I've been seeing a trend in the league community as of late. Every time everyone has picked on my team and we have every base covered except Ad carry and I pick Twitch and I say I am laning I get 1 of 2 Responses:

1) LANE Twitch You NOOOOOBBBB!!!!!
2) Twitch is not a carry Noob pick someone else.

These 2 typical responses piss me off so much. And if my team loses even if im doing well as an AD carry i get blamed for the loss. For example player X " We lost cause the Twitch didn't pick an AD carry and he didn't Jungle. REPORT PLZ"

This pisses me off for 1 of 2 reasons:
1) If i wanted to ******* jungle i would have picked Trundle or Lee Sin
2) Twitch is a carry, hell riot even says so.

So has this every happened to you guys? What do you do about it except rage at your computer?

Anyway thanks for listening to my Q.Q. That will be all have a nice day.