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Lucian: How to use and ADC properly

Creator: CarringtonONeil June 3, 2014 11:42am
CarringtonONeil's Forum Avatar
Jun 2nd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 3, 2014 11:42am | Report
Hey would love any advice on how to use Lucian and any tips on how to ADC. Im on NA server and if you can help i guess comment or PM me thanks again!!
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PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 3, 2014 12:16pm | Report

There's a Lucian game at 37:00. Not a perfect game, but he has a pretty good laning phase and you can see someone play Lucian with good mechanics and a good build. C9 Sneaky is one of the best ADC players in NA.
Thanks to Janitsu for the sig!
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Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 3, 2014 12:50pm | Report
Ya, just hop on twitch to find some high elo ADC streams. Pretty much any pro adc plays lucian.

A couple of good, informative streamers who stream regularly: Rekkless, Tabzz, Yellowpete, Sneaky, Wildturtle, Imaqtpie and doublelift.
tawesEU's Forum Avatar
Jun 21st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2014 1:33am | Report
What to Luciana is probably the best skin is now luciana of these championships, the best!
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Samoonah's Forum Avatar
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Jun 21st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2014 3:49am | Report
Best ADC is the one who avoids damage and farms a lot. Practice on last hitting the minions. 15 cs or so is considered to be a kill. Let your support harass your enemy bot lane why you farm. When you're ready, tell your support to engage and follow him to get the kills. In team fights, you should be the last in position, to avoid getting killed early and clean off the enemy team.

TBH, I played Lucian only once, and I noticed that his (W) gives you movement speed. So its a good tool to escape or chase. His passive is to hit 2 basic attacks after using a skill. I noticed that his (E) can go through walls as if you're using (flash). His ulti can clear a minions' push easily.

Hope that helped ^.^
Omnislash GG
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May 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2014 10:37pm | Report
Watch the vid, and note how the abilities are spaced. Use an ability, aa, use another, aa, use another, aa. Chain those and you come up with some pretty sick burst. Lucian lacks the sustain damage that is typical for other ADC's, but he makes up with his burst.

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