With his rather unforgettable name, AnalSamurai has stepped up to the plate as our first editor! He has already gotten his hands dirty with data and we are grateful for his assistance in keeping MOBAFire up to snuff. Welcome aboard mate!!
[quote=Matt][img=http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f3a30b6c3499b8fd3cb2d6c4da3f1041.jpg?s=128&d=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mobafire.com%2Fimages%2Fnoavatar.png float=left size=120]
With his rather unforgettable name, AnalSamurai has stepped up to the plate as our first editor! He has already gotten his hands dirty with data and we are grateful for his assistance in keeping MOBAFire up to snuff. Welcome aboard mate!![/quote]