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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How can we fix Akali?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Akali Hextech Gunblade 3,239

  • xAhri

    How can we fix Akali?

    So, everyone loves to hate Akali. She pretty much has a 90% ban rate in ranked and when she's not banned, she is played instantly and always goes on a rampage in game. I have been thinking of two ways to sort of "Nerf" her.

    The first being her Ult. It has 3 charges and does a good amount of damage, even more if you hit all 3. I was thinking about making her Ult sort of like Ahri's. Make it so it so she has to use all 3 charges within 15 seconds. I think it would be a nice little Nerf and would make her a little more balanced. It would stop her from all-ining someone every time she sees them. If this doesn't happen, then I want Ahri's Ult to be like Akali's! (It makes sense, just give Ahri charges on her ult, Kappa.)

    The second way would to be Nerfing her passive. Either make a new one or fix the spell vamp. They can easily fix it to make the spell vamp at every 12 AD or reduce the amount of health she gets back on her E. When an Akali gets a Hextech Gunblade, it is ridiculous. An Akali can have 35%+ spell vamp. (She's not supposed to have as much or more then Nasus!)

    These are just some things I've been thinking about and they make sense (especially making Ahri's Ult like Akali's, Kappa.) If Rito considered this, we might be able to have a champ that is not OP and we can finally ban someone else. They Nerfed WW in 4.21, maybe it's time for Akali in 4.22.
  • Answers (5)

    emoriam (287) | December 11, 2014 8:59am
    She's an high risk and high reward champion. I can actually think of some other champions having a similar capability and her ban rate depends on Leagues/ Elo. I honestly don't think she should be changed in any way.
    Janitsu (569) | December 11, 2014 12:55pm
    That's why you have Vision Wards
    Benas009 (1) | December 11, 2014 10:25am
    It's hard to CC when she's invisible and when she is visible instantly jumps away.
    Janitsu (569) | December 11, 2014 9:43am
    People with Zhonya's die as well.

    And get Vision Wards and use hard CC so she can't use her ult to get away.
    Benas009 (1) | December 11, 2014 9:19am
    I agree with you but even if you fail an engage with akali she can just use her shroud and ult away as soon as possible. And also with her itemization, zhonyas is another way of not dying, so it's really easy to get out even if you fail.
    Bryun (315) | December 11, 2014 9:53pm
    I don't know why people think she's overpowered right now. They took all her resistances away on her shroud. She's always going to be a squishy-stomp because of her ultimate, so if they want her to get destroyed just nerf her Q and put a cd interval on her R.
    LevasK (108) | December 12, 2014 3:05pm
    How does someone playing improperly vs a champion with clear counter play, make the champion overpowered and/or justify nerfs?
    xAhri (1) | December 12, 2014 7:30am
    I see where you are coming from and I completely agree with you, but iI'm not ranked and I only play normals right now until I feel ready for Ranked. About 75% of the time I go against Akali in a game, its not me feeding her, its my mid lane who doesn't know what they are doing and try to 1v1 her at level 6 and lose. By late game, Akali is a force to be reckoned with. Even when I'm Nasus, she still can take out half my health while I'm in my ult before I can put her down. This is with Spirit Visage too. I know she's not a problem in High Elo, but in Low Elo, she is one of the most over powered champs. I just want her Ult to be more like Ahri's, I think that would balance her.
    SNOBOY (13) | December 12, 2014 9:28am
    What everyone here is saying is true. Yes she is a very strong pick, can snowball out of control, and does well in the late game. She is strong especially at lower levels because people don't often build to counter the opposing team's strengths. Building banshees veil does a lot to shut her down, not to mention buying pink wards. Another good pick for ad champs is to buy hexdrinker, it is very efficient for the cost and will save your life in a lot of situations. Akali is so good because she is a high burst, high mobility assassin that doesn't use any skill shots. Like everyone is saying, hard cc, pink wards, and buy magic resist so she can't burst you.
    XxRNxX | December 11, 2014 12:38pm
    Yes, I agree, Akali is strong.Now please don't laugh at me because I'm silver III, but I have done real good counter jobs with Mordekaiser against Akali.
    nota riven main | December 11, 2014 11:57am
    akali isnt really broken imo. she has alot of counters like alot but noooo people just pick squishy mages into her. riven is one of her largest counters, so is fizz swain malazahar olaf darius. just things that dont die instantly and can trade with her damage wise
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