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League of Legends (LoL) Question: best top lanners

Posted in Champions 3,565

  • mjskid

    best top lanners

    what are some of the best top lane champs for solo Q?
  • Answers (2)

    xXSir TibberzXx | October 5, 2014 3:43am
    If your looking for Fast killing Top laners.
    - Nidalee
    - Kha'Zix
    - Rengar
    - Teemo
    - Gnar
    - Yasuo
    - Jax
    - Azir
    - Aatrox
    - Fiora

    If those who love to farm and stack their Abilities or Passives
    - Nasus
    - Sion
    - Veigar (not recommended top laner, but he hurts alot)

    If tanky top or ones with a bit of damage Top Laners or both
    - Darius
    - Renekton
    - Wukong
    - Dr. Mundo
    - Xin Zhao
    - Maokai
    - Garen
    - Irelia
    - Jarvan IV

    My Favorite top laner is Darius

    and my reccomended for you is Fiora
    She's a beast Late game and if you Hit lvl 6,
    your top laner will be very worried of you.

    be sure to only focus Damage items to her
    - Ravenous Hydra
    - Bloodthirster
    - Infinity Edge

    your 3rd will be your attack speed.
    utopus (313) | September 19, 2014 12:34pm
    It depends on your playstyle, and your ELO tbh. In silver, what matters most is how you play a champion.

    H4xdefender's tier list is generally a good list to follow; He is pretty spot on with top lane picks.

    The easiest way to carry games as a top laner in silver is have someone who can take towers easily, has high mobility, can duel okay, and can cheese players early. Some examples of these champions are Nidalee, Irelia, Renekton, and Jarvan IV
    mjskid (12) | September 19, 2014 7:30pm
    alright thanks. ive been playing nidalee for a while and just cannot climb elo so i will try the other ones you said
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