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Xin Zhao Build Guide by Deadpuck

AD Carry Xin Zhao turned into an ADC ( LifeSteal)

AD Carry Xin Zhao turned into an ADC ( LifeSteal)

Updated on December 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Deadpuck Build Guide By Deadpuck 16,383 Views 0 Comments
16,383 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Deadpuck Xin Zhao Build Guide By Deadpuck Updated on December 8, 2012
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This guide is something i just put together real quick

I have been using this build like this for awhile, You can basicly 1v1 anyone, and its a great mid build. I know what your thinking, Xin Zhao is a tank not a ADC, But with the constant heal on his W that makes the lifesteal even more potent. Aswell, your probably thinking that xin zhao mid is retarted, But im here to prove you wrong, as i stated Xin Zhao has is an amazing 1v1 Because of the constant heal on his W, So making him an amazing mid. Please leave feeback. I am willing to change the runes and masteries as you see fit, But the items im a little more dead set on. If you would like tell me if you want me to replace an item with another and i wil take it into consideration.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Deadpuck
Deadpuck Xin Zhao Guide
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