I decided to play a normal game with 2 friends the other day and it happened to work out that I was stuck going mid. If you don't know me, AP mid is my worst role. I picked Morgana knowing she was pretty easy to do well with. (She is also a purple champion and everyone knows purple champions are OP. Kassadin, Kennen)

It was blind pick so I had no idea I was matched with a Cassiopeia for the first time ever. Now, since I am bad at solo mid, I have no idea what match ups are good. All I knew was Cass had a strong laning phase. I had no idea about her skills, cooldowns, strengths, or weaknesses, but I had a simple plan: Iron Mantle

I never got a single kill in the lane. I build heavy defense and always had a ward in my inventory. My team started the game 0-5, but thanks to our turtling startegy, we turned it around and I had an ending score of 6-0. All my kills came from their team fights and people overextending.

I played defense so hard my head hurt. Playing defense is a fail-safe way of helping your team win. If you go 0-5 after 10 minutes, playing defence will allow your teammates to carry you more easily then if you play aggressively and go 0-10. Lets face it, when you have that
bad of a start, playing offence will get youself killed.

Hope you enjoyed another issue of The Averagr Adventure of Aegis
What do you think of the new Co-Op vs. AI coming next patch? Personally, I love it!