Welcome to another episode of the FRICKEN CM Channel. Is everyone like dead or something? I had a good 48 views on my last episode lol. I hope this episode can score more views and hopefully you guys are leave your comments. THE CONTEST IS STILL UP FOR A GOOD WEEK REMEMBER! Anyways, I'm not sure if I will continue doing this if I'm not getting enough views and comments. Therefore I encourage everyone to tell your friends and everyone who reads should COMMENT please! Very much appreciated.


Ok enough with me raging. This time I got some fun for everyone! Last episode I can say was a pretty bad failure. I didn't plan ahead of time. Or mainly because I'm a giant lazybum who excels at everything except life. Faith in myself has already declined to a very low stage. Here's your first image. If anyone here is a teacher or will become one, then here's something you might be interested in. Make your students feel the same wrath dogs feel!

I'm not sure who made this, but I definitely found a good reason for it. I wouldn't bet on it, but it's definitely pretty funny. The idea was very American I can tell. If you don't want to ruin your childhood (this is targeted for girls, not being sexist), then you may not want to see the next image. Guys may enjoy themselves. Anyways, here's Barbie in the next generation:

I hope everyone here knows what chat roulette is. Actually, I don't hope, it's better if you don't. But for the sake of this image, if you do know, then you'll have some fun looking at this next image here. Definitely wants some **** if you know what I'm saying.

Uhh what...didn't think this video would go overload but I bet everyone has seen it already (except me, which I found quite amusing and catching).

Uhh gangnam style gg. Also I'm buying new headphones just to listen to that.

... Pce out until the next episode (if there is going to be one).



And you guys might want to get 3D glasses. They're all the rage this season and will eventually overtake the world with 3D.