Todays top facts will be helping us with our mechanics And with bad quality (visual and sound) videos too =D.

Champions are a very important factor in the top lane but do have you ever looked at the rift around you in top lane, the nice trees, the brush, the waterway where people come from to try and murder you. Yes, the glory of the top lane. But have you ever stopped and thought of how important minions were to your lane, they are the life blood and soul of your early game. Knowing how to control the wave flow is a VERY important part of top lane and will be the topic of today's top facts.

Main Concepts:
-How your creep scoring effects the lane.
-How to Zone your opponents from experience and gold.
-How to be able to move the lane any which way you want.


What are minions to you? Your cuddly friends, things you kill for gold to rush your Trinity Force and do tons of damage, or Your Allies on the fields of justice. Whatever this answer may be if you want to know how to be a good top lane player you first need to learn how to be good at controlling the flow of minions. Ill list the principles important to lane management below:

Wave Mechanics How to Move the Minion Battlefront:

Auto attack pushing the lane:
This will move the lane to the enemy turret, it is more commonly seen at lower levels of play as you will miss out on minion gold, it will allow the enemy to easily freeze the lane, and it opens yourself up for ganks.
Note: There are a few occasions on which it is acceptable to simply attack the minions, examples being: Your lane ganked mid or is at dragon. Push the minions to the tower and penalize DO NOT let the enemy go down and get free kills for nothing. If you do not get anything done on your end when this happens everything that happens was your fault not your teams. Another time it is acceptable to push the lane is after the death of the enemy top laner. When they fall you want to send as many of your minions to suicide on their tower as possible to deny them xp and gold. You can bait your lane opponent to pushing the lane by starting recalling making your enemy think he can push the lane and make you miss xp, but then you stop your recall an farm freely.

Last Hitting:
This has a minimal effect on the movement of the lane and will move it slowly if at all. And the way it will typically move is towards the player missing the CS very slightly.( The one extra auto a minion would get to do).
Note: Someone who is good at last hitting will know how to "milk" the enemy minions, that is save last hitting them until the last second actually needed (IE:J4 vs GP top GPs parrley can kill minions at 1/4 hp If he does this the enemy minions will not get in 2 auto attacks they could have gotten and will make it push towards Jarvan's turret slightly as there is less damage on GPs minions so they can live and push longer.)Knowing how to do this can be the difference between you trying to last hit on enemy tower an dieing and the enemy getting ganked trying to farm on your tower.

Farming In-Between enemy Towers
The daring and effective way to CS and keep your lane pushed. Farm this way if youre someone who is tanky enough to kill the minions(and survive your opponent if he gives up on CS to try and come kill you), Also note while you are here you are VERY susceptible to ganks. You should do this method in lane if you kill your opponent and you are still 60% or more hp and can survive a gank if it happens or if you want to dive him and are waiting for CDs.

Visual example:

This is a basic video to show that when you kill your lane opponent how you should handle farming the lane if your safe from the jungler.

Harassing your enemy with autos.
A very easy way to get the lane pushed from an unsuspecting opponent. Get in range for cs let them auto you but do not fight back, your minions trade back for you and on top of it while they are hitting the enemy they are being killed causing the minion front line to move closer to your tower.
NOTE: If a jungler comes and ganks with autos it will push your lane.

Unintentionally pushing the lane:

When playing someone such as Kayle or Mordekaiser remember your skills are AoE and will push the minions if you farm even if you do not directly attack them (Ie: Kayle harasses an enemy with righteous fury, it hits minions to an will push the lane as a result.)

Video Example:

In this video I harass the teemo and unintentionally push the lane and get ganked and am forced to flash to live.

Forcing the enemies minions to push:
If you push the enemy minions to the tower, to the point where it is shooting the caster minions (you can recall at this time) caster minions will usually horde up for the enemy at his tower and begin pushing the lane back to your side.

Freezing The Lane-What is it when do you do it etc.

Csing the lane is the process of tanking the enemy minions so they do not have access to your greedy tower which wants to simply kill those minions take the gold and send it to Phreak's factory of triforces (Where he is secretly amassing them to take over Valoran). Notes to remember about this are: Do not try and freeze if the enemy is very strong and can poke hard, when you are trying to tank the minions he will wreck you. Champions that are strong lane freezers are ones who have a good poke or strong sustain (Both is even better, Yorick king of lane freeze) and is able to survive minions. You do not however want to tank the minions with a champion such as Teemo who will get wrecked by them.
Note:The easy way to get the lane into a freezable position is to push your minions to the enemy tower this will usually clump us 2 waves of casters plus a wave of melees which will push to your side.

-Unless the enemy is able to farm minions far away safely they will get gimped when you freeze the lane.
-If you are stronger then the enemy you can freeze the minions at your tower and completely zone them away from cs and xp.
-You are safe from ganks (unless they dive) and the enemy is in a bad position if they stay.)
-This will skyrocket your CS score above your enemies if done correctly however there are cons to this as well

-Enemy gets to roam meaning they can go aid in dragons, kills, and do other things with their team putting your team as a whole behind.(always warn your team you are going to freeze)
-Enemies can dive you since minions are at your tower if you get low enough.
-Enemies with range can still farm and they have free reign to go B and heal whenever they want.
Visual process of "How you Freeze a lane"

This is a video to show how to freeze the lane. I know my CSing here is bad, I know I had no opponent in lane(I was udyr though which can shield their harass and if they would come near me,God help them, they would get wrecked by my superior trade and as long as I could tank their damage the lane would not have moved, actually it wouldve stayed even more frozen if their was another person as if he would try and poke me to stop it it would result in my minions getting pushed XD) . The purpose of this video is to show you the basic steps of HOW to freeze a lane and hold it at your tower. Note I hold the lane at my tower for 5 minutes before I decide to push it off.

Tower Control:
Towers are key figures in top lane your tower is one of your greatest allies in lane while your enemies tower may very well be your greatest enemy. But when in top lane do you want to take your tower? I have had allies take tower at 8 mins into the game and lost the game because of this. When you blow up your enemies tower they have free reign to freeze the lane. If you are in the lead in a lane you typically will want to keep the enemy tower alive as long as possible (the enemy will feel responsible and stay in the lane to protect it even if you are much stronger and can easily dive him) and zone your enemies away from minions keeping them behind in the game. If the enemy goes to other lanes you should simply push down the tower and kill it, or if you feel you are stronger then the enemy and anything he and his team can through at you if you continue to try and farm and get xp go ahead and do so. If you kill the enemy on his tower typically you can follow it up with a farming session in between the enemy towers allowing your minions to chip away at theirs and making sure you get every CS as well.

A key part of top lane... of any lane actually is zoning, the act of making your enemy miss out on xp and gold and fall behind. When you get a lead on your opponent, such that you can go and kill him with little to no trouble you should zone him. Stay in between him and your minions not allowing him to get the xp or gold especially the cannon minion,(worth about as much xp as a wave of minions). When your minions reach his tower you can deny him with a dive. By killing him he will not get any xp or gold from the minions as they will simply run out into lane and die to the tower. Putting you even farther ahead.

Visual Aid:

A video of me zoning a tryndamere to show the basic concept of zoning. Yes I know im the Worst CSer in the world I have not practiced it in a custom game in forever, Yes that helps your CSing. Note when your zoning an opponent have a ward out, I did not and almost perished as result.

well this is the first special laning top facts I hoped you enjoyed this and that it will make you a better player at top lane. Knowledge of these facts separates the good players from the great players, Master the wave control master the top lane.

I plan on releasing these every day/other day until I get all of the top lane picks in the league if there are any requests leave in the comments below and ill work on them. I want to make this series for others to better understand the champions of top lane. Once I am done (Or once I have a few top facts out) I will release some Facts about top lane mechanics, eventually I will probably put everything into one generic top lane guide, however until I do that I will continue to watch and update my blogs as needed. Tips and tricks I missed under my Top Facts would be helpful if you put anything I don't have in the comments I will be sure to add it.If you have any questions about something I wrote or something about top lane in general you can email me at and I will respond ASAP Thank you and have a nice day :P