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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Champions to climb in bronze/silver?

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    Champions to climb in bronze/silver?

    All I have seen for climbing champions are generally targeted in high elo, (Plat, dia) but I am currently in silver and what are the best champs to climb in low elo? (For example, evelynn in low elo is way better than in high elo)
  • Answers (4)

    ThinkerWhov | August 24, 2017 8:19pm
    Abdoamgad201 | August 22, 2017 4:51am
    Everyone play with the champion he can play with and for climbing you should choose a champion you can play with and get low ban rate and strong so you can play garen lux ashe or any strong adc and if the champion has good AD it will be better
    orrvaa (41) | August 21, 2017 1:49am
    There isn't a list of champions to climb with from bronze/silver, every champion can do this, i recommend to go for a champion that easy to learn, better to go for a role that isn't a support (it a bit harder), and of curse the champion should be fun for you to play so you will be able to play him on and on. When you stop focus on the micro (last hitting, and champion mechanics) you will be able to focus of the macro (roaming and objectives and split pushing) so you will be able to climb from these leagues.

    If you want anymore information ask for it ill explain.
    The_Nameless_Bard (635) | August 21, 2017 8:10pm
    If you're going to play support, however, champions like Brand, Zyra, and Karma can allow you to carry the bot lane a bit better. They are good at punishing enemy ADCs for positioning badly from afar and they can build full AP while still functioning decently well as a support.
    PsiGuard (1495) | August 21, 2017 7:36pm
    Agree with everything here^. When I climbed through silver I liked champions that could get their own kills and team fight decently (mostly Lux, Kennen and Wukong at the time) but you can climb with a split-pusher or something if you put the time in to learn it.

    Just remember your opponents are missing a lot of the fundamentals, so if you work on improving your own basic play, you'll start to outclass them, no matter what champion you're playing.
    SoulKeeper9Moon | August 22, 2017 10:46am
    Brand, Annie, and Twisted Fate. Twitch JG is good too
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