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Finishing Matches

Creator: Bioalchemist April 1, 2013 10:02am
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Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2013 10:02am | Report
Hey All,

So as I have been playing more and more games the biggest difficulty I find myself having is closing out games. Whether I am way ahead or not when they are down to the last 3 towers/inhibitors near base I never know how to approach it when they turtle...seems like I have been the 'leader' in games more often than not usually because people in solo queue don't talk. I am not sure how to approach things...split push when they turtle? who to send to split? characters that have good range? tanky champs? do you just wait them out? do you initiate under the tower? Any thoughts? Thanks!

Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!

Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2013 10:32am | Report
If you have baron you can slowly trade poke and have your AD hit the tower a few times each minion wave. If you don't have baron, ward up and take it or just act like you are to bait them. Either they come out of the base and fight you to try and stop you or you get it for free. You will pretty much always win a seige if you have baron because the regen is ridiculous.

You can just yolodive if you're so far ahead that it doesn't matter anymore but that's pretty much the #1 way won games get thrown.
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2013 10:40am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

You can just yolodive if you're so far ahead that it doesn't matter anymore but that's pretty much the #1 way won games get thrown.

I find this is most often what happens...aka someone on my team jumps in..gets murdered...and many times the rest follow...and than we nearly throw the game...oh and I almost forgot..after the person jumps in they flame the rest of the team for failing lol

get baron buff and out last them with poke. got it. thanks :)

Woebegonenick's Forum Avatar
Mar 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2013 12:58pm | Report
Finishing your builds and adapting your build for the end game
Scott Azrael
Scott Azrael's Forum Avatar
Jan 31st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2013 5:20am | Report
The main thing late game is patience. If both teams are grouped, you have to wait until you can catch one of their carries out of position. If you can catch an Akali or Vayne out of positon, melt them quickly so their team can't follow up with damage. Also, make sure you have someone to peel the enemy team off of your carries. It's one reason I like to jungle Vi. I can use my R or Q to either initiate on their carries or to get someone off of mine.

And make sure you don't do baron if you don't have a numbers advantage or don't have vision to know the other team isn't coming. Sometimes, it's better just to bait a teamfight at baron or pick off one member going to check it, then to just go straight to trying to get baron.
More Waffles
More Waffles's Forum Avatar
Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2013 8:51pm | Report
You can backdoor. Specifically, have three or four of your champs just aggravate one of the lanes to draw attention, and someone who can wreck a tower go elsewhere.

You can have your tank pop in, smack a champ, and have your ADC just FOCUS the hell out of the tower. A fully built carry can wreck a tower in just a few seconds. You might lose your tank, but a) it's his job, and b) you still got an inhibitor tower.

The problem with the first solution is too many people do it. If you have a Yi on your team, they're expecting it. You could also ward nearby, fake a fight (run in, get beat a bit) and hightail it out of their. They may chase you, allowing a backdoor through teleporting in while they're back. Not entirely reliable.

The problem with solution two is that too many people are focused on kills. I've tanked towers using that technique, only to have my carry or other higher damage champs start attacking champs or chasing. You're tank can only get blasted by a turret and five champs for so long.
Nom Nom Nom
Kuukai85's Forum Avatar
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Aug 18th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 18, 2013 6:23am | Report
Farm like there's no tomorrow, you'll reach the same build as the enemies, and then..find an hole in their defence: if they are turling,try to backdoor, if you are turtling, buy an item that can be used as iniziator to get someone out of place and then push 4vs5..and obviously, ward ward ward, more you see less they can survive ;)
Be a grammar nazi with me, i need to improve my english T_T
Zouchouten's Forum Avatar
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May 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2013 8:59am | Report
Farm. Eventually the turrets won't matter. If you want a strategy, my teams usually end up splitting. 4 go bot, the adc goes top. They'll focus on the larger number (or the solo adc) and one tower will be left alone. Even if one person breaks away to defend the turret, they can be taken care of quickly if you're far enough in the lead.

Another good strategy is to just wait until they get brave and take em down. Simply defending won't win the game, but at the same time, don't be in a rush to kill them. Do your best to deny them minion kills and whittle down the tower.

That said, 5 champions on 1 tower will make it fall very quickly in early game. Imagine what it does in late game. If you have a tank, tell him to soak hits for a few seconds. It might end up that the enemy team has a lot of good CC, so just poke the turret and run when they show up, it will fall eventually.

And finally, the turret won't target you unless you're the last one under it or if you attack an enemy champ. I'm sure you knew that, but just have everyone ignore the enemy team till the turret falls unless they have a particularly deadly teammate who can kill quickly. If you must attack an enemy, target the one most likely to die without dealing too much damage. Its risky, but squishy supports like Sona can't hold a turret by themselves.

So far, I'm competent with: Riven, Sona, Ahri

I'm still learning: Akali, Katarina, Irelia, Sejuani, Vi, Ashe, and Vayne

rudyards's Forum Avatar
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Sep 13th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2013 9:13am | Report
Finishing games in Solo Q is really damn hard since you can't coordinate with your team. If you have someone who can get to a fight quickly and can beat any given member of their team in a 1v1, they should split push and apply pressure on another lane (Shen works great for this, as does Nasus if he has TP up). One of the most important things to remember is who scales better when everyone has 6 items. If they have a Vayne, Tristana, or Kog'Maw, wrap it up fast. But if you have a Ryze and Nasus and they have an ADC who doesn't scale great, then feel free to stall and farm. Once it gets super late however, you can't make mistakes. One bad engage can/will cost you the game. So play it safe and stall as late as you can afford to.
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