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Caramel Frappe's avatar

Caramel Frappe

Rank: User
Rep: Notable (1)
Status: Offline
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Summoner Info

The Dark Soul (Unverified)
Leona, Nami, Soraka
Support, Tank


I am 5.9 Feet tall, Have very dark brown hair, Mocha colored eyes, Caucasian, Born in the USA California, Part German and Irish, A Christian in Faith, and Overly Kind. Also a gamer for life!

Interests - Drawing, Helping Others, Playing Video Games, Socializing, Reading, Listening to Music, Daydreaming, Observing, Walking, Anime Related, The Escapist Threads, Managing Groups, Achieving Badges. Also playing League of Legends.

Leona main for life by the way!!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide