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Wukong General Guide by DominatingMe

Wukong The Dominating Tank Slayer

Wukong The Dominating Tank Slayer

Updated on August 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DominatingMe Build Guide By DominatingMe 1,312 Views 0 Comments
1,312 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DominatingMe Wukong Build Guide By DominatingMe Updated on August 5, 2011
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Hello Summoners,Doubting My Build?
Just Don't.
Wukong Can Be The Most Op champ if he was fed cz He has magic res(passive)+my build gives u health and dmg.
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Strong burst damage throughout all-of-game
An easy-to-use AD carry
Assassin and Killer
Tanky (quite) without really buying tanky items (Stone Skin)
Able to escape the most dire situations with Decoy and Stone Skin (passive)
Very fun to play!

Unable to do anything if focused with cc
No escape techniques if Decoy and Cyclone are in Cooldown
Gets ksed quite a bit (don't know why it just happens)
Makes a LOT of enemies!!
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Team Work (TW)

Best TW Champs That Should Lane With U:
AP:Lux,Swain,Morgana,Annie,Le Blanc,Katarina,Fiddle...
AD:Ashe,Miss Fortune,Urgot,Caitlyn,Twisted Fate,Ezreal,Vayne...
Melee:Xin,Tryn,Warwick,Jarvin,Shaco,Udyr,Poppy,Gangplank,Lee sin...
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Build 2

This Build Should Be Use if Tryn or Xin or Yi... are against U
Replace:Your Frozen Mallet With Thornmail
And If There Is no Thank In ur Team:Replace Doran's Blade With Doran's Shield and Last Whisper With Warmog.
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This Is My 1st Guide It's Underdevelopment,Remember To vote So I can Know If it's Good or Not.
In conclusion, I believe Wukong is an absolutely fun and enjoyable champion to play! Always remember that don't always follow what the build says, but instead USE YOUR BRAIN!! No matter who you're using, always build your champion according to the situation. For instance, Don't buy magic resist if their whole team is full of AD champions. You know, your brain is there for a reason.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DominatingMe
DominatingMe Wukong Guide
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Wukong The Dominating Tank Slayer

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