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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Feeders everygame


  • JohnCena

    Feeders everygame

    Hey, my summoner name is iTzYaBoyJohnCena and for the past 3 days I've lost over probably 30 games and it's because of feeding teammates every time if you check my match history it's atleast 1 person with 10 + deaths. Yes I admit maybe like 1 -3 games are my fault but I don't know why this is happening so if someone can tell me a way this can stop.
  • Answers (5)

    PsiGuard (1495) | September 5, 2016 7:12pm
    Loss streaks happen, but if you feel this is more than random chance, you need to take a look at your own gameplay. If you feel you're playing better than your teammates, then you should be playing better than your opponents too (on average). If you're not building your own lead, you need to either improve your gameplay or play aggressive.

    If someone on your team is feeding, that means someone on the enemy team is getting really fed. Why should they lose the game if they're playing so well? Try and match their success if you want a chance at carrying.

    Picking a teammate as the primary reason for the loss doesn't make your situation any better. You're better off focusing on yourself and trying to play every game better than the last.
    Tsunami10 (1) | October 26, 2016 6:48am
    Well, in LoL, there is the MMR, wich is how Riot calculates your skills. The less MMR, you go with less experienced and horrible players. The more MMR, you go with more experienced and better players.
    If you are on a cold streak, your MMR goes down. If you are on a hot streak, your MMR gets higher.
    Here's my hint : go premade (play with friends), and as you go winning, you can go solo.
    picoforever (1) | September 16, 2016 7:16am
    I have a simple mindset that I used to get out of bronze where most feeders are. For me it's all a matter of probabilities. And in this situation the probability of you getting a feeder on your team is roughly the same as the prob of a feeder being on the opposing team. And this is something you can't really control. So the thing you can do to improve the odds/probabilities in your favor is to try to motivate the one feeding on your team and always play your best. If you play to your full potential every game and focus solely on your performance you will eventually climb. At least that's what happened to me. Hope it helps :)
    LoLCable (5) | September 6, 2016 10:49am
    So, depending on your role in the game, ad carry, support, jg and so on. Whenever you encounter that team mate that is feeding or having a bad game, first of all don't discourage him/her. Don't flame and make it worse. If anything roam, and help his lane out if you are winning your lane, and if you are not winning your lane then you aren't helping the team either way. If you also like to help your team out the most, and potentially carry games where you wont have to worry about a feeding lane, then either pick a role to overall support your team, or pick a hyper carry that will do insane amounts of damage and you can wreck 1v5. Now its easier to pick that flexible team support champ in the Jungle, support or top lane. Someone that offers Crowd Control, and someone that has good ganking potential. I used to main mid lane, but got tired of carrying early game just to lose late game cause of fed enemy team. So now I main jungle because I can help all lanes and make sure they don't let the enemy champ snowball. Jungle I believe is the most important role and most essential in helping your team win. You can provide ward coverage, team fight, and damage with a lot of versatile champions. and in doing so, you will most likely help your team win.
    TROLLing1999 (49) | September 5, 2016 3:20am
    First of all, how do you even have time to PLAY 30 games in 3 days? If you lost so many, I guess you must have played at least 40 or so...When going on losing streaks, even if it's not entirely on you, taking a short break from the game can help.
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