These are just a few of my thoughts and impressions of Vi as a top Laner after a few games as her on the PBE.

Champion Overview:

Vi is an AD bruiser/caster style of champion. She is EXTREMELY fun to play and relies on bashing enemies to kingdom come. She is very good at short quick trades before proceeding to burst down an enemy, but she is also a capable fighter in an auto attack fight due to her W steroid and debuff. Vi has no sustain so she does not do well against champions who poke her; however, her passive does give her a shield which can allow her to come out ahead of most enemies on trades. This shield does have the cooldown of a skill (around the same to get both her E stacks), which is why she is good at short quick trades. She has good killing power at 6 essentially having a Malphite and Warwick ult combined. Vi does scale decently well into late game if she is built somewhat tanky for her team and can initiate fights and burst down an enemy carry if she gets ahead. Vi's matchups in lane are really good. She receives ganks very well after she hits 6. She is decently safe from ganks with proper use of her Q.

Skills Overview:

Vi's passive is a shield worth 10% of her max hp. This actually is very strong for a passive and is very good for trading in the lane. This skill has a decent cooldown, BUT the cooldown starts as soon as the shield appears on you, meaning its not as long as the number looks.

Vi's Q is a good source of damage if it is charged and hits an enemy. This skill can also be used through minions as a wave clear and a way to jump on enemies. This skill has a mini knockback (Like maokai's Q) when an enemy gets hit, you can use this as a disengage if you do not want to all in the enemy and just wanted to poke. This skill does flag itself when you start charging, but it is useful regardless. This move is also your primary means of escape in lane, so do not use it for harass if you fear the enemy jungler is nearby.
Note: This skill can pass through walls.

This skill is your steroid, debuff, and main goal to active in a fight. This skill does a good amount of damage, as well as debuffing them and buffing yourself. If you ever want to duel an enemy in lane make sure you get this on first.

Vi's E is an on hit damage bonus and explosion behind the target. This skill looks really cool as well as being really good for waveclearing after your Q. This also has a slightly longer range than your normal auto, so you can use this to get that final hit in on the enemy as they run.

Vi's ultimate is a really good CC and burst move. This ultimate runs at the target knocking up (It feels more like a knock up than a knock aside) all the targets you run through then supressing the person you targeted while you give them a beat-down. In teamfights this will let you initiate on the carries and displace their front lines.

Good Items:

Black Cleaver- The armor shred plus your own armor shred is like cleaver stacking again. Tankiness also makes your shield bigger. =3

Trinity Force- This item synchronizes with Vi's kit really well.

Blade of the Ruined King- This item gives you sustain and a CC that is very strong on Vi as it allows her to stick to her target.

Bloodthirster- Damage and sustain.

Maw of Malmortius- Strong item vs mages in lane. The passive is really good.

Skill Order:


R- Ultimate and does good damage max first.

Q- Good damage wavelclear and disengage.

E- Good damage, but pushes if maxed first in lane.

E- The damage does not go up much for ranking. The "one point wonder skill"

Gameplay Preview:

Warning I have not played lol in a week and am rusty.