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Trundle Ideas (Lane)

Creator: Whitehouse34 June 2, 2011 8:46pm
Whitehouse34's Forum Avatar
May 9th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2011 8:46pm | Report
I have been browsing all over MF for a decent Trundle lane build that isn't off-tank. So basically i just want to ask around and see what items everyone would consider "core" for a beefy DPS lane Trundle? I tend to be rather aggressive in almost all stages of the game so any item ideas that would help with that are more than welcomed.

I do realize that Trundle isn't necessarily the best laner and I'm sure someone is just gonna say "dOOd just jungle with him." The truth is I hate jungling in randoms but love his play style so I'm looking to have my cake and eat it too :)

Edit: If I manage to get some good ideas together Ill put them into a guide.

Thanks to Xiaowiriamu for the awesome Olaf sig.
Melarith's Forum Avatar
Jan 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 3, 2011 3:04am | Report
Build him as an off-tank in the lane. It doesn't work any other way really. It's like trying to tank with Ashe.
The purpose of Shen is to flip out and kill people.
- Phreak

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