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League of Legends (LoL) Question: intentional feeders

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  • DarkCrusnik

    intentional feeders

    how do i deal with feeders? i want to reach gold so i can get the victorious skin and thats it, but i cant seem to climb since every match i end up with intentional feeders, why? (no , people having a bad game dont have a score of 0-15 and goes 1v5 the enemy team while writing LOL)
  • Answers (6)

    Ghostyfied | January 25, 2018 4:18am
    I've been climing to gold last season too, playing as adc mostly, secondary top. There are a few things you should keep in mind which have worked for me.

    1. Always be positive. On a daily basis i see people giving up and griefing after one (or a few deaths) are given away, and your team is 2-7. Words like "ff at 15" and "report (insert summoner name)" are common ;) Now fact is that a game is not lost untill your nexus is destroyed, which means that there is always chance to win, even if it may seem so small. This is what you should play for, and this is what you have to convince your teammates of. If they believe this too, they will try their hardest to still win, just like you and the odds will be a lot better.
    To convince them of this can be quite hard. It can only be done if you take the lead from the moment you join the lobby. Always start with saying a "hi there" or "hi guys". If there are any responses, the others will subconsiously notice how you are being friendly, and willing to win, maybe even without flaming. If there are no responses you should take care, because it generally means people will not be communicating.
    Once you join the game, you should keep saying little things like "play safe" or (if you are jungle for example) "when i am level X i'll come gank mid" or if your toplaner just died: "Try to not fight him in his minions, he will be stronger than you untill you are level 6. In the meantime (insert jungler champ) will help you."
    These things help a lot, as the team will automatically see you as a shotcaller, and by leading them , they will trust you later on in the game, when victory or loss is decided with one good or bad call. For all this to work, of course, you must know what you are doing, and give good advice.
    One other thing to always say is something like "good job" when one of your teammates do something good, like 1v1ing their laner or steal a dragon. even if the achievement was very small, still try to give them the heads up.

    2. Pick according to teamcomps. I've learned that a team composition can be the difference between winning and losing. If you are with a full mastery rank 7 team, but all the champions are so different in playstyle there is often not much you can do. Try to go with your teammates. If they choose a poke composition, dont pick xin zhao and if they pick a brawler composition, dont pick graves jungle. you know what I mean.

    3. don't play when you are tilted. Learn to recognise your own moods. If you are tilted: Don't play ranked. it's as easy as that. By knowing when you are tilted and when not and playing according to this, you will also learn to tilt less fast. Being tilted makes you do things without thinking, and that is exactly what should not happen, because then the game is not in your control anymore. One big UN-tilter, is to stay positive even when you just lost a game. say something like "we tried our best guys" in chat, and you will be less tilted once you have accepted it.

    4. Look for duo queue, preferably one who you can cooperate with and who is not toxic. Be critical on them.

    5. Play the lanes you like the most. Sometimes I see myself going into a game playing e.g. xayah, and I think of the last game I played xayah which I lost hard and my confidence goes down. Fast. If you do not feel like playing something because you for example don't trust yourself with it at that moment. don't do it.

    For now, that is all I can tell you. Hope it helps :)
    DarkCrusnik (2) | January 25, 2018 5:17pm
    UGH, i just ended up with a gnar that just goes in to "suicide" he even wrote that he wanted to troll, keept going in till veiger literally oneshot us all, i tried being positive and tried to lift the team, nothing worked ! i hate this game, im back to silver V and i feel bad
    Qwerty19 (2) | February 19, 2018 4:15pm
    The best advice I got from my friend who got to Diamond 1 is that in the elo hell which is bronze to gold, always pick champs that carry games and are easy to play/master. Play roles that win/lose the game like jg or mid and assume you are the only player on your team that has a functioning brain and looks at their mini-map. Hot-key all your pings on the zxcv keys to easily ping stuff like missing, be careful, im coming. Become the shotcaller and get good at the game yourself and you will climb eventually. Recognize that games with feeders happen and don't let that loss consume you say "that was an unwinnable game" and move on to the next game. Maybe wait a minute or two so that you won't get queued with the same feeder (happened to me once and in promos rip).

    TLDR: Stay positive, pick carry roles and carry champs that stomp lane and be the shotcaller.
    DarkCrusnik (2) | February 19, 2018 9:58pm
    do you recommend anyone? i used to play veigar, nasus, but these guys need a bit of teamwork to do something,whats a good easy carry?
    Qwerty19 (2) | February 20, 2018 7:34pm
    It really depends on the role you are doing. But in general take a look at tier lists for your role and try to play and get good at a God tier champ or two, in case one gets banned, typically these champs are considered over powered and are easy to win with.
    Dzopilant (55) | January 24, 2018 5:12pm
    The only thing I can think of would be to motivate the team from the champion selection, sending positive vibes, eventually begging them to be kind and stop feed, stay super calm and try save them if you see an opportunity, promise to honor them, well ... stuff like that (despite it highly hard to stay calm with such douchebag)

    But luck plays a huge part so mainly pray such feeder troller will be in opponents team next time granting you an "unfair" victory compensating the "unfair" lose previously.

    If anyone has other good ideas concerning that question I am highly interested too ^^
    DarkCrusnik (2) | January 24, 2018 6:39pm
    thats really tiring, and drains my energy
    i mean, im not the best players, alright? but thats just not fair :/
    abyssDevourer18 (1) | February 15, 2018 9:46am
    I pray you good luck with your climb as I am doing the same thing. The thing I do the most whenever a team member is intentionally feeding is to try and figure out whats wrong, if they are having a rough time I gank asap no matter what position I play. If they start to flame on me and other teammates I just mute them and attempt to keep everybody else's spirits up so that I can keep playing. Honestly hasn't helped me to much seeing as I am still in Bronze IV. I wish you the best of luck and I will send more ways if I come across any others that help me climb.
    DarkCrusnik (2) | February 15, 2018 2:35pm
    good luck man! i will tell you if i found more ways, i climbed my way to silver 2, almost there, then again, this is my third time reaching silver two
    so goodluck!
    Ridin | January 28, 2018 2:54pm
    I suggest to you if you want to save your own time and energy is that when the game starts is too /all mute everyone. Pinging does way more than typing anyway for communication and saves annoying encounters in chat.
    DarkCrusnik (2) | January 29, 2018 4:32am
    but wouldnt that not benefit the team? i mean, sometimes you need to write stuff to the team /game related
    Jovy (953) | January 29, 2018 9:35am
    Some people think it's a good trade off. I prefer to leave everyone unmuted, unless they're whining, flaming me/the team or even the enemy team, if they continuously spam all chat. It's going to distract/tilt you if you keep reading all that negative trash, subconsciously at least, and it'll definitely distract you if you try to talk to them.

    @your question, there's not a lot you can do when someone decides to intentionally feed sadly. What @ Dzopilant said is true, it helps to babysit idiots here and there by saying good job and being obnoxiously positive. Sadly I agree that's quite a drag and I wouldn't be able to do it every game, nor should one have to in order to secure a fair game.

    I don't know how many games of ranked you play, but you shouldn't have inters in the majority of them. The time when you play can contribute to trolls as well, like it's the AMs are a bad time to play for example or the mornings, but that's guesswork. I think if you play a lot of games, only a small amount of them will involve trolls, hopefully.
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    Greninja121 | January 25, 2018 6:11am
    You can always report them at the end of the game for intetional feeding. If you don't know how to do go to the pseudo of the person and click the exclamation mark then choose your motive. If al lot of person report him they're gonna ban him. If this punishement doesn't fit you I doesn't know what you should do. Good Luck for climbing.
    The olde oak store | February 3, 2018 2:02am
    You can always report them at the end of the game for intetional feeding.

    Please do
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