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Teemo Build Guide by Vapora Dark

Top Vapora Dark's Grandmaster Top Teemo Guide Season 10

Top Vapora Dark's Grandmaster Top Teemo Guide Season 10

Updated on October 28, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vapora Dark Build Guide By Vapora Dark 220 14 1,402,105 Views 51 Comments
220 14 1,402,105 Views 51 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vapora Dark Teemo Build Guide By Vapora Dark Updated on October 28, 2020
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-Table of Contents-

Hi, I'm Vapora Dark, a veteran player that's been playing since season 1. During that time I've hit Master tier as a mid lane main in season 5, as an ADC main in season 7, again as a jungle main in season 8, and once more in season 9 playing a mix of all those roles including mid and Fizz. I can play every role to a very high level and have a very good understanding of the general aspects of the game on top of that.

I've been writing guides on MOBAFire since 2011, among which my achievements include winning the MOBAFire guide contest multiple times, achieving the highest score on the site multiple times with multiple guides, achieving the most comments on a single guide of all time by a very large amount which hasn't come even close to being surpassed in the 3 years that it's been archived, and having the most collective guide views on the site by a very hefty amount. I've also written some champion guides for Riot Games on the Lolesports site.

Sorcery & Domination

Summon Aery
Summon Aery: As Teemo you can easily proc this very easily in lane, and Toxic Shot's poison lasts so long that you'll often proc it twice from just one auto-attack. It can also apply globally from Noxious Trap.

Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band: Teemo doesn't buy any items that give or regen mana. This rune together with your mana costs means you'll rarely go OOM once you have it fully stacked.

Transcendence: Teemo likes CDR a lot but only gets 20% from his core build. This rune can make that 30% and if you ever buy or get more than 40% CDR you'll turn that into ability power which is very useful for build flexibility.

Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm: Teemo scales incredibly well into the late game with his Noxious Trap and Blinding Dart. His early game is already potent enough to the point where Scorch is simply not needed. An extra 40+ AP will be useful more often to you.


Cheap Shot

Ravenous Hunter
Cheap Shot: Every time an enemy hits a Noxious Trap they'll take the bonus damage from this rune. Blinding Dart followed by an auto attack will also proc it making it good for early game trades. The damage this rune offers is a lot more than people expect because it's true damage on a very low cooldown.

Ravenous Hunter: This actually synergizes super well with Teemo not only because Blinding Dart is single-target, but because it treats Toxic Shot as a spell, giving you a lot of non-stop healing. It's hard to notice in-game since it's over time, but it adds up real quick, especially as it applies to minions too.

10% Attack Speed
9 Adaptive Force
6 Armour


This is the best summoner spell in the game, almost every champion takes it and it's completely irreplaceable. It's the best defensive summoner and the best offensive summoner all at once. The fact that you see all 10 players take this in 99% of games just goes to show how strong it is. Teemo is of course no exception to this.

Teleport is the standard summoner for top lane, but you're an a**hole so you're going to take Ignite. Ignite is actually optimal for Teemo because he plays solely for lane, and Ignite gives him kill potential and makes him impossibly hard to 1v1 on top of his already great kit for dueling top laners.

If you somehow find yourself in what turns out to be a pretty bad matchup, Teleport becomes viable to survive the lane more easily. Examples of who you might want to consider taking this against are Pantheon and Heimerdinger.

-Skill Order-

> >
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Passive: Guerrilla Warfare

Guerrilla Warfare: Not terribly useful in straight up 1v1 situations, but it does have some uses, such as making incredible jukes while in brushes. You can also set yourself up for an ambush, especially if you can place a Noxious Trap somewhere you think the enemy is likely to step on. You'll have to use a lot of creativity to use this passive well.
Q: Blinding Dart

Blinding Dart: It's thanks to this that Teemo is such a pain in the *** to deal with for many top laners who usually excel at 1v1s. If you're using this to poke make sure you're not in a position where you can be easily all-in'd afterwards, since this is a very crucial skill to have up in all-ins in most matchups.
W: Move Quick

Move Quick: Not the flashiest spell in the world, but it's pretty useful for Teemo's kit. It gives him enough mobility to easily escape ganks and being collapsed on while split pushing, and in laning phase it's super useful for getting in range to land more harass on enemies.
E: Toxic Shot

Toxic Shot: This adds a lot of strength to Teemo's auto-attack poke early on, a huge part of what makes him such a strong lane bully. As you gain levels and items it does a lot of damage, giving you huge DPS especially when combined with Nashor's Tooth. It's also super useful for waveclearing, since if you auto-attack each minion of a wave once you'll get a lot of DoT damage onto each minion that speeds up the waveclearing process combined to just auto-attacking each minion down one-by-one on any other champion.
R: Noxious Trap

Noxious Trap: These act as free mini-wards and are just a massive nuisance to the enemy team, especially when you scatter them throughout their jungle. In lane you should start placing them behind you and in places where it will massively screw over the enemy top laner if they try and engage on you, then start placing them around the river and enemy jungle entrance to both grant vision and slow the enemy jungler down while they try and gank. Try to avoid placing the traps right next to each other when possible since enemies will frequently explode two at the same time, and the damage doesn't stack.

Doran's Ring

Doran's Ring: Your abilities all have have AP ratios and the mana regen ensures you can spam Blinding Dart as much as you need to, making it the optimal starting item for Teemo.
Liandry's Torment

Liandry's Torment: An absolute core item on Teemo thanks to its amazing synergy with Noxious Trap. The damage will always be massive regardless of the enemy who is affected. Every single Noxious Trap becomes a ward that if hit will take off half an enemies health bar. Tanks without Adaptive Helm get especially screwed by this, as usually they have no out of fight sustain.
Nashor's Tooth

Nashor's Tooth: This is an amazing item for Teemo since on top of giving him the AP and CDR stats that an AP champion needs, it also gives him a lot of attack speed which has great synergy with Toxic Shot and greatly increases his DPS. The on-hit damage works perfectly in-conjunction with Toxic Shot. This should always be your second item for the stats alone.

Morellonomicon: With the healing reduction and flat pen this item offers, you'll melt squishy targets with your high base damages and magic damage DPS. The healing reduction is also fantastic as it'll last very long thanks to Liandry's Torment, Toxic Shot and Noxious Trap.

Void Staff

Void Staff: At this stage of the game a lot of champions have usually built some form of MR or at the very least naturally received a decent amount of MR through levels, causing Void Staff's % penetration to come in handy, and making it a cheap power spike. Especially so with Teemo doing a lot of damage through Liandry's Torment and the pain it can inflict onto tanks.
Rabadon's Deathcap

Rabadon's Deathcap: This is a great item to round up your build with. It's an amazing late-game item since it multiplies your current AP and at this stage you'll have 4 items worth of AP, making it extremely efficient.
Zhonya's Hourglass

Zhonya's Hourglass: Sometimes this item may be necessary if you're against heavy divers or the likes of Zed. You won't always need this item though, your Blinding Dart does a lot even against ability based assassins due to most of them needing at least 1 auto attack to function. Contempt for the Weak, Blade's End, Z-Drive Resonance and Assassin's Mark for a few examples of why defence items such as Zhonya's Hourglass are less important for you if you play properly.
Lich Bane

Lich Bane: Whilst usually you don't need extra burst if you're playing Teemo properly, sometimes being able to kill someone in less than a second is important for the game. Lich Bane together with Blinding Dart and a basic attack amplified by Toxic Shot/ Nashor's Tooth is an insane amount of burst, especially because you can do it from stealth.

Early Game

At level 1 whether you start Toxic Shot or Blinding Dart depends entirely on who your lane opponent is and what's more effective against them. Blinding Dart is best for very short trades where you might not get many windows to play aggressively, while Toxic Shot is best in matchups where you can easily harass with auto-attacks repeatedly. In almost all ranged matchups you'll want to start Blinding Dart, while most melee matchups, especially vs tanks, will benefit from Toxic Shot start.
Regardless of which you start with you'll want to constantly poke your lane opponent since there's virtually no one that can win trades against Teemo early on. Try not to push too hard so you don't end up at the enemy tower in an easily gankable position, but at the same time try not to get pushed in either since you want to be able to hit level 2 before your opponent so you remain stronger than them.

At level 2 take whichever spell you didn't take at level 1, and at level 3 take Move Quick since it helps you escape ganks, kite, and aggressively chase enemies for kills or more harass.

Nothing really changes about your playing pattern throughout the entire laning phase, any changes are adaptations you'll have to make depending on who you're laning against and what their champion is capable of.

After level 6 you should place a few Noxious Traps in lane in places where it's very hard for minions to activate and where they would easily protect you during ganks or if the enemy laner tries to all-in you. Once you have a few down you should starting moving them into the river in order to act as small wards and to slow the enemy jungler down while he tries to gank before he's even arrived into the lane.

Here you'll find a more in-depth guide into Noxious Trap spots for Teemo:

Out of Lane

Teemo's team-fighting is not very good, so you should avoid it whenever possible. If your lane opponent is someone you can easily beat even late-game then you should stay top lane trying to push down towers, using Noxious Traps to keep yourself safe from getting collapsed on, and also placing them in the enemy jungle whenever it's safe to do so.

After you've taken the 2nd top turret though there's not much else you can do. You can't split push bot lane because without TP that's basically giving away a free baron, and taking the inhibitor turret is hard unless your lane opponent just leaves the lane. At that point you'll be forced to group with your team.

When grouping with your team you'll want to think ahead to what are the objectives that both teams will aim to contest in the near future. Teemo isn't good at straight up team-fighting but he's amazing at fighting in pre-determined locations where he has time set up a bunch of Noxious Traps. So for example if Dragon is 2 minutes away from spawning, you'd start placing a ton of shrooms around the general dragon area and entrances to the river from the enemy team's side, making it so they have to step into a shroom minefield if they want to contest the objective; when in reality it'll be borderline impossible and an easy team-fight win for your team.

In team-fights you should aim to DPS down the enemy tanks ( Nashor's Tooth comes in handy here), dropping Noxious Trap near enemies where they're likely to explode and do damage since they're a massive nuke and constantly proc Liandry's Torment to help burn down tanks, as well as greatly reducing their mobility.

If a squishy enemy ever gets in range of you you can always try to blow them up with Blinding Dart -> auto-attacks, which even though it will rarely 1-shot anyone unless you're really fed, will easily take off a large chunk of their HP bar and will kill them if any of your other team-mates focus them as well. If they ever hit a Noxious Trap at 40% of below health they'll die, so even just doing half of a squishies health bar can be enough to totally force them from the fight.

Make sure to purchase Zhonya's Hourglass if you need it to survive against heavy dive or assassins like Zed.

Hopper is Bae

That's it for my Teemo guide. I hope you found this helpful and learn to play Teemo as well as you want to.

Special thanks to Hopper for doing the banners and coding. (Go check her shop out!)

If you ever want to see me play, make sure to follow me on Twitch. I'm currently streaming every day between 3-10 PM GMT.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark Teemo Guide
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