Uh... I got stopped x_X

Yeah, I admit to failing at delivering daily content and making a huge gap instead, but - here I am back on the track! There were numerous reasons for me to having a break, one of them being that I prefer to play a game rather than talk about it, but for now on I'll be back with sharing my thoughts. Maybe not on such a regular basis I used to before, but still - I hope you'll enjoy and share some comments with your thoughts on the topics mentioned in my posts.

Let's get started with the first topic, being the very first of the series of my personal toplists regarding League of Legends. Some of them are going to have a possitive aspect, but most of them are going to be pretty much about me showing what annoys me in this game, and in particular - what annoys me in people playing this game. So starting off with top5 most annoying behaviours I tend to face in a solo q ranked lobby!

No. 5 Flamers
Well, there are lots of people flaming already in lobby, but I admit some of them have reasons - some of them listed below, but here I mention only those that really don't have yet anything to complain about. Those are usually people who go like "Why u not ban xyz?!" or "Why u pick xxx, omg!" etc. Even if from technical point of view you do nothing wrong, they still need to shout, just because they have other opinion on what would be best, even if they i.e. don't know with which champions do you feel best at.

No. 4 Rage pickers
This one is pretty simple and hopefully it doesn't happen very often. Those are the people that make their picks just out of flame - some of the flamers mentioned above also turn out to be them. They choose badly, either troll picking or picking champion that they suck with, usually with addition of worst possible summoner spells choices. They do it just out of rage, cause you either didn't ban something or picked/banned champion/position they wanted to play with, either though they are technically lower than you (see point 1).

No. 3 Leavers
Very annoying. I know this doesn't impact later events in game (cause it won't exist), but I just hate it when I have to spend like 10 minutes in different lobbies just to have 1 game started! I know, that some people may have their reasons to leave, but why the hell some leave second after lobby begins? I mean, if they go to play than they should have time to play, not just give up on the first opportunity!

No. 2 If-you-failers
I put it high on the list, since I find this not only annoying, but also insulting (I'm not sure, but this could be also wrong against summoner's code). It usually happens when you pick a champion or position or generally do something that makes it impossible for 1 player to play what they intentionally wanted. And yeah, after this you can often receive this very special line... "Ok, but if you fail, I report you". Wow :o This sounds almost like: "Ok, but if you won't save my mother, I shall kill you" or something like those lines. I mean, chill! It's only a game! And do you really are like no.1 pro on this special champion/position that if someone picks it instead and than isn't as good as "you would probably be", does that really mean he should get a ban? No! So stfu and enjoy the game, instead of threatening people!

No. 1 Chat picks
Oh gosh... Where should I start? I just hate it and I think it should be warned, because of how annoying and against any common sense it is. Some people just think that if they write on the chat "me mid", "me top" or etc, that they HAVE TO go to that position! Like they just claimed it, even though they are last picks! I mean, who cares what you say!? The people above you choose before you, they are ordered automatically by the game (by elo or random), so they have the right to choose from all possible positions and you have to adjust! Why would positions be determined on the chat? Is it a f**king contest of who writes faster?! Be serious! And that people that go like "omg, i said i'm mid"; "i report you"; "f**king troll" etc, etc... No! I report YOU, cause you are f**king idiot! Noone gives a s**t about your stupid chat picks!

Uff.. Lots of aggresion from me on this single toplist, and even more coming with the second topic for today - my thoughts on the gameplay changes coming up with the new patch, or at least the ones that were presented on the video. Though really I pay less and less attention to the spotlights, just because they tend to skip all the most important information all the way - stuff like nerf on Will of the Ancient (there were 2 nerfs for this item so far, so if you want to spam my comments about how I fail in a way they mentioned one - go do it. I will laugh harshly enough on you ;), nerf on Atma or finally very severe (in a way more than the original one) second nerf on Morgana. Still, since we have nothing else so far, let's get though what was announced with the upcoming nerfing bla... Ekhem, patch.

First off, the imminent nerf on Darius. I mean, it was obvious he's going to be broken even before the release and all the hype towards him just payed off. He's one of the most wide banned champions right now, even if you count the fact that people are more willing to ban new champs since they don't know how to play against them. Darius is really powerful in a way that there is no straight counter to him, his farming phase is really strong and his ulti is just what makes him super strong. This time they nerfed him... So slightly I think it won't hurt him in any way. Some major damage decrease on some passive and removed refresh on ulti if not killed directly by ulti (like anyone ever relied on the 0.5 second afterkill...). The only good thing is that they practically promised to nerf him some more later - probably trying to give the people who bought him already some more time to enjoy him before nerfing useless (which is basically what I was predicting before the release).

Apart from it some more changes I cannot disagree more. Nerf on Ahri... For what? Being nerfed 2 times before? For an awful lie of her beeing banned? And beeing banned almost all the time? I can tell you, that since I started doing this blog I haven't seen a single ban on Ahri and trust me - I play lots of LoL and I play ranked only. So congratulations for this stupid behaviour - just nerf her more until she's useless. Just like you did with Sona. Nerf on Urgot?... Oh come on, nobody is playing him in the first place. Remake him or something if you want to give him some attention... Swain's buff? I never had any problems with countering Swain on my behalf and not really played him much myself, so I think this may be good. For me he was just plain bad, since his stun was so easy to dodge it practically had 1% success rate and the rest of the spells just didn't go without it. Graves's Q nerf... I can agree it's a great spell, but the hell - Caitlyn's Q is way better and more powerful than Graves's is! And they never did a single thing with it in the first place... I kind of cannot understand it how they spoil the AD carry's balance in general. I think that Caitlyn's domination on the bot lane which is happening now is just going to deepen even more with this patch. Especially that the upcoming new AD carry looks just... Plain bad.

Okay, that's it for today. For those of you who managed to read this though without getting any serious brain damage, leave your comments below and tell me what do you think about the topics mentioned above. For the rest... Just don't play any rankeds till you recover. No offence, but there are more toplists coming up soon.

Play ranked they said,