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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Best jungler to play

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    Best jungler to play

    Which jungler is best choice to buy? Maybe should i wait till new changes? Also, i am playing in low elo so i am not looking for a super hard to pick up and play (I bought shaco and i just cant play him).
  • Answers (7)

    Hamstertamer (74) | December 16, 2018 10:27am
    Easy junglers to play : Nocturne, Shyvana, Warwick, Xin Zhao, Vi

    Meta junglers (~medium skill) : Graves, Camille, Gragas, Kha'Zix
    moon827 (14) | December 20, 2018 7:20am
    It honestly depends on what kind of junglers you like to play.

    If you like playing tanks, i would highly recommend Amumu, Sejuani, and Maokai.

    If you like playing fighters, i would highly recommend trying Jax, Xin Zhao, and Jarvan IV

    If you like playing assassins, i would highly recommend playing Kha'Zix, Evelynn, and Kayn

    Hope this helps,

    katakuri5 | December 24, 2018 10:03am
    of course master yi he's too easy to use and really helpful i got 3 quadras and 1 penta in 1 game
    +13 quadra +3 penta in my profile all this records i got them as yi and i got a really good build for him it will help you to get easy quadra kills
    Lukariocp | December 20, 2018 5:24pm
    I really like the Nunu Remake, It has been the only champion that I play currently. Is not hard, but it is fun to try to master it. You will not get punish as hard if you make a mistake like If you would play with Lee Sin or so
    PhantomGG (1) | December 18, 2018 10:36pm
    Right now you really should only be playing the following things in the current Jungle if you don't have top tier mechanics

    Xin Zhou is King: Very simple mechanics, great cc that isn't hard to pull off, every game you should be going for a buff, into scuttle to than ganking mid lane with a classic Q/E and if it's a mage it's a guarantee kill after that you can go into the next scuttle crab, gank top and just go back into farming your own jungle with one to two kills under your belt

    Graves: Nothing about this jungler is extremely difficult, and yet he offers you so much once you start to get the hang of him, with insane burst and a great mobility he can fly into ganks and simply gun people down. his clear speed is greatness, and he can fight back with ease if he gets invaded, while being able to do the invasions himself.

    Nocturne: Afk farm till six, build warrior into dusk blade, ult adc every game, bye bye adc, i'd give more info on this but, it's simple matter of, hyper farm, punish people who push to far, if you fear someone it's a promised kill.
    EvilOranges (13) | December 17, 2018 7:03pm
    If you are new, play Warwick or Shyvanna, or Udyr and Xin Zhao. At lower elos, it is better to understand and execute things such as counterjungling, ganking efficiently, and invading. Play champions that allow you to do these things, and learn before trying harder meta champs. Read guides and builds that talk about the gameplay and skills required to jungle. I hope this helps you in your quest to jungle, and as a jungle ( Kha'Zix) main I welcome you. Good luck on the rift!
    FixMonkeyPlease (2) | December 17, 2018 10:39am
    I'm having a lot of fun with Ivern, he's a jungler that is focuses on supporting his team mates with a shield and roots, and his ultimate is basically another champion that gives more CC
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