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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Youmuu's Wraithblade

Youmuu's Wraithblade
Total Price: 2900 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 2030

LoL Item: Youmuu's Wraithblade
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 75 Attack Damage

UNIQUE Passive: +25 Lethality (16-25 armor penetration based on your level).

UNIQUE Passive: +40 Movement Speed out of combat.

UNIQUE Active: Gain 20% Movement Speed and ignore unit collision for 6 seconds (45 second cooldown).

Only available when Ornn is on your team. Limited to one Master Craftsman item.
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 75 Attack Damage

UNIQUE Passive: +25 Lethality (16-25 armor penetration based on your level).

UNIQUE Passive: +40 Movement Speed out of combat.

UNIQUE Active: Gain 20% Movement Speed and ignore unit collision for 6 seconds (45 second cooldown).

Only available when Ornn is on your team. Limited to one Master Craftsman item.

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