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early game carry help

Creator: TheFragileSky February 10, 2012 1:21am
TheFragileSky's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2012 1:21am | Report
Originally, I titled this "AD carry early game help" but I realize I have issues no matter if it's AD carry or AP carry.

My experience of LoL is about 500 games. Also, I played DotA for a while in 2008ish. I play practically everything except AP carries, but I tend to play AP carries every once in a while. I still suffer the same early game problem with both. This topic is focused more towards an AD carry, anyway.

I feel like I'm never at a good start compared to other carries on my team (assuming I'm playing a carry). I usually do a good job at farming (perhaps even a great job), but I would say that 95% of any game I play, I rarely get kills by the time one of the lane's turrets die. If I do get a kill, it's usually from our jungler ganking. I usually play bottom, solo top every once in a while, and jungle sometimes. I feel like I'm no threat to anyone until late game (which is pretty much what happens to any carry that doesn't really get any kills). Perhaps there is a timed aggression I just don't understand or something.

Furthermore, when I'm playing an AD carry, I have armor pen marks and quints, armor per level for seals, and cdr for glyphs (I could probably change the cdr for glyphs but I can't imagine that's the reason why I'm doing so bad). I'm not sure if this is a good enough setup or not, because it blows my mind when I see another AD carry hit really hard early game. For example, doing about 10-15% in one autoattack to another carry when both are between levels 1 to 6.

Normally, I harass if they get within my range. Otherwise, I just keep farming. I feel like if I try to be more aggressive on them, either I find out that they somehow do way more damage to me (this goes back to the 10-15% thing), or I actually end up doing good against them but they fall back far. Sure, this is a win for me since I zone them out, and I get farm while they don't, but I usually stick to the "farm normally and harass if they get too close" thing.

I'm writing this because I actually want to feel like a threat / of great use in everything and not just late game. I questioned a long time as to why I wasn't a threat at all, and I think it's because I just wasn't getting any sort of kills early on to help me out, no matter how well I farmed. I've been in games where I was in the lead of all ten players in creep kills, but I was still behind because a lot of other players had a handful of kills/assists.

Help? :[
Telloth's Forum Avatar
Aug 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2012 3:57am | Report
As an AD carry, if you farm well it shouldn't matter how many kills you get, and you will be a force to be reckoned with late game. If you can get 200 minion kills before anyone else but have 0 kills you will still be one of the most dangerous champions in the game. Don't harrass too often. I would just focus on last hitting and then every now and then pop in a bit of harrass to make sure they aren't just free farming. Same thing applies if you are solo top. It's just a farm fest up there, kills don't usually happen up there compared to the other lanes.

By the way, who are you playing as when you play AD carry? I can't imagine that if you farm well and stay out of trouble then you would then be no use to anyone late game. You should deal a lot of damage later on.

You could maybe try AD or HP quints instead. But that shouldn't be the reason why you are being outdamaged. I would just make sure you farm well, read the top rated guides on Mobafire to ensure that you are buying the right items, and then you should be alright. I wouldn't worry that you aren't getting kills early on, as long as you aren't dying yourself it's absolutely fine :)
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TheFragileSky's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2012 9:38am | Report
Some of the carries I tend to play are Kog'Maw, Tryndamere, Graves, Xin, and Sivir.

I'm not saying that I'm not useful late game, because by then I'm pretty farmed. However, I would say that I would normally finish a game 2/0/8 or 3/3/5, whereas I'll usually see a Caitlyn go 11/3/9 (just an example). I feel like I absolutely never have those kinds of games. And yeah, I'm pretty good about staying alive, so I guess that's good. But still, I feel like there's something I don't understand or something I'm doing wrong.
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2012 10:08am | Report
Almost every bit of early game damage is caused by AD/AP stacked runes and/or full offensive mastery page.

From reading this, it doesn't seem like you are doing bad. You just don't have a lot of killing power early game. Very few champs do. The easiest way to get it is load yourself up with flat AD/AP runes. That doesn't really help you late game as much as other runes, but if that's what you are going for, that's the best way to get it.

I personally think it is just about getting your farm up. Ganks should be where the kills come in. As long as you are harassing enough, the enemies shouldn't be comfortable enough to try zoning you out because that puts them severely overextended and out of position.

As melee champions, sometimes you have to be extremely aggressive in order to get good farm because a lot of ranged champions can make easy work of you early game unless you can get in their faces.
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TheFragileSky's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2012 10:25am | Report
I really appreciate the responses. Thanks :]
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2012 11:27am | Report
Your runes aren't great to be honest. Don't worry about getting kills too much and focus on farming unless you see a good oppertunity to deal some damage.

Playing aggressive and getting kills in bot lane generally relies on you having good coordination with your support and picking a good combo.

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