Finally after like a week I played a good game! Took long enough. I thought I would have lots good games like always but when I actually needed good games, they stopped happening.

I bought Vayne with some RP I got from early Christmas. I needed a good AD ranged carry to even out my "champions I can play well" lineup. I got my good friend to play Taric and support me. This is the story of my first real game as Vayne:

We were against a Caitlyn and an Akali so I told my friend to play passively since they had more damage. He shot me down and responded with "Taric + Vayne = Stronk lane".

He decides to facecheck the bush at level one. I didn't have time to roll my eyes because he walked into a Yordle Snap Trap and started taking damage from both of our enemies. I decided to attack the closest enemy, Akali. Autoattack, DO A BARREL ROLL!, autoattack, half her health gone. She runs, I crit her for 1/2 of her remaining health, and roll again to kill her.

I turned around to find Caitlyn attacking my poor support, Taric. Cait has half HP and Taric has about 50. He sees me coming back so he stuns Caitlyn, then flashes away.

When the killing blow from Caitlyn is in he air, I exhausted her, causing that autoattack to do significantly less damage, allowing my friend to live! PRO PLAY!

The now stunned, exhausted Caitlyn is taking a beating from my autoattacks. When she realizes she lost the fight, she flashes with 100 health left. No problem, I just flashed and rolled to deal over 100 damage to her.

"First blood. DOUBLE KILL!"
Enemy Gangplank: GG noob bot lane feeding vayne.

I am now fed enough to really dominate the lane. Because of those two kills I was able to get a Vampyric Scepter on my first trip back making laning so easy. At one point Caitlyn was at full health under her tower alone. I pinned her to the wall with Condemn and Taric follows up with a stun and Shatter of his own. I rolled and Silver Bolts proc'd. She died before she was able to move.

I sat out for 2 teamfights and we lose them, but I needed farm since I was lagging and farming was impossible during the laning phase. I then join another teamfight and we won 5-0 kills. They just surrendered because I was too good for them =) Just kidding I suck at this game.

Hope you enjoyed me wasting your time, NOW GO PLAY LOL AND BE LUCKY LIKE ME!