Hello, and welcome to my second installment of strategy sessions. This is a series of blog posts covering some basic game strategy that is certain to step up your game if you don't do these things already. If you would like a topic for me to touch base on in strategy sessions, let me know in the comments. Let's get to it!

Don't X out your screen, you aren't in a HoN blog. Yes, denying also exists in LoL, but it isn't like it is in other games. In dota/hon denying means literally last hitting your own creeps so they can't. **** move huh? Well believe it or not, you can also deny in LoL, but in different ways. I classify denying in two different ways - denial by pressure and denial by pushing. This is a really valuable skill to have and can help you drastically win in cs.

Denial by pressure

This is also known as "Zoning" and fine, I'll do it. I'll copy/paste that world famous zoning tutorial that if you haven't seen by now, you're just way behind the times (it really explains it quite well, so pay attention).

Denial by pushing

This one is much simpler, but I still see a lot of people not abuse this. IF you have a champion capable of clearing creep waves extremely fast ( Malzahar, Galio, Brand, etc etc) then do it. If you can manage to push the creeps in your lane into their tower, they are guaranteed to lose cs and exp. This also locks them in place in the lane and allows you to free roam for ganks. NEVER underestimate this.

Pushing out a lane can not only win and lose lanes, it can win and lose games. Not only are you gradually taking a CS lead over the opponent, but you are simultaneously available to gank other lanes, while the enemy has no idea where you are for that brief period. You are pretty much going to be mia for 10-15 seconds at a time which is a lot of pressure for other lanes as well, whether you decide to gank or not.

If you REALLY want to deny the enemy, harass them at their tower, or just attack the tower. If you attack their tower they are probably going to start attacking you, which loses them even more CS. This is getting pretty ballsy though, and you'd better make sure your lane is very well covered by wards.


#1: Smartcasting
#2: Map Awareness