Sorry for the lack of funny moments. But I've decided to keep it up because more have popped into my head and (unfortunately) into my games...

So without further delay... That moment when...

You use Flash, Ghost, or Exhaust to flee a fight you're destined to die in.

You use your ultimate with Ezreal or Ashe and you miss a kill by a centimeter.

You use every ability and summoner spell you have to kill someone and yet you don't get it because of a turret and a stun. (happens too many times..)

You keep hitting the key to an ability to kill someone instead of clicking your mouse to use it. (happens a lot to me as well... T_T)

You charge into a teamfight to turn the tide and instead your team (with full health mind you) scatters, you die, and they call you a noob for running into a 1v4 or 1v5.

As a jungler you try to coordinate a gank and instead they continue to push and they die, so they call you a noob.

You forget a key item you bought has an active ability that could secure you a kill.

Your AD Carry is too afraid to jump into a teamfight and gets everyone killed, so he tries to defend a turret and gets killed anyway.

Alrighty, that's all I have for tonight, hopefully soon I will have a few more to discuss with you, probably concerning the new Twisted Treeline since I've been playing it more! ;)