team mates, behind your tanks, because if the enemies get you you're dead. Yes. Simply that. Dead. Twitch is so squish, he can die so fast in team fights, you will have time to launch like 2 shots and die if they focus you in the start, so play safe.
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I will explain what to do Early, Mid and Late game in this section.

Early Game

Try to last hit as much as you can, but don't just auto attack the minions, just last hit. This will be east if you're mid, but if you're laning with someone this will get harder. Harrass with your auto attacks and if you can stack 2~3 poison stacks at your enemy, you can use expunge. Try to enter the stealth when you're not in enemy range so they can't know that.. and if you think you can kill, you have your exhaust for it, you hit hard at early game too and you can do it.

Mid Game
In this you probably have your boots and zeal, and with this you have a nice mobility. With that you can go for ganks to get gold for your BF Sword, so get stealth, ult, and at the end expunge for easy kills! (Use exhaust just if you really need this, don't waste it with easy kills). Just remember to don't walk in the map with no stealth while someone in the other team is MIA, if that happens you're probably dead cause you're really squish. In team fights stay behind your team to don't get focused and wait they use their stuns/exhaust/etc to pop out stealth.

Late Game

At this point, if you're doing well, they probably have an oracle or two, so don't scout, or you will be dead and they will attack your team and they will die, cause they need you to do damage. You can probably 1v1 everyone at this point but if you have to do this, make sure there are no MIAs or they can go to you while you're doing your ~stealth assassin~ job.
Take down turrets and try to backdoor, cause you have a nice AS and a really nice AD, and you can take turrets/inhibitors down really fast.
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The End

So now I finished my way to play Twitch, I wish the people who read this like it, I think it's a good way since I always get nice scores with it. My inspiration is the Xaioli's Build and I learned a lot reading his build through the months, but now is time to show my own. Comment everything you want, with asks etc and I will answer any doubts or argues.

Btw I'm on US server and my name in game is Prophecy8 .
(PS: Again, sorry for my bad english.)

And please, try testing the build before voting!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prophecy8
Prophecy8 Twitch Guide
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Twitch - Do you really think the Rat is dead?

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