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Trainers List

Creator: FreestyleZer0 April 4, 2011 8:00pm

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FreestyleZer0's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 8:00pm | Report
Ok i'm going to ask all you trainers from the EU and US server to post your services in here.
Fairly simple, write down your ingame name, what you will train people in and which server you will lend your services in, also tell me how you would like to be contacted (skype, teamspeak3, ventrillo, ingame, PM on the forums).

This will give an good overview of all the services that are available.

I will keep this updated and edit this post to include the trainers and their services.

Those that are interested in these services offered just look at how the trainers preffer to be contacted and act accordingly (NOTE* most are in the MOBAFire Chatroom on LoL so you might also find them there).

Also, before you truly think about this i would like to make 1 thing clear, if you play decently (so don't lose to often but also not win to often) the thing you should be looking for are most likely people who train your general gameplay rather then specific champions considdering that is 90% of the cases with players.

Here is the list of trainers in the EU.

Willing to train some guys, can give general help with all the metagame (laning phase, mid-game, late-game teamfights, jungling, whatever) and can also help with almost all the existing champions and can really boost up their game.
Requirements for you: Must have either skype (recommended) or teamspeak 3, be in a good mood and be willing to learn.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Excel with Nida, Annie, Ashe, Malphite and Janna, a mid laning specialist, can also teach you how to lasthit better then most.
Requirements for you: Would be very usefull to have skype and required to speak english, be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame.

Will help with (almost) anything, excells at jungle and support but is not the one you should contact for specific champion builds (maybe early game jungle if anything).
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Sending a PM on the forums.

Vladimir, Katarina, Tristana, Ashe, Akali, Shaco, Twisted fate, Kennen, Annie, and lots more!
Requirements for you: Have skype, have patience and be in good mood.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame.

Sp0on (with the number 0)
Has a general understanding of every champion and knowledge about all aspects of the game.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood and possibly have skype, ventrilo or teamspeak.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

wRAthoFVuLK (Also US)
Can help with anything, usually on to play/talk to, whether you have questions or if you want to play some, will train you in any champion and excells at Katarina, Malzahar, Vladimir, LeBlanc, Nocturne, Kassadin, Brand and Irelia.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood, possible have ventrilo, skype, or teamspeak 3 if you want to talk.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Here is the list of trainers in the US.

Will chat or do some matches and give pointers.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame.

Excells with Karma, Taric, Jax, Kennen, Amumu, Akali, Katarina, Ezreal, Janna, Evelynn, and most others. Has experience in all roles and will help with basic play-style, countering, and theories. (can also teach you how to kill Tryndamere :P)
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood and need to be able to listen, possibly have skype or ventrillo.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Will teach people how to properly use skill-shots and will teach about all aspects in the game in general (except for roaming, he's terrible at that). Mains AD Ezreal and AP Lux, but can teach about most champions. Shen, Sona, Malzahar, Anivia, Xin Zhao, Jax, Akali, Swain, the sky is the limit.
Requirements for you: Don't expect him to speak, he'll be in vent for you but don't expect him to talk too. Expect quirkiness and unnecessarily tall walls of text about theorycraft. Also, don't be mean and be in a good mood!
Means of contact: Sending a PM on the forums or visiting him in the MOBAFire Ventrilo Server or saying hi in the "Mobafire" in-game chatroom. (Do not send a friend request because he'll probably ignore it!)

Chaotic Bliss
He is more of a mind opener, has theories of game play and how to get better at certain things. Aside from champion building, things like last hitting, forms of harassment, and has threads about the two styles of effective game play.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood and be a good listener, you need to have skype.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Tank Specialist.
Requirements for you: Possibly have ventrillo if desired by the trainee and be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame.

Will train people in anivia and shaco.
Requirements for you: Will train you or not depending on his mood, which is usually bad, also do not be obnoxious when talking to him.
He will delete you just as quickly as he accepts your invitation if he finds you to be a ***.
Please do not play a few games with one character and ask him "why do i suck", play at least 20 before seriously asking him for help.
No noobs (might sound weird but he trains the people who actually know the game and just want help to get better at those specific champions).
Means of contact: Any way you can think off.

Will help people through early stages of level 1-15, excells in ranged carries, some mages and a small amount of tanks, has no voice chat at all.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood and low level ofcourse, possibly have ventrilo.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending an PM on the forums.

Has a good mood and never rages, doesn't understand raging that much.
Plays a variety of characters but for now mainly shen and sivir and excels in support or tank champs, also understands most jungle routes.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood, possibly have ventrilo.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Is good with Alistar, Twisted Fate, Warwick as jungle and lane, Shaco, Nasus as Dps, Mordekaiser as ap and tank, Urgot as an major harraser, Annie and Soraka, will help you with builds and what to do best in certain situations.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame and sending a PM on the forums.

Can either play or discuss most champions although his "mains" would probably be Ashe, Annie, Nocturne, Udyr, Nunu, Sion, and Singed. Can also teach you how to last hit, some things about the metagame, counters, team composition, ward placement, and teamwork.
Requirements for you: At least have a working knowledge of the champion you want to learn, but that's not truly necessary. Also, have some kind of voice communication. What your level is doesn't matter, although it would be easier for him to teach you if you were level 30 (simple experience helps, and you could be confused if he tell you a lot of things at once). Also, please know how to speak english.
Means of contact: Ventrilo and sending a PM on the forums.

2k+ games played, 4th place in Razor TT Tourney, and plays every champ.. Can help with how to lane, what to do in team battles, what to purchase, which champ to play,rune page, Masteries and summoner spells. Hes Chill and Nice, wont be mad even if you go 0 kills 20 deaths 0 assists, rather he will help you with what you are currently doing wrong.
Requirements for you: No raging, and no lieing and be in a good mood!
Means of contact: Adding him in game or on skype. RamenL for both.

Will help with every part of the game, from champion select, what champions to buy and such. Will be patient no matter how you play at first.
Requirements for you: Be patient, this takes time and be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Adding him in game or on skype. RealistFreak for both.

Doesn't really specialize in any specfic role, but has experience in each field. (Least amount in Support)
Excels in DPS Twisted Fate, Malzhar, Vladimir, Amumu, Shen, Leblanc, and jungle Olaf.
Requirements for you: Rather plays on the weekends (Darn HW), you have to be able put up with either bad jokes or blathering.
Also be prepared to play with other moba people or his friends, be in a good mood, have ventrilo or skype.
Means of contact: Sending a PM on the forums with your username so he can add you.

Excels at jungle Nunu, Jungle Warwick, and tank AND dps Garen, but he can try to help with others as well.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood, have patience, and don't be all over him all day every day, possibly having vent/skype would help a ton.
Dont expect him to be on all of the time, if you see him on but he doesn't answer he's probably AFK.
Last but not least don't be a total failure.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Sivir, Amumu and Twisted Fate (especially AP Twisted Fate) specialist, good at backdooring.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Plays Soraka (her main), Sona, Karma (her backup main), Kennen, Lux, Yi (AP), Singed, Nidalee (hybrid) Cass, and Shen quite a bit. Can also play Ashe, Kayle, Sivir, Caitlyn, Veigar, Evelynn, Annie, Karthus, and several others pretty decently. Besided that almost any kind of caster can be an option.
Willing to also help with other things.
Requirements for you: Don't be a diehard "normal build" type person as she plays generally different builds and be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Sending a PM on the forums or email her at

Can help with any champion role, but excels at junglers - Nunu, Udyr, Trundle, Amumu, Shen, and all their jungling routes.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood
Means of contact: Adding him ingame.

Willing to help with anything, but specifically melee/up close characters, (the only ranged char he is partially competent with is brand), can also help answer any questions on skills and items, procs and whatnot.
Requirements for you: Friendly and/or willing to play a game as he is a very hands-on person, if all you need is to chat, then so be it.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

wRAthoFVuLK (Also EU)
Can help with anything, usually on to play/talk to, whether you have questions or if you want to play some, will train you in any champion and excells at Katarina, Malzahar, Vladimir, LeBlanc, Nocturne, Kassadin, Brand and Irelia.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood, possible have ventrilo, skype, or teamspeak 3 if you want to talk.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Play style is very aggressive, and its that way from the beginning of the game, till the end.
Of course some situations call for what he likes to call passive/aggressive game play.
Can help with every aspect of the game including, but not limited too:
All phases of the game, jungling/counter jungling/jungle routes, last hitting/xp zoning, team comp/champ selection/counter selecting, team fights, COMMUNICATION!<-(underestimated aspect of this game), items/counter items, and much more...
Requirements for you: Friendly, coachable/willing to listen to what he has to say. Dont like ragers and quitters.
Means of contact: Add in game, Mobafire's vent, or PM. xLiqur for all 3.

Excels at junglers [especially Master Yi and Shaco], also knows how to escape almost every situation but the most severe.
Requirements for you: Good mood, should be happy that he is trying to help out and be in a good mood.
Means of contact: Adding him ingame or sending a PM on the forums.

Here is the list of trainers who i still need more information from or who just offer other type of help (answering questions and such).

Will give answers to any questions you might have on Alistar.
Requirements for you: Be in a good mood.

He can teach you how to play well and how to build your champions.
He will tell you you are bad(he really means this, prepare yourselves if you want him to train you)
He will show you a bunch of builds you should NOT be doing, in any circumstance, then he will show you optimal builds and playstyles in the majority of situations.
He will tell you you are awful (again, he really means this, prepare yourselves if you want him to train you).
When you send him a lol.replay, he will tell you at what times/situations you did poorly in and how you could have improved (i.e last hitting, positioning, item choice at the time, etc)
He will basically tell you all the theory behind what you should be doing and look if you as an individual can identify how to use the theory he teaches you by yourself or if that does not work he will link you high elo streams and recordings.
Requirements for you: Tell him what champions you want to improve with what your current build / playstyle with said champion is and sending him a screenshot of your full game stats (the more info in match history when you click the match) and/or lolreplay files of a game or two which helps him give info on what you're doing wrong/badly/terribly.
Means of contact: Sending a PM on the forums with the message "Mentor".
Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
Jebus McAzn's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 8:02pm | Report
Good idea, stickied.
FreestyleZer0's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 8:05pm | Report
Thanks :).

Mickeyfree's Forum Avatar
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Mar 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 9:04pm | Report
Sounds like an excellent idea. I have a lot to improve on and I'm sure plenty of other players would enjoy the help as i would.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 10:10pm | Report
I'm surprised to see my name up there...

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 10:25pm | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

I'm surprised to see my name up there...

me too!
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 10:31pm | Report
Jet, you're a baddie. Just trollolol somewhere else.
Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 10:42pm | Report
how can you call me a baddie :(

i was going to help teach sum n00bs how to play but now... ! :(
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 10:43pm | Report
You'd just troll them about not being able to last hit, missing Veigar's Dark Matter and Blitz's grab. wouldn't you?

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2011 10:48pm | Report

srs coaching
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
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