Yesterday i played a real ****py game...I bet u all know such kind of games...U go any lane( I was solo top Nasus!) and play pretty perfect. Maybe u even get 1 or 2 kills...And suddenly, when u look at the scoreboard....u see tyhe enemy team : 12/3 on Vayne 11/0 on Brand ... all after 23 minutes!! After teamfights started it all starts getting better and better. There was a sligth chance to win this game, cause i was pretty fed (7/2 at around 30 Minutes and about 410 Bonus Q dmg). But 10 Minutes later they won.
There was one f***ing teamfigth where i was not around to tank all the sh**..AND SUDDENLY - DEFEAT...Yea that was a pretty bad game. And a pretty strong enemy team. Really, sometimes i just wish that all noobs are banned..I mean why u play ranked if u only play Mid. Dudes we got 2 AP Carries bot, Master YI jungle and Sivir mid. Fail Game from the beginning. n hf my dear summoning friends