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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How did you find your main?


  • njb1212

    How did you find your main?

    Hey all. Just thought it would be interesting to hear how some of you guys found your main champ/ roles and why you like them! I thought this might be an interesting way to find how people are drawn to a main, and I'm currently in between many champs so I figured it couldn't hurt to see what some other people have done. Cheers!
  • Answers (17)

    Tsunami10 (1) | September 22, 2016 9:28am
    My main is Sona. I started playing with her because I saw some LoL videos, and got interested. Then, I found out I liked more/was better as the support. It took me a time to accept that I can't get kills, farm,and even take the blame when my ADC kills itself.
    I got used to her skills very fast ( I played with Taric before, and they have some equal skills). My friends didn't liked t play with other lane, like, one likes to play as the ADC; someone asks for ADC, and he rage quits. That only leaves me with the support role.
    But I like being the support, and saving my friends (ADC, mainly).
    DarkMagiUndying | July 16, 2016 4:09pm
    In December of 2015 (I believe s6 was just starting) my friends finally covines me to download and play league. I started the game up played the tutorial and got into my first real game (It was bots so not really a "real" game. Anyways I ended getting stuck in mid even though I wanted to play support *I know wierd huh) and didn't know who I should go. I was told by my friends that Lux ,who is in the level 1-5 free rotation, was pretty good in the mid lane. Long story short I have maimed her since. Both her concept and her playstyle fit me perfectly and even though I have moved to main the role of ADC (Miss Fortune and Varus), Lux will always be my true main champion. It is just so satisfying to burst down the enemy carries with a beam of light.
    flareblast17999 | July 10, 2016 10:31pm
    beginning of s5 i mained soraka because i always played with some friends and i was the only one who would support then (i was level 17 at the time) then a whil later when the jungle items got changed and the map got changed my friend told me to buy xin zhao and try him so i did and i was hooked immediately and i main jungle xin to this day
    Artic22 | July 8, 2016 1:45am
    In the past season i was playing just with thresh, i loved the support role and i loved his design, but in this season i have started to like the mid lane, and so i have switched for vel'koz. I really never found a champ that goes with my play-style like him, maestry 7 in less than a week, i love him. And the best part is that i just picked vel' because it was for free, literally never used him before.
    Boo89100 (1) | July 1, 2016 5:01pm
    I actually picked my favorite because the first time I played him one of my friends (who was a tad bit pretentious) told me I would never be able to play him well because he was such a weak and awful champion you would need to be really good to play him and succeed. I played him, realized he was a blast, and I've sunk hundreds of matches into him since! Oh and I feel like I should add, it's Corki!
    MrMad2000 (41) | June 29, 2016 4:31pm
    I played Zyra randomly in ranked throughout season 5 sometimes when I was bored.

    I sucked with her.

    I won 1 game with her out of 12.

    I wanted to play her until I could get her to above 50% winrate.

    It took 200 games.

    Next season I was like "ehh what have I got to lose."

    Been playing her ever since.
    Its Gex | June 30, 2016 1:07pm
    Jesus christ 200 games?
    Xerath Support | June 28, 2016 7:09am
    I found my main while I was on the way to level 30 and just playing normals with new free week champs so I can see what every champ feels like. One day I started playing Xerath since he was on free week and he was one of the only champs I did not see in Summoner's Rift yet. I decided to try him and I loved him from the first game. I loved how big his range was and how much damage he did. Now I usually play him support if I do play him but I play him mid almost equally. Basically just look for free week champs, try them out and if you already have a few mains, look at their pros and cons and find the one that you enjoy playing the most.
    RRARASKALD (1) | June 27, 2016 4:30am
    The champion that compelled me to maximize every unique quality about them became my main. The champion that caused me to feel this way was Ziggs. My first few games with him in late season 4 made me think that it was impossible to make him viable. Overtime I've cultivated all my skill and knowledge for the champion and used him to get myself out of silver and into gold. I have 340k mastery on him and I'm still as interested as before in improving my ability to use him.
    Rishal21 | June 27, 2016 12:29am
    Back when I started League, I mained Ashe. She was nice and easy, and I was pretty ok at her. Then came the week of April 6, 2016. In the free rotation that week was Ezreal, Illaoi, Jarvan IV (I suck at him. Lost a bot game when I played him), Poppy, Rek'Sai, Thresh, Varus, Zilean, Zyra, and the one and only LeBlanc. She seemed interesting, so I tried her out. I had a KDA of 1/5/5 and 3/8/5 in the first two games. Note to self, never build Runaan's Hurricane and Phantom Dancer on LeBlanc. Next time played her, 11/1/4. This was with Tri Force and Runaan's. She was so fun. Then I played her properly. AP Mid. I got better at her. So I decided to unlock her. When I started PVP, I thought I would main Ashe, LeBlanc and Ryze. But I sucked at Ryze and I was better at LeBlanc than Ashe. After a few weeks, she became my first lvl 5. She is such a fun champ and I am sad to hear that she is a potential candidate for the Assassin Rework. I don't want her nerfed. I even introduced her to my friend.
    HALOMANZSTAR (1) | June 25, 2016 5:55pm
    I remember one day i wanted to find a champion who had lots of mobility so i could split push i one day i got absolutely rekt by a shaco and fought to myself he is exactly what i was looking for didn't know i would fall in love with him as hard as i did tho
    FreakLeash | June 25, 2016 12:15pm
    Before I started to main Darius, I was always so scared to lane against him because I didn't know how to counter him at all. Everyone who played Darius against me in lane kicked my ***. I decided to buy him so I would inflict the same pain to other people that I got from laning against him.

    If you can't beat the champion, buy the champion :)
    Petesaparty | June 25, 2016 11:38am
    Starting out in League, I played a lot of support in order to learn the game. I generally went with Soraka/Lux. However, several hundred frustrating blitz-grabs later, I tried tank supports out of sheer frustration and determination to not be blitz-grabbed as successfully. I discovered that Braum can't be effectively grabbed, and could stop my allies from being grabbed - the rest was an easy decision.
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