First, the teams: Kayle (me), Vayne, Nasus, Kha'Zix, and Ahri vs. Panth, Cait, Lee Sin, Sejuani, and Lux.

Was forced to do support Kayle by an instalock Nasus. In Ranked.

Funnily enough, Vayne and I did pretty well vs. Panth and Cait. But Nasus fed Lee, Kha'Zix never or rarely ganked (thankfully neither did their Sej), and we lost all three outer towers really quickly. I tried my hardest.

Vayne, in the meantime, kept running off on his/her own midgame while the rest of the team was trying to be productive. Nasus tried to do well, I could tell, but both he and Vayne were really...
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