My team:
Blitzcrank - Support
Vayne - Carry
Katarina - Mid
Jayce - Top
Teemo - Top (It was a Lv20 game on my smurf)

Their team:
Tryndamere - Carry
Zac - "Support"
Annie - Mid
Shen - Top
Singed - Top

Bottom lane did fine. We got a few kills on them, they didn't get many on us. I tried to help Katarina out, who was getting eaten by Annie, but I was only able to get up there once. Vayne needs special care to babysit >u> Wards were up constantly on my side, and Teemo had our vision up on the top side of the map, not like they ganked much.

You can probably tell that they've got ridiculous wave clear XD So yeah, game went on...and on...and on...They destroyed us slowly, since we kept vision up and grouped together. Most people on both sides completed their build. Baron Nashorwas taken once by each team. I know we took Dragon a few times, but I don't know if they did. My only criticism was that Teemo didn't get Liandry's Torment, but I won't hold it against him. The little hamster was doing his best.

Overall, it was a fun game. The only reason it went on so long was because their Singed disconnected about an hour in XD