1- The numbers are crazy ridiculous
2- People would just pick champions like Kha and KS everyone or play something like Soraka and never go near enemies or just farm all game without going near enemies, etc
2- People would just pick champions like Kha and KS everyone or play something like Soraka and never go near enemies or just farm all game without going near enemies, etc
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Copenhagen Wolves would be Challenger tier ezpz.
Well, the basic format of your idea has definitely been suggested before multiple times (using KDA to define player skill) and it just won't take as an idea. It would, however, work even less using a Fantasy LCS approach. Just look at the points distribution - everyone picks top ADCs and midlaners because it generally nets them the most points whilst supports get lower amounts.
This idea definitely won't work. It's too heavily weighted in the favour of carries rather than supportive, tanking or other utility roles, and there's just no definitive way to balance it.
Well, the basic format of your idea has definitely been suggested before multiple times (using KDA to define player skill) and it just won't take as an idea. It would, however, work even less using a Fantasy LCS approach. Just look at the points distribution - everyone picks top ADCs and midlaners because it generally nets them the most points whilst supports get lower amounts.
This idea definitely won't work. It's too heavily weighted in the favour of carries rather than supportive, tanking or other utility roles, and there's just no definitive way to balance it.
sirell wrote:
Copenhagen Wolves would be Challenger tier ezpz.
Well, the basic format of your idea has definitely been suggested before multiple times (using KDA to define player skill) and it just won't take as an idea. It would, however, work even less using a Fantasy LCS approach. Just look at the points distribution - everyone picks top ADCs and midlaners because it generally nets them the most points whilst supports get lower amounts.
This idea definitely won't work. It's too heavily weighted in the favour of carries rather than supportive, tanking or other utility roles, and there's just no definitive way to balance it.
Well, the basic format of your idea has definitely been suggested before multiple times (using KDA to define player skill) and it just won't take as an idea. It would, however, work even less using a Fantasy LCS approach. Just look at the points distribution - everyone picks top ADCs and midlaners because it generally nets them the most points whilst supports get lower amounts.
This idea definitely won't work. It's too heavily weighted in the favour of carries rather than supportive, tanking or other utility roles, and there's just no definitive way to balance it.
I think the idea would work but the points would have to be alted so its fair on each role so like for example a Support would get more points for a kill than an ADC but would get less for Assists than an ADC or ADC/Mid/Top would get less points on Creep Score than Jungle and Support.
I am definitely not saying the numbers are perfect but the concept is good and it just takes some research into how to make it fairer on everyone whilst eliminating the chances of cheating like for example if you plan to Kill Steal you need to do a certain amount of damage otherwise it will be counted as an Assist instead.
Simple things like that
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
Rewarding people for their KDAs won't and shouldn't ever happen, the only thing that matters in League is killing the nexus. Anything else just encourages selfish behaviour, lack of teamwork and *****ing at your team for ksing.
Also the Fantasy LCS system is terrible and it should feel terrible. You're punished for picking actual good players who end games quickly and/or strategically by focusing on objectives and rotations and rewarded for 60 minute bloodbaths where both teams are teamfighting constantly and throwing the game back and forth. It's fine when it's just for fun but it's not good as a serious system.
The exact same thing would happen with this. "dont end guys i need more lp!1!!".
Also the Fantasy LCS system is terrible and it should feel terrible. You're punished for picking actual good players who end games quickly and/or strategically by focusing on objectives and rotations and rewarded for 60 minute bloodbaths where both teams are teamfighting constantly and throwing the game back and forth. It's fine when it's just for fun but it's not good as a serious system.
The exact same thing would happen with this. "dont end guys i need more lp!1!!".
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For a while now I have wondered why players who obviously put in the effort to try and win Ranked games are punished as equally as those who just join in ranked to ruin in for others so I originally came up with the idea of basing the LP points on the players KDA...but that didn't seem to be a good (or popular idea).
So I started putting some thought into it and suddenly it hit me - The Fantasy LCS point system would work beautifully if you modified it a little.
Let me explain.
Depending on your role you get 0.5 to 1pt for each kill or Assist and -0.5 to -1pt for every death.
You gain bonus points for each triple/Quadra or Pentakill you achieve.
You score +2pts for each stack of 10 kills/Assists you achieve in a game.
And you get 0.1pt per creep score.
You could also get bonus points for every dragon/barons/tower you are a part of taking down, bonus for finishing a game within 30 minutes.
You can then have +15 for winning and -15 for losing as well as losing bonus points for the team picking up objectives like Towers etc.
As for the LP it would remain at 100pts to qualify for the promo matches where it would be 2 out of 3 for divisons 5-2 then 3 out of 5 for promo to silver/gold/Diamond etc but for the kicker since you could easily accumulate points (if you are good you could get to the promotions in a single match) should you fail your promotion series your score is reverted to Zero.
Finally if you are on Zero and you are higher than Bronze V should you lose a match with negative score you are automatically demoted down.
What do you guys think? Do you think this would work? What issues would make this impossible to work?
Leave your comments below and I thank you for reading.