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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Remnant of the Aspect

Remnant of the Aspect
Total Price: 1800 | Recipe Price: 550 | Sell Price: 720

LoL Item: Remnant of the Aspect
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 1 Gold Generation
  • 350 Health
  • 200% Base Health Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below 320 (+30 per level) Health. Melee champions gain 150 bonus attack range and increased attack speed against executable minions. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 15-90 (at 0-100% target's missing health) Health and grants them kill gold (half healing if the item's owner is ranged). Allies who benefit from Spoils of War also gain +1 to their minions killed score. These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges.

You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item.
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 1 Gold Generation
  • 350 Health
  • 200% Base Health Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below 320 (+30 per level) Health. Melee champions gain 150 bonus attack range and increased attack speed against executable minions. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 15-90 (at 0-100% target's missing health) Health and grants them kill gold (half healing if the item's owner is ranged). Allies who benefit from Spoils of War also gain +1 to their minions killed score. These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges.

You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item.

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