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H4xDefender's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Established (123)
Status: Offline
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Summoner Info

Lee Sin, Graves, Gragas


Just a guy trying to get good at video games. Challenger jungler on NA. Captain of generic names are best. Former captain of Walnut High School League of Legends. Former starting jungler for Cal Poly Pomona Division 1 League team. S2 Jax god. S3 Jarvan IV god, S4 Lee Sin god, S5 Rek'Sai god, S6 Graves god, S7 Gragas god, S8 Xerath god, S9 Karthus god, and S10 Hecarim god. You can follow me on twitter @H4xDefender for updates on me. I'm always down to chat. (Just don't add me on league).

I'm a huge video game nerd. Formerly ranked top 50 on Scorehero for Guitar Hero 3, former top player in Combat Arms, low turn count enthusiast in Fire Emblem/Advance Wars, amateur speed runner across multiple games, Global Elite in CS:GO, top player in Dragon Nest 2011-2012, former top 100 of OU and UU ladder of both Pokemon Online and Showdown, SR75/Diamond Rank in overwatch S1/S2, and multiple time participant of the League of Legends NA Challenger series.

I enjoy listening to many different types of music, reading articles on topics that vary widely, and writing things when inspiration hits me. I've always found it difficult to commit to one thing overly much due to a variety of real life issues that have plagued me over time, but I'll be doing my best to get by. Currently taking a backseat on college to try to go pro in league. Majoring in English/History at Cal Poly Pomona.

New guides coming whenever I have time.

Accolades below. (not updated recently)

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide