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Was having too much Kill cost you a game?

Creator: KatariFIRE April 25, 2017 6:49pm
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Apr 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 25, 2017 6:49pm | Report


Today in my local server [ THAILAND ] I just played a casual game again and luckily I have a challenger player on my team with other 1 Diamond and 2 bronzes.

I am a low plat ( 3 ) on that server and usually only played jungle Kha'Zix Rengar and Warwick
all of them are mastery 7 with around 100K mastery point (not much I know).

I played Kha'Zix jungle this game and score 20/5/3 but we LOSE.

That challenger player played Kassadin mid and score 11/5/8
he said to me that "If he got a KDA like me we would have won the game"

So, I take his word seriously and began to investigate my play.


Normally I got a very good KDA in almost every game because the nature of my main Rengar Kha'Zix
I got low CS because I played jungle though.

I know that giving kill to ADC or MID is better, but I always have sense of insecurity and I am afraid that the enemy player would got away and kill us later.
So, I always secure the kill every time I had a chance. (WASN'T LETTING THEM GO WORSE?)

Another problem is that when I played assassin champion I am afraid to go in and tank damage because I knew that IT WILL NEVER WORK. Sometime people expect me to go all in and I didn't even know why?
Why would you want an assassin to tank a damage for you? Wasn't backing off and group up or waiting for a tank sounds a lot better?

I mean if I played Sejuani Maokai Zac Rammus Malphite I wouldn't be afraid to tank damage for my team, but I played Kha'Zix man!! what are they expect me to do really!!??

I love watching league youtubers like NightBlue3 RedMercy Foxdrop
And began to copy their play style, especially NightBlue because we both play Rengar a lot.
I also enjoy watching pro player games.

What I have listened from them and what my team expect me to do was completely in opposite direction...
I complete my role as an assassin and kill people then get out alive, I warded, I counter warded, I counter jungle, I ganked, I literally deleted ADC and MID from the game!! T_________T

Wasn't I fulfill my duty?
"There is the Hunter and the Hunted"
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 25, 2017 11:24pm | Report
I recommend you watch some of Commando Yi's videos. He goes over a lot of decision making for jungling, and as a whole. He's someone I'd recommend no matter who you are.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2017 5:20am | Report
KatariFIRE wrote:
all of them are mastery 7 with around 100K mastery point (not much I know).
It's not that 100k is "not much". It's actually a lot. But mastery points and even mastery rating say nothing about how good you are as a player. You could be the worst bronze V player and still get to a million points with mastery 7 on any champion.

That said...
KatariFIRE wrote:

I know that giving kill to ADC or MID is better, but I always have sense of insecurity and I am afraid that the enemy player would got away and kill us later.
So, I always secure the kill every time I had a chance. (WASN'T LETTING THEM GO WORSE?)
The main reason why killing enemies is good is to deny them gold and exp from minions. If they just got to lane and after your gank they have to go back to base or play passively until your ally backs you've won an advantage in that lane. So I guess sometimes it's not that bad if they escape. And in cases where they better not escape, you have to find a compromise between securing the kill and letting the laners have it.

KatariFIRE wrote:
I love watching league youtubers like NightBlue3 RedMercy Foxdrop
And began to copy their play style, especially NightBlue because we both play Rengar a lot.
I also enjoy watching pro player games.

What I have listened from them and what my team expect me to do was completely in opposite direction...
All of the youtubers that say you should climb out of some division by getting the kills are assuming you're better than the average there. If you're playing with a challenger and a D1 and you're really going for the win it's safe to assume it's worth taking the risk of the enemy escaping with low hp if it is to feed them early. That's because in that game you're not Nightblue, your challenger friend is, and he's complaining when you get the kills.

KatariFIRE wrote:
Another problem is that when I played assassin champion I am afraid to go in and tank damage because I knew that IT WILL NEVER WORK. Sometime people expect me to go all in and I didn't even know why?
Why would you want an assassin to tank a damage for you? Wasn't backing off and group up or waiting for a tank sounds a lot better?

I mean if I played Sejuani Maokai Zac Rammus Malphite I wouldn't be afraid to tank damage for my team, but I played Kha'Zix man!! what are they expect me to do really!!??
This one depends on both team compositions and what they meant by "going in". I mean, if you're fed and you can go in and kill an adc so that the rest of your team wins the fight while you're getting focused/chased, then yeah, you should go in. But it's not always the case and it's hard for other players to know all the limitations you're playing with.

Most of those limitations are possibly your fault though, since a good assassin not only knows how to execute the kill properly but also tries its best to catch the enemy when and where they can kill them. Like going around the enemy team to get the squishies from behind or making the whole team follow you and turning around when your allies show up. There are probably deeper mechanics but I suck with assassins so IDK.
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Apr 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2017 9:41am | Report
Thank you very much for your comments.

I actually not seen Challenger and Diamond player much that's why I really want to play as good as possible during that match.
I just got depressed because that challenger said it's my fault and I think that it's really my fault.

I expect people to point out that I'm wrong and tell me what should I do, so I am very happy you did not side with me.

Since I really used to lower rank play style I really think I can carry game by myself which sometimes backfired (like this)
It's difficult to trust someone if you didn't know them. Sometimes I know what I should do, but I usually question my team ability to notice and fallow a plan.

This may be a grave mistake and I need to fix my habit if I want to play better.
"There is the Hunter and the Hunted"
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2017 11:15am | Report
So the page actually logged me out when I was about to post my long, ellaborate answer. Fvck. I'll try to remake it.
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2017 11:22am | Report
You can always play better, but the same is also true for your friends, both the bronze and the challenger. Saying losing the game is "your fault" always works in soloqueue, where you only have control of how you play. It's a bit more complex when playing with premades though, since they can also play better, so it's not just you. That was bad wording on my part.

It also means saying "you should've played better" has zero meaning to someone that's already trying to improve. A challenger premade is useful if the player takes the time to make constructive criticism, not if they just say "I would have done that better". Personally, I only like playing with higher elo players to get challenging opponents, since all of the diamond and higher people I play with aren't very good teachers (and most of the D5 ones suck to the point I wonder if they actually got an eloboost).
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2017 1:34pm | Report
Gonna be honest, I only skimmed Ekki's comments so sorry if I repeat anything that's been said already.

This sounds like a "why did I lose when I had lots of kills" question. Basically the more kills you take (and fewer assists you have) the more responsibility you have to impact the game. If you have 20 kills but your teammates aren't fed, you have to play with very few mistakes and try to help your team through taking objectives and giving them opportunities to farm.

It's a bit easier to win a game if you have enough kills to be strong, but also a number of assists that help your teammates get strong. It's okay to take kills if you're not sure if your ally can secure them, just remember that if you die, a huge amount of your team's gold is off the map.

It can be hard to solo-carry with assassins like Kha'Zix because you have to wait for openings in team fights and if your teammates are all weak, they're not going to be strong enough to create those openings for you to clean up.

I wouldn't worry too much about the outcome, just try and make the most out of the games where you're really fed and use your advantage to help your team as best you can.
Thanks to Lugignaf for the sig!
NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 9, 2017 11:49am | Report
All these solo queue games where Lee Sin takes all the kills and you know, kill per kill, the game is more and more lost. And since Lee is in basically every game atm it happens very often.
MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2017 11:27am | Report
It is all well and good to go on a killing spree in League of Legends and get plenty of Solo Kills however if you are not making the effort to at least try to give your team mates some of the kills or assists during the game then you are literally handicapping them because they have to solely rely on you to do almost everything in the team fights.

From past experience I would rather be on a team were the other players (with me as Support) has 5 kills each than to be on the team where one player has like 20 kills whilst the others have 1 if they are lucky because once that 20 kill player is taken down then you know the rest of the team is running or going down too.
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"

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