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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Good champions to Get out of bronce?

Posted in Champions 2,925

  • 0Kuzuri0

    Good champions to Get out of bronce?

    hey guys,i recently fell off from silver division and i want to climb up again,I usually have to deal with an amumu and a Miss fortune in almost every i wanted some help to choose good champions that can get me out and can counter those champions
  • Answers (7)

    OneTrickOlaf | October 26, 2016 4:30am
    Just play olaf.
    I started playing this season and I picked alot of champs, graves nida etc all useless in bronze IMO

    Bronze 3 to Gold 5 with Olaf, and highest I got was Gold 2
    Algofra | October 24, 2016 7:35pm
    Try champions that do not depend on your teams decision, pick xhampions with hard early game potential like leblanc in the mid lane, jayce in the top lane are looking for a harder champion, champions that can gank or can offer a ton of pressure in all the map quickly, quinn for example helped me a lot because she can easily get out of control, its super hard to control her hard roam potential and its very hard to 1v1 her late game or mid game. If you are not the early game stomp kind of guy pick champions like akali that with just surviving can bw brutal
    Still recommend playibg champs like pantheon, leblanc, lucian, olaf, amumu etc
    Sothmeister | October 24, 2016 6:16am
    Amumu,Poppy, Darius, simple champions that are extremely effective in teamfights and tanky
    hameztotherace | October 18, 2016 12:53am
    First of all getting out of bronze is hard. I know because I just did. So first im going to tell you how I did it. Nautilus and trundle. Nautilus was kind of natural for me. He had good cc early damage and a bunch of ways to be played. Trundle because good early and good late. Pick champions that you are comfortable with and have a decent seat in early and late. Also warding and learning how to effectively cs is very important and I learned that even if you feed cs fixes mistakes. Dont be afraid to not help teammates in order to farm and get yourself ahead on a champion you are comfortable with. Also going a champ that might not have damage but can just destroy teamfights is a GREAT idea.
    lucou205 | October 15, 2016 4:25pm

    I recommend you a carry or a bruiser, that can make you win teamfights like Lee, Yasuo, Riven.
    But first, you need to train in normal mode to control these champs.
    TheoreticalDeicide | October 11, 2016 3:14am
    Pick a good team-fighter, and learn the game. Good champions to get out of bronze are things that don't require much mechanical skill, which is why Amumu + MF or Amumu + Kat combos are so common and wreck teams so easily. Things with strong disengage, like Alistar or Gragas can shut down their teamfight instantly with a good Gragas R or Alistar W on a carry. Poppy is also amazing in teamfights, R to disengage, W to stop an Amumu from Q-ing in, etc. Honestly, just improve and find what role/champions you're comfortable on.
    K1TT3N | October 8, 2016 12:16am
    I would recommend Illaoi top, she is extremly powerfull after 6 she can easily 1 v 2 top laner and jungler with her ult, the only thing you have to watch out for are champs like fizz, kayle and any champ that can dodge your skills very easily or survive your whole combo :)
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